Protection Against Human Trafficking — Reveal Martial Arts

The facts show that 1 in 4 slaves is under the age of 18.

Human trafficking is a serious and widespread problem that affects millions of people worldwide. It involves the exploitation of individuals through force, fraud or coercion for a variety of purposes, including forced labor, sexual exploitation and involuntary servitude. Here at Reveal Martial Arts we take human trafficking and child exploitation seriously.

Definition and forms:

  • Sex trafficking: Forcing or compelling persons, often women and children, into prostitution or other forms of sexual exploitation.

  • Labor trade: Includes forced labor in sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, domestic work, and construction. Victims are often held in inhumane conditions and receive little or no pay.

  • Child trafficking: Concerns the recruitment, transportation or harbouring of children for exploitation. This includes child labour, sexual exploitation and forced participation in armed conflict.

  • Organ trafficking:The illegal trade in human organs for transplantation, which often involves coercion or exploitation of vulnerable people.

🛡️ Tips for parents of children and teenagers!

🗣️ For Parents: Monitor Social Media Accounts and Apps

In the US, the majority of traffickers find their victims through social media, particularly visual sites/apps like Instagram and TikTok. Photos that seem innocent to parents can often attract the attention of sex trafficking recruiters (some of whom may be family members). Keep accounts set to “Private” at all times. Talk to your children about online safety at all times.

🧠 For juniors and teens:

  • Talk to adults you trust about someone who makes you feel uncomfortable.

  • Never share provocative photos of yourself or others.

  • Make sure your parents have access to your online passwords and searches.

  • Avoid online gaming or video chat rooms. These are open windows for predators to crawl through.

🗣️ For parents: never let your teen go out alone

Teens who are alone in malls, movie theaters, ice rinks, etc. are prime targets for traffickers. This is especially important when traveling. Teach your child to be aware of their surroundings and anyone staring or following them. Make sure they know how to ask for help. Also, make sure your teen knows never to meet a stranger in person, even if they think they know them from online interactions.

🧠 For juniors and teens:

🗣️ For parents: create a secret code word or phrase

For example, “I’m okay” or “I’m OK” really means “I’m NOT OK! I need help!” Teens may have gone willingly, but now realize they’re in a dangerous situation. Discuss what to do if the secret phrase is used: Do you have a follow-up text ready? Do you call the police?

🧠 For juniors and teens:

🗣️ For Parents: Discuss How Traffickers Target Victims

Young people aged 8-14 are the most sought-after commodity for sex traffickers. Demand strict controls and open transparency in all online interactions, including video games.

🧠 For juniors and teens:

  • Don’t accept money, gifts, or free trips from people your parents don’t know.

  • Make sure your parents have access to your online passwords and searches.

  • Check with each company that wants to interview you for a job. Ask for the Employer Identification Number (EIN) and check that number online.

  • If you are in immediate danger, call 911 or the National Human Trafficking Hotline at (888) 373-7888 to report suspected human trafficking situations.

🗣️ For parents: Teach kids to watch their drinks

Recruiters have been known to infiltrate parties and attempt to rob drug trafficking victims. Teach children never to leave a drink or food unattended.

🧠 For juniors and teens:

🗣️ For Parents: Install GPS Tracking

GPS tracking and location services apps can be obtained from your mobile carrier. Trackers can also be installed on a teen’s car so that you or the authorities can locate them. The latest gadgets like AirTags can be placed in your teen’s car and backpack and ensure that your child’s cell phone is ALWAYS sharing its location with you.

🧠 For juniors and teens:

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