Update: The Missouri Sheriff Said He Told the FBI That He Won’t Comply With Audits Regarding Missouri Counties’ Concealed Carry Permit Information, Mayhem, A.K.A. Tribulation, Biblical Tribulation , It Will Be Nation Against Nation, Brother Against Brother, Mother Against Daughter, Government Against Government, State Against State


Abbott Calls the Border Situation a “Invasion,” and Says Texas Will Take “Unprecedented Measures” to Combat It

HNewsWire: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) has proclaimed a “invasion” as illegal immigrants continue to pour into the state.

The newly re-elected governor is citing the Invasion Clause of the United States and Texas Constitutions to use powers expressly granted for an invasion scenario.

The news was made by the governor in a tweet on Tuesday.

“I utilized the U.S. and Texas Constitutions’ Invasion Clauses to fully enable Texas to take extraordinary actions to protect our state against an invasion,” he wrote.

NBC Suspends Reporter In Connection With Retracted Paul Pelosi Story

Abbot went on to describe the authorities he will use in order to “keep our state and country safe:”

Deploy the National Guard to protect the border, as well as to resist and turn back illegal immigration.

Deploy the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) to apprehend and repatriate unlawful border crossers, as well as to arrest illegal immigrants for criminal conduct.

Build a border wall in various counties;

Send out gunboats;

Mexican drug cartels should be designated as foreign terrorist groups.

Make an agreement with other states to safeguard the border;

Make arrangements with foreign nations to improve border security;

Provide funding to border counties to help them respond to the “border invasion.”

This is not Abbot’s first time speaking out against open borders and illegal immigration.

In July, the governor issued an executive order directing state law enforcement to “apprehend” and “return” illegal immigrants who enter between ports of entry.

Can you find the Transgender Beauty Queen?

According to US Customs and Border Protection, nearly 2 million illegal aliens have crossed the US-Mexico border this year.

2 Timothy 3:1-5

But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.



Update: The Missouri Sheriff Said He Told the FBI That He Won’t Comply With Audits Regarding Missouri Counties’ Concealed Carry Permit Information, Mayhem, A.K.A. Tribulation, Biblical Tribulation , It Will Be Nation Against Nation, Brother Against Brother, Mother Against Daughter, Government Against Government, State Against State

By StevieRay Hansen


August 29, 2024



  Abbott Calls the Border Situation a “Invasion,” and Says Texas Will Take “Unprecedented Measures” to Combat It HNewsWire: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) has proclaimed a “invasion” as illegal immigrants continue to pour into the state. The newly re-elected governor is citing the Invasion Clause of the United States and Texas Constitutions to use powers expressly granted for an invasion scenario. The news was made by the governor in a tweet on Tuesday. “I utilized the U.S. and Texas Constitutions’ Invasion Clauses to fully enable Texas to take extraordinary actions to protect our state against an invasion,” he wrote. NBC Suspends Reporter In Connection With Retracted Paul Pelosi Story Abbot went on to describe the authorities he will use in order to “keep our state and country safe:” Deploy the National Guard to protect the border, as well as to…



Update: Mayhem a.k.a Tribulation, Biblical Tribulation , It Will Be Nation Against Nation, Brother Against Brother, Mother Against Daughter, Government Against Government, State Against State, Get Ready For Hell On Earth

By StevieRay Hansen


May 11, 2024



Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said that his government will provide charter buses or flights to transport illegal immigrants released from federal custody into its territory to Washing HNewsWire: Watchman: According to the White House, Islamophobia Is the Issue, Not Anti-semitism…   Q Was the president briefed on Samantha Woll, the leader of a synagogue in Detroit who was stabbed to death? MS. JEAN-PIERRE: So, obviously, our hearts go out to the families there. It’s a devastating, devastating news story. The President obviously is-just like everyone else is paying close attention and saw those reports. I don’t have anything else to add. Obviously, the investigation continues, and we are willing to assist in any way. I just don’t have anything else beyond that. Q: What is his level of concern right now about the potential rise of antisemitism in light of…


David Brock(1)

Watchman’s Update: According to the Watchman, There Will Be Great Division—Brother Against Brother, Mother Against Daughter, and Son Against Father—and These Corrupt Wealthy Individuals and Politicians Will Literally Tear Each Other Apart..

By StevieRay Hansen


April 13, 2024



Mega-Rich Are Going into Hiding at Warp Speed! HNewsWire: by Tyler Durden Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Modernity.news, The mega rich are forcing out millionaires as ‘billionaire bunker’ island, Indian Creek in Miami, Florida, increasingly becomes a private enclave of the uber elite. A local historian told Bloomberg that even wealthy people can no longer afford to live on the island because they are being priced out by people like Amazon’s Jeff Bezos. “Only the very wealthy, the billionaires can afford to live in Indian Creek now. Hundreds of millions aren’t gonna cut it anymore,” said Paul George. Bezos already owns multiple properties on the island and is looking to buy three more, having bought two neighboring homes on the island for a total of nearly $150 million last year. Why anyone would need five or more properties on…



Texas GOP Passes Resolution Declaring Biden ‘Not Legitimately Elected’ Mayhem a.k.a Tribulation, Biblical Tribulation , It Will Be Nation Against Nation, Brother Against Brother, Mother Against Daughter, Government Against Government, State Against State

