New UN treaty opens door to pedophilia: UN protects ‘consensual’ sexual acts by children

States will be given full freedom to legalize ‘sexting’ between minors, by decriminalizing the generation and distribution of sexual content between them.

Under the pretext of implementing the international fight against cybercrime, a new United Nations treaty, expected to be adopted by the end of this year, is preparing to legitimize in certain cases the publication of “consensual” sexual acts by children. The treaty requires signatory states to “take the necessary legislative and other measures to establish the acts of distributing or otherwise making available ‘content presenting child sexual abuse or child sexual exploitation through an information and communications system’ as criminal offenses under their domestic law.” But after drawing up the list of acts concerned, the treaty immediately provides for exceptions, suggesting that ultimately tracking the dissemination of child pornography may suffer from exceptions requested by states.

In short: States have complete freedom to legalize “sexting” between minors, by decriminalizing the generation and distribution of sexual content between them. This legalization can also be extended to content involving children who have reached the age of legal “consent” and adults. The consensual production, transmission or possession of sexual content between minors can also be excluded from the list of prohibited acts, provided that said content is reserved for the private and consensual use of the persons involved.

UN Convention on Cybercrime Protects Pedophilia

During the discussions that took place in early August within the framework of the special committee charged with drawing up a general international treaty to combat the use of information and communication technologies for criminal purposes, there were strong complaints about leaving the door open to exceptions that could be to the detriment of children and promote perverse sexual practices.

The delegations from Iran and the Democratic Republic of Congo, for example, rebelled against the majority of the 91 countries that had adopted the text as it stands, which would have made redundant the much more protective provisions against child pornography in the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The presence of the United States among the countries supporting this new laxity is surprising, according to the family defense organization C-Fam, to the extent that 25 years ago the US had led the offensive to have the Protocol adopt the strictest possible rules, prohibiting even the simple possession of child pornography.

Many delegations – from African, Muslim, South American countries, often close to Russia, which also rejected the exceptions – have tried in vain to have local provisions allowing “sexting” between minors or between minors of the age of “consent” and adults removed. Only the non-consensual distribution of such images outside the circle of those who have given their consent is not systematically criminalized under the current wording of the draft treaty.

UN recognizes sexual ‘consent’ of children

Unfortunately, the perverse West is seen as the promoter of evil and the finger is pointed, but we must not forget that it is also the international institutions that have long facilitated and supported this demoralization of the countries that brought Christianity to the entire world.

Proponents of exceptions, on the other hand, have argued that the distribution of certain child pornographic images, presented as “intimate,” does not harm children and that the treaty is “innovative” because it requires parties to criminalize “non-consensual disclosure of intimate images” – and only that.

Furthermore, states can exclude child pornography images that do not feature real people from the scope of the Convention, which amounts to legalizing the distribution of virtual images of sexual activities involving a minor. With the rise of content generated by artificial intelligence, we can imagine anything: the prohibitions set out in Article 14.2 of the draft are in reality almost systematically circumventable in one way or another.

Extract from the UN Convention

Below are the provisions of Article 14 of the draft Treaty, with the exceptions which concern us, as adopted by the majority ten days ago:

2. For the purposes of this Article, “content depicting the sexual abuse or sexual exploitation of children” means any visual content, and may include any written or audio content, that depicts, describes or represents a person under the age of 18:

a) Performing an actual or simulated sexual act;
(b) In the presence of a person performing a sexual act;
(c) whose genitals are displayed primarily for sexual purposes; or
(d) Subjected to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, when the content is of a sexual nature.

3. A State Party may require that the content referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article be limited to the following:

a) Content that depicts, describes or represents an actual person; or
(b) Content that visually depicts sexual abuse or sexual exploitation of children.

4. In accordance with their domestic law and in a manner consistent with applicable international obligations, States Parties may take measures to exclude the criminalisation of the following:
a) Acts committed by children in the case of self-generated content depicting them; or (
(b) The consensual production, transmission or possession of content described in subparagraphs (a) to (c) of paragraph 2 of this Article, where the acts depicted are lawful under national law and such content is intended exclusively for the private and consensual use of the persons participating in the acts in question.

Why these exceptions? Representatives of the European Union, Austria, Human Rights Watch and others have insisted that there is no question of exposing minors to criminal prosecution in the context of their “legitimate” and consensual sexual relations.

Beautiful hypocrisy. Besides the fact that these exceptions “normalize” the distribution of images that promote pedophilia and make it acceptable for those who experience these desires, they justify the exchange of images with sexual connotations between minors who are thus “sexualized” before their time – and too often fall victim to pressure, blackmail and abuse, even exploitation by dating sites that obtain images of “nude photos” of children and are put in contact with them. Other children, barely 12 or 13 years old, think that exchanging nude photos of themselves is a “normal” way of saying that they are in love… And others, after their photos have been distributed, end up committing suicide.

Bishop Munilla slams UN treaty that opens door to child pornography

The whole affair has caused a stir, especially in Spain, where Bishop José-Ignacio Munilla of Orihuela-Alicante has called for “tooth and nail defense of our children” against the rise of paedophilia.

He noted in an interview with Religión en Libertad:

“The language was cryptic and misleading, as is usual in such cases. But if we are talking about the right of one party to have a sexual relationship, it is clear that the other party has the same right. In other words, if children have the right to have consensual sex with adults, adults also have the right to have consensual sex with minors. This is an irrefutable conclusion!”

“We are working to create a legal basis for corruption of minors.

« The downward slope that Simone de Beauvoir set in motion – and whose most popular staging was in May 68 – was marked by a progressive denaturation of sexuality. Sex, disconnected from the natural purposes for which it was created – 1) to forge our sexual identity, 2) the expression of love and self-giving between spouses, and 3) procreation – the succession of deviations has increased to a crescendo, which today reaches pedophilia. It is important to emphasize that the current phase would have been impossible without these precedents: free sexuality, contraception, abortion, homosexuality, pornography, transsexuality… »

Bishop Omilla then recalled the title of a conference held in the diocese about ten years ago: “Be careful with my children, I bite.”

“Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to stumble, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea,” Christ said to the apostles. Collectively, consciously, through the United Nations, this is what the world is doing.

Jeanne Smits


#pedophilia #pedocriminality #ONU

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