Harris campaign enlists big-time legal guns

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Mike Huckabee

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1 John 4:19

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Back in 1986, Geraldo Rivera set a viewership record with a two-hour prime time special in which he and a crew dug into a basement vault once owned by Al Capone, broke it open, and found…nothing but some random debris. I couldn’t help thinking of that show last night as I watched CNN use space-filling commentary and endless commercials to stretch 18 minutes of empty conversation with Kamala Harris and Tim Walz into a pointless hour of prime time TV, without digging up anything of value.

This was supposed to be Harris’ first real interview since being anointed as the Democratic Presidential candidate over a month ago, but it wasn’t really an interview. As I already noted, Harris got to pick the friendliest questioner from the friendliest, lowest-rated news channel on the eve of a holiday weekend to do a pre-recorded (meaning not live but able to be edited) sit-down with her running mate at her side to rescue her from tough questions and her own word salads. A candidate couldn’t ask for a cushier set-up (try to imagine Trump asking for something like that!)

And she still blew it.

True, it wasn’t as bad as some of the rambling, incoherent jawdroppers that Harris routinely spews when she attempts to speak off the cuff, but given the level of prep and hand-holding she was afforded, that should be a given. And interviewer Dana Bash occasionally attempted to act like a journalist, trying to pin Harris down on her flip-flops, but hardly with the kind of aggressiveness or relentless follow-ups that Trump or any other Republican would have experienced.

What we learned was, as expected, not much. In fact, when Bash asked the most basic of questions (“What will you do on day one?”), Harris gave such a rambling non-answer that Bash’s follow-up was just to repeat the same question.

We also learned that we can trust Harris that she now holds the opposite views on issues from those she once held (she’s now in favor of border security, opposes amnesty for illegals, will not ban fracking, etc. etc.) because even though her policies have changed completely, she repeatedly declared, “Let’s be clear: My values have not changed.” So either she’s lying or her policies are completely unrelated to her values. I lean toward the former, since I assume that whenever a Democrat says, “Let’s be clear,” I’m about to hear a lie.

This claim was like Groucho Marx’s famous line, “These are my principles! If you don’t like them, I have others.” Say, maybe that’s the kind of Marxist she is: a Groucho Marxist!


Harris also claimed to have no regrets at all for covering up Biden’s mental decline. She stood by the record of “Bidenomics,” calling it “good work,” while promising to help the middle class (which has been devastated by Bidenomics) with even more Bidenomics. That includes vague “investments” (spending lots of taxpayer money that will fuel more inflation and debt), tax hikes, and claiming credit for things that actually happened under Trump while blaming Trump for things that happened under Biden-Harris. This is in keeping with the Dems’ strategy of trying to gaslight Americans into believing Trump is the incumbent responsible for all their problems even though he’s been out of office since 2021, while Harris is the scrappy outsider who will solve all those problems if she can just get into the White House where she’s been Vice President for the past 3-1/2 years, helping to cause those problems.

And what would a Kamala Harris appearance be without a quote to make you scratch your head and say, “Whaaaa?…” “The climate crisis is real. That it is an urgent matter to which we should apply metrics that include holding ourselves to deadlines around time.” Don’t you hate it when deadlines are based on time?

For all he contributed, Walz might as well have stayed home. Asked about his false claim of carrying combat weapons in a combat zone, he did a lot of verbal tap-dancing then blamed it on his “bad grammar.” The baffled Bash tried for clarification and after more rambling, Walz defensively declared that “the one thing I’ll never do is I’ll never demean another member’s service in any way. I never have and I never will.” Okay, but the question was about his service, and stolen valor does demean the service of any military member who really did fight in combat. Chinese defector/dissident Xi Van Fleet pointed out that Walz blamed his bad grammar, yet he went to China to teach Chinese students English.


Also, while optics shouldn’t matter as much as substance, the lack of substance caused the bad optics to garner a lot of negative attention. The sparse table and chairs looked as if they’d given an intern $20 and sent him to a garage sale. Bash and Walz both sat closer to the camera than Harris, making Harris appear small in comparison. She also slumped in her chair, making her look smaller still. One critic said it looked as if she was sitting in the kiddie seat.


I can’t imagine that after Harris bobbled this softball (actually more like T-ball) interview, the Democrats are planning any more interviews. They must be looking forward to the September 10th debate with Trump about as much as a colonoscopy.

Speaking of Trump, here’s his response to Kamala’s “interview,” along with a blistering new campaign aid made so rapidly, it’s built on her line from the show, “My values have not changed.” The Dems really should have thought that one through more…


If you’d like to squeeze a little entertainment out of that waste of an hour of your life, here are some commentaries you might enjoy…







Play-by-Play of Harris’s Train Wreck Interview


The Daily Signal and Breitbart News did fact checks of CNN’s Kamala Harris “interview,” which was commendable of them, considering that finding anything in all that verbiage that even remotely resembled a fact was like panning for gold in a sewer.



Fact-Checking Kamala Harris’ CNN Interview

Fox News offered the “Top Five Moments.” Notice that it doesn’t say “high points.”


