Extend Socialism to the US – California Globe

The ongoing debate over whether Vice President Kamala Harris was the “border czar” misses a more important point about her role in the border crisis. When President Biden announced her new role, he did not explicitly name her border czar. But he and Harris did announce a strategy to address the “root cause” of the increase in the countries of origin, with her at the helm. It was a strategy that was not intended to work, and she made minimal effort to do so. Instead, her strategy appears to be to get the US to implement the same failed policies as those countries.

Biden made the announcement on March 24, 2021, just two months after he took office. He was responding to an unprecedented influx at the southern border. The cause was clear. On Day One, he had rolled back virtually all of President Trump’s border policies, most notably the “remain in Mexico” policy.

Remember, the border was Trump’s top issue when he ran for office in 2016. President Obama began treating immigrants who crossed the border illegally as migrants seeking political refugee status. Migrants learned that it was better to turn yourself in and claim refugee status than to try to evade Border Patrol. Under Obama, you would be processed and then wait years later for your hearing. in the United States. During Obama’s last year, 553,000 encounters with migrants took place.

Trump reversed that, continuing to allow them to apply for political refugee status but requiring them to wait in Mexico for their hearing. Although he also tried to expand the border wall, this policy change was far more important than any wall. The new policy eliminated most of the incentive for migrants to come. The change caused numbers to drop significantly. Last year, during the Trump era, only 458,000 encounters with migrants took place.

Biden reversed the policy and turned the tap back on. Under the Biden-Harris administration, migrants were given the freedom to travel anywhere along our nearly 2,000-mile southern border. They don’t have to enter through an official entry point. Cross the desert, the mountains or the river at the place you choose (or, more accurately, the place the drug cartel chooses). No problem, we will bring the border control to you, register you on the spot and grant you immediate access.

They are processed and admitted as political refugees, not illegal immigrants. That is the hook and the key to the Biden-Harris open border experiment. U.S. immigration law (Title VIII, Section 1158(b)) provides: “To establish that an applicant is a refugee, the applicant must show that race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion was or will be at least one of the principal reasons for the persecution of the applicant.”

The number of encounters with migrants rose to more than 1.7 million in the first year of Biden-Harris, and to more than 2.3 million in their second and third years. That is more than five times as many as in the last year of Trump.

Of course, the vast majority of these migrants do not come here to escape persecution. They come because they are poor, which is not a reason for asylum. If they were escaping persecution, where are the reports of millions of Central and South Americans being persecuted because of their race or religion? That would be strange, since they are virtually all of the same race and religion. While there are certainly some people persecuted for their political beliefs in countries like Venezuela, those numbers are relatively small.

If there were such persecutions, then this would be the “root cause” of migration, and Harris would be there to fight political persecution and discrimination. But she never mentioned any form of discrimination.

In making the announcement, Biden avoided citing the most obvious reason for migration, claiming instead that “the reason so many people left, we found out, was not just gang violence, human trafficking, cartels, but natural disasters, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes.” However, none of these things are grounds for political asylum.

Blaming the increase on “natural disasters” is straight out of the socialist/globalist playbook. They regularly claim that climate change is causing migration. So, while they’re opening borders, they claim that if you want to control migration, you better deal with climate change. Harris, of course, was a big supporter of the “Green New Deal” and even co-sponsored legislation originally introduced by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

The poverty they are trying to escape is largely caused by socialist governments led by corrupt officials. Instead of solving the border problem by simply restoring the Remain in Mexico policy, Biden-Harris announced a plan to stop migration not at our border, but at its source, thereby rebuilding the economies of the countries from which it comes. In other words, they put a socialist in charge of solving socialism.

Biden explained: “The best way to keep people from coming is to keep them from wanting to leave.” Some argue that the best way is to enforce your border. It goes without saying that this is an ambitious and expensive plan, since most countries have more poverty than the US.

In support of the plan, they announced that they would donate millions of American taxpayer dollars. Biden said he would reinstate an Obama plan, canceled by the Trump administration, to send $700 million to Northern Triangle countries.

In June 2021, Harris announced an additional $310 million in humanitarian and food assistance. She also visited Guatemala at that time. That was her only trip to the Northern Triangle countries during her vice presidency, despite identifying them as the primary source of migrants. Of course, her minimal efforts did not work. The numbers have only increased since she took on her new role.

The second part of her strategy is the quiet part: implementing the same socialism here in the US When the US also has a corrupt, socialist government, it is no longer a place to flee to. This alleviates the need for a border wall or ICE, both of which she opposed. Her support for socialism is well documented, from her support for the Green New Deal to Medicare for all and the end of private insurance to her infamous statement and tweet that “equality” means “we all end up in the same place,” i.e., equality of outcome. This is a socialist/communist concept, along the lines of “from each according to your ability, to each according to your need.” Regardless of your individual merit, you get the same reward.

Based on her actions and inactions, we can safely assume that a Harris victory will ensure the continuation of a “last America” administration on immigration policy.

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