Another Stupid War – LewRockwell

The good old US may have some terrible handicaps, like its leftist female media types (those man-hating, axe-faced, Nazi-esque maniacs give me the creeps), but with the Atlantic Ocean on one side and the Pacific on the other, plus two fairly weak neighbors to the north and south, people can sleep soundly without worrying about marauding Mongol hordes or the like. (Native criminal gangs are a different matter altogether.)

Which brings me to the war on the other side of the world, in faraway Russia, neighboring Ukraine, and a European defense mechanism called NATO that was invented some 75 years ago to prevent Soviet tanks from overrunning Europe. NATO’s slogan was something like Dumas’s Three Musketeers: All for One and One for All. It worked for a long time, until the Soviets imploded and the good old US decided to rule the world.

“The undisputed winner of this is Vladimir Putin, something that armchair warfare enthusiasts and profiteers in Washington and London still fail to understand.”

Fake tough-guy commentators in Britain (an island whose surrounding seas ensured that the British spoke English instead of German eighty years ago) and in America cheer on the war parties daily, some of these armchair heroes sounding like George Patton. War is hell, but you would never know it from the safety of the TV studios in Los Angeles and old New York. Today these fakers cheer the Ukrainian army’s invasion of Russia, and boast of British missiles and American tanks leading the way against the monster that is Putin. Listen to Taki: it is nonsense and evidence for people like me who have insisted all along that this war was planned and executed by the Anglo-American cabal who saw half a million Iraqis die because of the big lie of Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction. More can changeas they say in the land of cheese.

Let me explain: The Kursk Offensive brings back unwelcome ghosts of the past, especially for the Germans. In July 1943, Kursk was the site of the largest tank battle in history, and it ended only when Hitler was forced to withdraw two Panzer divisions from the area to defend against the American invasion of Sicily. Von Manstein’s Panzers were actually inferior to Zhukov’s T-34s, but the Luftwaffe had held the line for the two weeks of non-stop fighting, with the German side slightly favored. The current battles are merely shadow boxing compared to the real thing. The undisputed winner of this is Vladimir Putin, something that the armchair warfare buffs and profiteers in Washington and London have yet to understand. These greedy types have yet to understand that by driving Ukrainian tanks through Russian villages, they are giving Putin the greatest propaganda victory since the death of Hitler. For years, Putin has maintained that NATO’s eastern expansion was a hostile alliance plan to intimidate and threaten Russia. Putin’s warning to the Russian people that the West wanted to subjugate Russia has given him unexpected proof.

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