Cruz: Kamala Harris is not for the people, she is for the cartels, Hamas and the Chinese communists

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) gave his reaction to Kamala Harris’ speech formally accepting the Democratic Party’s nomination for president on the latest edition of his podcast “Verdict.”

SEN. TED CRUZ: She was the most liberal senator in the entire United States Senate. She voted to the left of Bernie Sanders and to the left of Elizabeth Warren. That’s a tough thing to do. I serve with Bernie and Elizabeth, they’re both really crazy on the far left, and Kamala was even further to the left. You remember Kamala as a senator, in a hearing she compared ICE, our immigration agents, to the KKK, which was grotesque and offensive and all that, she just erased that. Instead, she relied on her time, and by the way, she erased a lot of her time as DA, because her time as DA was a mess. She actually relied on her time as attorney general. And I have to tell you, state attorneys general, it’s a great job, because as attorney general of a state, you can take things that are really politically popular, that you can lean on. So she was able to say, I fought on behalf of the elderly, on behalf of veterans. Anybody who’s been attorney general could give you the same litany, but it’s a pretty effective litany. And she said, you know, she described going to court and saying Kamala Harris for the people. I have to say, after spending five and a half years as attorney general of Texas, every time I’ve been in court and said Ted Cruz for the state of Texas, look, it just sends shivers down your spine. I understood what she was saying when she said that, and I thought rhetorically, that was effective. Now the answer goes back to what we said before. The answer is, well, what have her policies done for the people? And they’ve hurt the people over and over again. Her record as a senator and her record as vice president is Kamala Harris for the criminals. Kamala Harris for the drug cartels. Kamala Harris for the human traffickers. Kamala Harris for the ayatollah. Kamala Harris for Hamas and Hezbollah, because the money she sent to the Ayatollah went to Hamas and Hezbollah. Kamala Harris for communist China. There was virtually no word about China in this entire speech, because this administration has been in bed with China since day one. Their record has always been on the side of everybody except the American people. But to make that point, it is the responsibility of the Trump campaign to make that point, because the media is absolutely not doing that.

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