So, what’s going to determine the outcome of this year’s presidential election?  The will of the voters in their respective states, or that of the high-powered attorneys?

Anyone who saw Democrat “nominee” Kamala Harris’ pathetic interview on Thursday with CNN’s Dana Bash knows that she needs all the debate prep she can get for her showdown with Trump on September 10.  And one member of the team that’s helping her get ready is Karen Dunn, who, according to the Trump campaign, is simultaneously working as lead defense attorney for Google LLC in the Biden administration’s antitrust lawsuit against Google over its advertising practices.  Considering that the trial starts September 9, isn’t this spreading her a little thin, considering all the help Kamala has shown she could use?  And isn’t it also an obvious conflict of interest?

Dunn also advised Kamala before the vice-presidential debate against then-incumbent Vice President Mike Pence.  For the record, she is Google’s outside counsel through the firm Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison, which REUTERS describes as “a favorite of Big Tech and Wall Street” and “a white shoe law firm with deep links to the Democratic Party.”

Trump campaign senior adviser Tim Murtaugh spared no words about this “disgusting and dangerous” relationship:  “Kamala Harris will never stand up to Big Tech because she’s being coached on what to say in the debates by Google’s top lawyer.  Think about how outrageous it is — their administration is suing Google, but Harris is taking political advice from the defendant’s lawyer.”

“…But it’s not surprising because Big Tech and the Biden-Harris White House have been conspiring to censor and trample the rights of law-abiding citizens since they gained power,” he said.

“Some prosecutor she is,” Murtaugh said of Kamala.  “She’s being coached by the defendant’s lawyer.”

One would assume, after seeing Kamala’s disastrous interview on CNN, that she needs all the help she can get, from anywhere she can get it.


According to REUTERS, the firm of Paul Weiss, together with their staff, has given at least $1.4 million to Democrats in this election cycle, “the most of any law firm tracked by OpenSecrets, a nonpartisan research group that analyzes campaign finance records.”  It’s not just Dunn helping her out; chairman Brad Karp is “rallying other lawyers around the Vice President.”

Karp was among Biden’s top fundraisers in 2020.  Before Biden won the nomination, he had been raising money for Kamala’s short-lived campaign.  He launched a fundraising effort for her among nearly 300 corporate lawyers, more than half of whom work at Paul Weiss.  This enormous firm was just named by THE LAWYER as “International Law Firm of the Year.”


As Reuters reports, “…advocacy groups are concerned that funders with corporate ties could wield outsized influence…”  Sadly, that’s par for the course.  In the words of Jo-Ellen Pozner, who teaches ethics at Santa Clara University’s Leavey School of Business, “Donors definitely are looking for relationships that they can call in.”

The legal industry is pretty much whole-hog Democrat according to OpenSecrets, with at least $14.5 million going to the Biden campaign (while it was still on) and Trump receiving at least $2.5 million.

If Karen Dunn’s name sounds familiar, it’s no doubt because she was associate White House counsel for then-President Obama and, according to REUTERS, “helped him, Harris, and Hillary Clinton prepare for past debates.”  She’s also represented Apple and Uber.  (She’s not to be confused with Anita Dunn, who was acting Communications Director for the Obama White House and worked on Obama’s campaigns along with David Axelrod and David Plouffe, who is now running Kamala’s campaign.  Her husband is Bob Bauer, former partner at Perkins Coie and personal counsel to Obama, also White House counsel.)

Other big-time Democrat partners at Paul Weiss include former U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch and former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson.  No matter how badly Kamala might do in interviews and how empty a suit she is, she has definitely got the power of the left backing her.  Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.


SPEAKING OF THE POWER OF THE LEFT:  Mike Benz tells Tucker Carlson about the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov for failure to “monitor content” on his platform and what this tells us about the Deep State’s plan to control our speech.  This is the most important issue of our time.  (We found it interesting that the Democrat attorneys at Paul Weiss are so in bed with Big Tech.)

No one knows more about this subject than Benz, and your IQ will be about 10 points higher after listening to him for a couple of hours.  So that’s your weekend assignment, class.  You won’t be tested on the material, but pay attention nonetheless.

RELATED READING:  Here’s the DAILY CALLER on the charges against Durov and the concern from civil liberties groups.


Leftists in the U.K. and much of Europe are calling for a widespread crackdown on free speech, even calling for the arrest of Elon Musk and the shutdown of his X social media platform, calling it “the home of right-wing extremism.”  Europe is finished if it chooses to go this way.  And Elon might want to think twice right now before going to France.


By the way, it’s not just Europe: The same crackdown on free speech and Twitter is also happening in Brazil…



RELATED:  A discussion about election-related lawfare wouldn’t be complete without a Jack Smith update, and attorney Josh Hammer has a must-read one at TOWNHALL.  In what Hammer likens to a Mafia operation with “grand bosses” such as the Obamas and Clintons and “trusted consiglieres” such as Merrick Garland and super-lawyer Marc Elias, Jack Smith is the foot-soldier, the hit man, the one who executes the orders to knock off rivals.  And in Smith’s filing this week of a superseding indictment against President Trump, “Smith’s naked politicking and electioneering have been exposed for all to see.”