By StevieRay Hansen


April 13, 2024



HNewsWire: Texas Republicans issued a resolution on June 18 claiming that Satan Soldier Joe Biden was “not lawfully elected,” and that “substantial” electoral fraud in important urban areas altered the outcome of the 2020 presidential election in favor of Biden. “We believe that the 2020 election violated Article 1 and 2 of the US Constitution, that various secretaries of state illegally circumvented their state legislatures in conducting their elections in multiple ways, including by allowing ballots to be received after November 3, 2020,” stated a resolution passed on Saturday, the last day of a three-day biennial Texas GOP convention held in Houston, the Texas Tribune reported. The resolution went on to say, “We think that widespread electoral fraud in important urban areas considerably altered the outcomes in five critical states in favor of Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. “We reject the…


WatchmanNice One -281

Hitler Play Book: ‘Rat Out Your Neighbor’ Energy Use Posters,”if a Complaint Is Filed in This Direction, the Police Must Act” It Will Be Nation Against Nation, Brother Against Brother, Mother Against Daughter, Government Against Government, State Against State,Tribulation

By StevieRay Hansen


September 12, 2022



HNewsWire: A poster urging Swiss citizens to report neighbors who heat their homes above 19C (66.2F) has gone viral on Swiss social media, raising eyebrows in light of the country’s stringent measures to reduce gas use this winter, which include fines and up to three years in prison for citizens who violate new regulations. According to Swiss media, there is currently a sign circulating on messaging systems like Signal and Telegram that reads, “Does the neighbor heat the apartment to over 19 degrees? Please inform us.” Energy Department spokesperson Simone Hug claims the federal government has nothing to do with the poster. Hug stated that the administration is looking into who manufactured the fake and that there are no such federal posters or calls for persons to be revealed. According to the news source 20 Minuten, the supposed poster can be…


HNewsWire: Revelation 6:6, KJV: And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.

In this verse John writes that he heard what seemed to be a voice coming from the midst of the four living creatures (Revelation 4:6–8). The voice announced that a quart of wheat was selling for a denarius and three quarts of barley cost a denarius. Symbolically, this passage seems to indicate a common experience in real-world crises: war and famine give way to inflation due to supply and demand.

A denarius in the first century was usually equal to a day’s wages, and the amount of grain given here is just enough to keep a person alive. These are also the commodities of the common person: basic staples for living. The implication seems to be that most people in this part of the tribulation are struggling just to meet their basic survival needs. This is the kind of poverty which threatens a person’s life, not merely their lifestyle.

A Missouri sheriff has warned the FBI that he would not cooperate with audits of concealed carry permit information in Missouri counties. Mayhem, sometimes known as Tribulation, Biblical Tribulation, and the Great Tribulation, is a period of chaos. It will be nation vs nation, brother versus brother, mother versus daughter, government versus government, and state versus state.

A Missouri sheriff indicated he informed the FBI he would not assist with audits of concealed carry permit information in Missouri counties.

On January 19, 2016, handguns were featured at the 2016 National Shooting Sports Foundation’s Shooting, Hunting, and Outdoor Trade Show at the Sands Expo and Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Scotland County Sheriff Bryan Whitney has said publicly that his department would not participate with the bureau’s audit.

Whitney, a Republican, stated in a letter pertaining to concealed carry weapons licences on July 18: “I want all my constituents to know that I will not authorize, comply, or divulge any CCW information to the FBI, even under the fear of a federal arrest.”

“If necessary, I will go down with the ship.”

According to the FBI, the audits would not “need access to lists such as state-approved concealed carry holders.” It characterized the audit as “normal” and something that had previously occurred in Missouri.

The FBI stated that access to lists such as state-approved concealed carry holders would never be required by auditors, nor would the CJIS Division retain information beyond what is required to address a specific compliance concern, noting that the bureau has “been through this routine audit multiple times, most recently in 2018.”

By press time, FBI authorities had not responded to a request for comment.

Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, a Republican candidate for governor, wrote to FBI Director Christopher Wray, urging him not to “illegally get information from local sheriffs on Missourians who have concealed carry licenses.”

“The FBI has absolutely no business prying into the private information of people who have earned a concealed carry permit in Missouri,” Schmitt wrote. “On my watch, Missourians’ Second Amendment rights will not be violated.” ” I will use all of my authority to prevent the FBI, which has become ruthlessly politicized and has practically no trust, from unlawfully probing into the personal information of Missouri gun owners.”

Breach of Data

According to gun rights advocates, when the California Department of Justice released a new dashboard portal website a few weeks ago, it spilled the personal information of thousands of individuals in the state who had concealed carry licenses.

HNewsWire- As Luke 12:49 and Revelation warn, there will be immense separation as these dishonest politicians practically rip each other apart – brother against brother, mother against daughter, son against father. It’s going to become exciting and dirty, and there will be mayhem all around the planet.

Force is now the sole remaining rule in deep state-controlled America. Everything else has fallen apart. No free speech, no fair trial, no justice system, no reasonable expectation of human rights anywhere, no fair elections, no honest news, no honest Wall Street operations, no real public education, no clean food, and threats from the elitist, the power structure hell-bent on bringing the New World order into the sleeping masses’ reality. Wake up or be yoked. The decision is still in the hands of the people. Only God can save us from the terrible afflictions. The Antichrist will then arrive, making many bogus promises of peace and security. It is, in fact, the yoking of humanity. We’ve arrived to the Great Tribulations…

On January 1, 2020, the world entered a period of turmoil. Worst is still to come. Everywhere there is anarchy. Hell on Earth, It’s Going to Get Real, and There’s Nowhere to Hide…


Sources: ZeroHedge  HNewsWire  HNewsWire  HNewsWire



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