August 29, 2024: War? What War? (Videos) – Starship Earth: The Big Picture

The movements are becoming more and more open and it will soon be impossible to ignore the war. The struggle for power and control rages every day under the covers and many still sleep through it. However, we have come a long way, with many more eyes than a few years ago. The threats are breaking through the psyche of thinking people and they can now see the enemy in all its forms. What they do not recognize in many cases is the depth and breadth of the evil, but that will come. It is not just politics. That is only the arena in which the visible part of the battle is fought. En garde!

Greg Reese gave an excellent overview of the dynamics of the expected next “event” to prevent Trump from being elected. The globalists are no longer in control. They now have the luxury of non-stop damage control because the Alliance has routed them. What will they cook up next in their cauldron? 5 min.

REESE REPORT | Desperate Global Elites and Operation Lock Step

The updates on the attempted assassination of Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania are still coming out. You’d have to be crazy not to see the red flags. The public is being fed the typical lies, cover-ups, and irregularities that always accompany these types of events. They are being taught that the FBI, CIA, certain law enforcement agencies, judges, lawyers, etc. are not our friends. Corruption has made America almost unrecognizable.

What will result is the realization that the Mafia has been running America and the world – with impunity – and they don’t care who they have to eliminate to accomplish their agenda. It’s standard procedure to erase problems and keep secrets. But this time it will be different. Heads are going to roll.

In fact, the psychopaths who run the world have no problem eliminating hundreds or thousands of people in one fell swoop. They love to terrorize people and keep us in fear and dread all the time.

Hell’s bells! This is the Reps’ kryptonite. Who knew the Reps hated them? Is that why JFK had a ship’s bell on his yacht? We have a Soleri wind bell and it’s been ringing in the wind a lot these days.

I think you already guessed the next part.

We recently talked about NPCs and the real Earth census. Does this math work for you?

Interesting that they called it “Seahaven” where Maritime Law/Law of the Sea rules. Movies tell us so much…if only we knew what to look for. When we do, it’s almost too late and many don’t believe it anyway. It’s all dismissed as fantasy and entertainment.

Do parents know that some of the movies their kids are watching are about torturing children and harvesting adrenochrome? “Monsters, Inc.” for example, explained it. They put it right in our faces; hidden in plain sight.

The great cleanup is in full swing and the “filth” LTC Bosi speaks of has been swept away, and will never plague humanity again. There is so much air traffic these days, you could watch it all day and never run out of planes to watch. Sealed indictments need to be broken open at least once a week.

Here is a common sense illustration for us of Telegram scammers trying to cause trouble. They know people want EBS so they use it against them. Scott, the Patriot Streetfighter is dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s.

We can’t say it enough, folks. You don’t telegraph to the enemy when you’re going to take specific actions or how your operations are going to work. It’s just common sense. We don’t get any warning of an EBS. I hope you’re all prepared for any eventuality.


This was just sent to me, forwarded from the Telegram channel JFK fans. This was clearly done by a fake Patriot Streetfighter account.

My voice saying exactly that the EBS is imminent and other nonsense…

I don’t drop critical information on telegram. I turn on the channel and start recording a show about it.

I assure you that I personally will never know when the EBS will be activated, if it does. I am not in that pay grade.

The cosmic chess game is still going on. Good luck with that, NC.

BREAKING: North Carolina is the latest state to block RFK Jr.’s request to remove his name from the 2024 ballot

That’s it for today. Until next time. ~ BP

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