The Pale Horse at the Olympics


Luckily, I didn’t bother to watch the satanic Illuminati ritual better known as the Olympics live, but I did see bits and pieces of it.

A limp man covered in blue body paint and a small dent presented as the main course at a Satanic Last Supper? Who can’t sing that well? Ew.

These opening ceremonies are offensive to EVERYONE. Not just Christians. Women. Gays! Most LGBTQ+ people aren’t exhibitionist freaks who want to show off their fat bellies half naked, they just want to live their lives and be left alone! IT MAKES THEM ALL LOOK BAD. It’s harmful not helpful to them.

This makes me angry.

We need to address that aspect of this, instead of just attacking all gays because of the few Satanic twits who misrepresent them on TV. That opening ceremony was 100% anti-gay as far as I’m concerned.

Some of my gay friends love Jesus. They wouldn’t be happy about this mare.

I was also struck by the metal horse. First thought in my head: The pale horseman of the apocalypse. Then I saw that everyone was thinking the same as me.

This guy said it better than me:

Clint Russel @LibertyLockPod

I have a lot to say about this… It’s amazing that the people who have made the alphabet mafia and “science” their own religion can’t come up with their own religious ceremonies.

Instead, they transplant it into the religious iconography they most despise. It is literal conquest through artistic desecration.

As you know, I am not very religious, but even I can see this for what it is. They are not only interested in replacing the domestic population. They are also trying to destroy the foundations of civilization. The constitution, marriage, parenthood, religion… Everything must be destroyed.

It may seem harmless to some. Hell, I probably would have laughed at it a few years ago. Not anymore. This is simply one of the most blatant and intentional insults I have ever seen. Undeniably, it really is.

An event that was meant to rally and unite the world in meritocratic endeavor, but was instead co-opted to launch artistic nuclear weapons on one religion. This is evil. I can’t describe it any other way.

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