Call the police if you see one in front of your Arizona home in 2024!

Known for its picturesque landscapes and vibrant cities like Phoenix, Tucson, and Scottsdale, Arizona is also a place where residents need to be vigilant about their surroundings. While the state offers a high quality of life with its warm climate and beautiful desert landscape, it also has its challenges. One of the growing concerns in Arizona is the presence of suspicious activity and objects that could pose a threat to public safety. In 2024, this issue has become even more prominent, leading authorities to issue guidelines on what to look for. This article will discuss several objects and situations that, if spotted outside your home, should prompt you to call the police immediately.

Understanding Arizona’s Risk Landscape

Arizona has seen significant population growth in recent years, particularly in cities like Phoenix, the fifth largest city in the United States with a population of over 1.7 million by 2023. This population explosion has led to an increase in both residential and commercial development, but it has also led to an increase in certain types of criminal activity. The state’s unique geographic location, bordering Mexico, adds an additional layer of complexity to the security concerns.

According to the Arizona Department of Public Safety, there has been a noticeable increase in crimes related to drug trafficking, human trafficking, and property crimes. In 2023 alone, Phoenix reported a 12% increase in property crimes compared to the previous year, while Tucson saw a 9% increase. These statistics underscore the importance of community awareness and prompt reporting of suspicious activity.

What to Watch Out For: Suspicious Objects Outside Your Home

  1. Unmarked vehicles parked for extended periods of time

    In 2024, there is a noticeable trend in Arizona where unmarked vehicles are being used for various illegal activities. These vehicles may have no license plates or illegible plates and are often parked for long periods of time in residential areas for no apparent reason.

    • Phoenix: Residents of neighborhoods like Arcadia and Paradise Valley have reported unmarked vehicles involved in surveillance activities linked to organized crime.
    • Tucson: In areas like Catalina Foothills, there have been multiple reports of suspicious vans being used for drug trafficking.

    If you see an unmarked vehicle parked outside your home for more than a few hours with no apparent purpose, it is vital to contact local authorities immediately. Providing details such as the make and model of the vehicle, as well as any identifying features, will help police take swift action.

  2. Suspicious packages or containers

    Another alarming trend is the appearance of suspicious packages or containers left outside homes. These can be anything from small boxes to large barrels, and are often associated with illegal dumping or, in some cases, explosives.

    • Scottsdale: In 2023, several incidents occurred where residents found strange containers in front of their homes, which were later identified as hazardous waste.
    • Table: Authorities reported cases where packages were used to smuggle drugs and left outside the homes of unsuspecting residents to be picked up later.

    If you come across a package or container that you weren’t expecting, don’t touch it. Instead, call the police and describe the object in detail. Law enforcement agencies have protocols in place to safely handle such situations.

  3. Strange symbols or markings

    Graffiti and strange symbols that appear on or near your property can be a sign of criminal activity. These markings are often used by gangs or other criminal organizations to warn others of the presence of valuables, potential targets, or territories.

    • Phoenix: In certain areas, such as South Mountain, there has been an increase in gang graffiti, often a precursor to more serious crimes.
    • Tempe: Strange chalk markings have been reported on sidewalks in university neighborhoods, believed to be signals for burglars.

    If you see unfamiliar symbols or graffiti near your home, it is advisable to report it to the police. By providing photos of the markings, authorities can identify the responsible groups and take preventive measures.

  4. Drones hover over residential areas

    The use of drones has become increasingly common in recent years and while they can be used for legitimate purposes, they can also be used for illegal activities. Drones hovering over residential areas for no apparent reason can be a cause for concern.

    • Gilbert: In 2023, there were several reports of burglars using drones to monitor homes for break-ins.
    • Donor: Some residents reported drones flying over their properties, raising concerns about privacy violations and possible criminal intent.

    If you see a drone hovering over your property or your neighborhood with no apparent purpose, it is important to report it to the police. In some cases, local ordinances may also allow you to take legal action against the operator.

Community vigilance is a critical component of preventing and addressing crime in Arizona. With population growth and the resulting increase in crime, residents must be proactive in protecting their neighborhoods.

  1. Neighborhood Watch Programs

    Arizona has a strong tradition of neighborhood watch programs, which have proven effective in reducing crime. These programs involve residents working together to monitor and report suspicious activity.

    • Phoenix: Phoenix’s Block Watch program is one of the largest in the state, covering neighborhoods from Sunnyslope to Laveen. It has contributed to a 15 percent decrease in property crimes in participating areas.
    • Tucson: Tucson’s Safe Streets initiative encourages residents to report anything unusual, which speeds up police response and increases community safety.
  2. Using technology to stay informed

    Thanks to advances in technology, it’s never been easier to stay informed about crime in your area. Apps like Nextdoor and Ring’s Neighbors allow residents to share information about suspicious activity and receive alerts about potential threats in real time.

    • Scottsdale: In 2023, the Scottsdale Police Department partnered with Ring to integrate doorbell video into their crime prevention strategies, leading to the arrest of several home invasion suspects.
    • Table: The Mesa Police Department encourages residents to use the Nextdoor app to stay informed about local crime trends and work together to keep their neighborhoods safe.

What to do if you see something suspicious

Knowing what to do if you encounter something suspicious outside your home is crucial to your safety and the safety of your community. Here are the steps you should take:

  1. Stay calm and assess the situation

    Your first priority should be to stay calm. Panic can cloud your judgment and make it difficult to take the necessary steps. Assess the situation from a safe distance and try to gather as much information as possible.

  2. Do not participate

    If you see anything suspicious, do not approach the object or the people involved. Your safety is paramount and confrontations with potential criminals can put you in danger.

  3. Document the details

    If possible, record any details that may be useful to law enforcement. This may include the make and model of a suspect vehicle, the appearance of the people involved, or the exact location of a suspicious package.

  4. Call the police

    Contact your local police department immediately. Give them all the details you have gathered and follow their instructions. In some cases, they may ask you to stay on the line until the officers arrive.

  5. Inform your neighbors

    Once you have called the police, consider notifying your neighbors, especially if the suspicious activity could pose a threat to them as well. This can help prevent potential harm and increase community vigilance.


Arizona is a state full of natural beauty and thriving communities, but like any other place, it is not immune to crime. The growing population and unique geographic challenges require residents to be more vigilant than ever. By being aware of potential threats lurking outside your home, such as unmarked vehicles, suspicious packages, strange symbols, and drones, you can take proactive steps to protect yourself and your community.

In 2024, the importance of community vigilance cannot be overstated. Programs such as neighborhood watches, the use of technology, and promptly reporting suspicious activity to law enforcement are essential to maintaining the safety and security of Arizona’s cities and towns. Remember, if you see something that seems out of place, it is always better to err on the side of caution and call law enforcement. Your quick action can prevent a crime and keep your neighborhood safe.

By staying informed and taking action when necessary, you can help make Arizona a safer place for everyone. Keep your eyes open, trust your instincts, and don’t hesitate to call for help when needed. Your vigilance can make all the difference.

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