JD Vance Is Again Educating Liberal Sunday Show Hosts, Especially on the Border

Once again, Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) made a Sunday show appearance to sell the Trump-Vance ticket, while the Harris-Walz ticket continues to hide from the press. He had a particularly memorable exchange when it came to how to handle the crisis at the southern border, which has been particularly dire under the Biden-Harris administration. During the most recent episode of NBC News’ “Meet the Press,” host Kristen Welker herself acknowledged that immigration is a “huge topic in this race,” though Vance had to set the record straight.

From the beginning, Welker came at it from a certain angle, including harping on family separations and trying to argue with Vance about the number of illegal immigrants who are actually here. As Vance recalled, “whatever the actual number is, it’s way too high, right? It’s millions and millions of illegal immigrants who have come here since Kamala Harris became the border czar a few years ago.”

Despite claiming she wanted to do this “really quickly,” Welker felt the need to protest Harris’ title as border czar, which was bestowed on her in March 2021. Other mainstream media outlets, most notably Axios, as well as Sunday hosts like ABC News’ Jonathan Karl, have made similar denials.

When Welker interrupted Vance to say that Harris was “responsible for addressing the root causes of migration,” the senator was quick to remind her what Harris had to do with those “root causes.”

“Well, the root cause of migration, I would say, Kristen, is Kamala Harris refusing to do her job as border czar. And let’s start there,” he responded, noting that “I think it’s important to get this right.”

“So if you’re going to get control of the problem of illegal immigration, you’ve got to stop the bleeding. You’ve got to stop so many people from coming here illegally. And that means you’ve got to undo everything that Kamala Harris did, basically on day one of the administration,” Vance stressed. “You’ve got to reinstate deportations, you’ve got to stop catch and release, you’ve got to stop granting asylum to every person who comes here and says they need asylum, and you’ve got to stop mass parole. These policies are the reason we have the immigration crisis that we have. So I think we need to focus on solving the problem. Before we even solve the problem, we’ve got to stop the problem from getting worse.”

The first day of the Trump administration will indeed want to repeal the Biden-Harris orders on immigration. Those at the Border Patrol Council have pointed out that the Biden-Harris administration has rejected their proposals, thereby undoing the successes of the previous Trump administration.

On his first day in office, President Joe Biden signed an executive order ending the emergency at the southern border and funding the border wall.

The Biden-Harris administration has done much more damage, as Republicans in the House of Representatives have pointed out.

Welker then outrageously claimed that “President Biden has taken a series of executive actions and the number of illegal border crossings is now at the lowest level in about five years.” She tried to go further, though Vance again corrected her.

“The southern border crossings are down because the Harris administration is sending more immigrants through ports of entry. So instead of going through the southern border, they’re now being flown at taxpayer expense to ports of entry all over the country,” Vance explained. “The illegal border crossings, Kristen, this is a very important point, they’re not down. They’re just shifting how people are coming into the country in the first place,” he added, emphasizing that “this is very important.”

Vance once again slammed Harris as a failed border czar, pointing out that he “doesn’t want a border czar who makes it more efficient for illegal immigrants to come into this country” and that “that’s why we have this problem.”

As for Welker’s recurring question about family separations, Vance not only pointed out that “you start with the most violent criminals in our country,” and reminded that “those people need to be deported,” he also pointed to the current plight of children being brought here. This includes “a number of children who are currently living with drug cartel members, not with their families.”

“But it’s very interesting here because what Kamala Harris is saying is that Donald Trump wants to separate families. Kamala Harris’ policies have resulted in thousands and thousands of migrant children living with sex traffickers and drug cartels,” Vance argued, recalling that “that’s the result of her policies” before Welker again defended the Biden-Harris administration.

A report released earlier this month found that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) lost more than 32,000 children between 2019 and 2023. A new website from the Trump and Vance campaign, which highlights Harris’ “bloodbaths at the border,” lists the disappearances among other failures.

“Kamala Harris cannot claim that she doesn’t know that her policies… are separating families. They are. And everybody knows that. And she has to take responsibility for that. That’s real leadership,” Vance said.

On deportations, a June CBS News/YouGov poll found that 62 percent of voters support mass deportations of illegal immigrants.

As the segment moved on to another topic that Vance and Welker were discussing, the senator made another great statement on the matter, namely that “maintaining our borders is the most humane thing we can do, for children and certainly for American citizens.”

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