Brunei to attend meetings on transnational crime

Brunei Darussalam participated in the 18th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Transnational Crime (18th AMMTC) and related meetings in Vientiane, Laos, from August 28 to yesterday.

The Deputy Minister (Security and Justice) at the Prime Minister’s Office, Dato Seri Paduka Haji Sufian bin Haji Sabtu, led the delegation from the Sultanate.

The Deputy Minister issued a statement outlining Brunei’s priorities and initiatives to tackle transnational crime, including cybercrime, terrorism, drugs, human trafficking and smuggling.

Dato Seri Paduka Haji Sufian noted that the Sultanate and other ASEAN member states are increasingly facing online scams. He stressed that cybercriminals are now using artificial intelligence as part of their modus operandi.

Another issue Brunei is focusing on is the threat of terrorism and the spread of violent and extremist propaganda.

On human trafficking, the Deputy Minister stressed that different parties should use more transparent, consistent and fair assessment methods in the reporting conducted by the Sultanate and other ASEAN member states, particularly in publications such as the United States Trafficking in Persons Report.

The AMMTC also held consultations with ASEAN dialogue partners, with the Deputy Minister reiterating Brunei’s commitment and support to strengthen cooperation to protect, serve and maintain peace and stability in the region and beyond.

The 18th AMMTC and its related meetings also adopted 12 documents, including the establishment of the Working Group on Human Trafficking of the Senior Officials’ Meeting on Transnational Crime (SOMTC), guidelines, a template for concept notes for initiatives, updated terms of reference, declarations and joint statements.

Brunei’s Ambassador to Laos, Haji Roslan bin Haji Yacub, and the Acting Permanent Secretary (Security and Justice) at the PMO, Zulhusam bin Haji Abdul Samad, as head of the SOMTC for the Sultanate, were also present at the meetings.

Deputy Minister (Security and Justice) at the Office of the Prime Minister Dato Seri Paduka Haji Sufian bin Haji Sabtu in a group photo. PHOTO: PMO

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