Hammer suggests a different line of work for this particularly ham-fisted special counsel.  “I hear the U.S. Secret Service is hiring,” he quips.


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As you know, an independent congressional group — in addition to the official task force — is investigating the July 13 shooting of President Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania.  (Of course, every mention of this horrific event is meant to include the murder of firefighter Corey Comperatore and wounding of two others.)  Texas Rep. Chip Roy reached out last week to Dan Bongino, who spent Monday in DC going over what they know so far.

The Secret Service has tried to maintain that they didn’t really deny security assets to Trump for his Butler rally but might have denied a few things in the past.  That narrative, Bongino says, is “absolute bull-(bleep).”  To use a more printable word, it is a lie.

He says he can’t tell us how he knows this, but the Secret Service isn’t the only agency that knows about the repeated requests for security.  As for the Secret Service, “there is a documented, very long, very detailed paper trail (that can’t easily be deleted) of numerous people requesting pretty significant security enhancements to President Trump that were…denied.”  One of those who denied requests:  now-acting Secret Service Director Ron Rowe, then second-in-command.

It’s also true that about a year ago, agents on Trump’s detail and other security personnel said to top officials, “We cannot secure Mar-A-Lago like this,” but were told that they “don’t secure social clubs.”  Never mind that the Secret Service is obligated to protect former Presidents, period.

As for the shooter, Bongino is still convinced he didn’t act alone.  He bases this belief on “a body of facts and data that indicate that this guy did not have the requisite skill level” to pull this off “without some form of assistance.”  Yes, it’s POSSIBLE he did it by himself, but very unlikely.  When you think about it, he said, “this is only one of the most significant political attacks and assaults on our democracy — genuinely — in modern American history.”  But the media are already acting as if it were no big deal, “business as usual.”  As we’ve discussed, he thinks it’s quite possible that the shooter was “honeytrapped” by an enemy of the United States such as Iran.  This kid “looked like the exact sort of person they target.”

He’d like to be able to ask these questions, if the Secret Service and FBI would ever appear for a press conference.  But no, they’ve been in a rush to conclude things: “washing the roof, burning the guy’s body.”  We’ve seen no official autopsy report, no toxicology.  Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson said this was “baffling” to him.  If anything, actions like these encourage conspiracy theories to develop in the absence of information.  Is that what they want?

An examination of the body might show tattoos that tell a story; any such evidence has been destroyed.  A record would be in the autopsy report, but that remains sealed.  The toxicology report might show evidence of SSRIs (certain antidepressants) or other drugs.  And what about the encrypted messaging accounts the shooter had, with platforms based in Belgium, Germany and New Zealand?  “That’s not normal behavior,” Sen. Johnson told Judge Jeanine Pirro.

Bongino pointed to a report in the NEW YORK POST that SWAT counter-sniper Ben Shaffer said it was “absolutely” concerning that the roof of the AGR building had been so quickly scrubbed and the shooter’s body “disposed of” before an official autopsy report could be released.  Shaffer said this during the panel discussion Bongino participated in on Monday.

Shaffer found it “odd” that not only was the body released for cremation — this was ten days after the attack — but that it had been done without the knowledge of the coroner, who has responsibility over that.  An expert who spoke, former Navy SEAL Erik Prince, who founded the military contractor Blackwater in the 1990s, said, “It sounds like destruction of evidence.”

Of course, there are questions about how he learned how to build IEDs (improvised explosive devices) and install remote detonators.  “How did he do those searches and not get popped?” Florida Rep. Michael Waltz, a member of the official task force investigating the shooting, asked the NEW YORK POST last week.  One can only guess that the FBI is much too busy surveilling MAGA grandmothers and abortion-clinic protesters to stay on top of something like this.

On Monday, the FBI put out the usual sort of statement paying lip service to cooperation.  “Any suggestion the FBI is interfering with congressional efforts to look into the attempted assassination…is inaccurate and unfounded.”  Are they accusing Sen. Johnson, a member of the Senate bipartisan investigation, of making unfounded claims?  Why, they’ve always been so transparent before!

Sen. Johnson told FOX NEWS’ Maria Bartiromo that “all I can really tell you is that the Secret Service, the FBI, are basically dragging their feet; they’re stonewalling us.  And we’ve gotten some transcribed interviews, but the documents we request are heavily redacted; they’re delivered the day of the interview, so we really can’t use the documents to conduct the interviews effectively.”  Also, they say they’ve done hundreds of transcribed interviews, but they’re not turning those notes over.

“So, we’re not getting squat, from my standpoint, from the Secret Service or the FBI.”

“…If you wanted to design an investigation to raise suspicions and drive conspiracy theories, this is exactly how you’d do that investigation.”  It occurs to us that the FBI and Secret Service might be doing just that, to keep us sidetracked with wild conjecture.

“…We remain committed to maximum transparency,” the FBI actually said in their statement, “as we continue to share information with Congress, which includes participating in open hearings and conducting multiple direct briefings and (publishing) information for the public regarding the ongoing investigation.”  I think their idea of maximum transparency is much different from mine.  They’re quoted at greater length in the NY POST report if you’d like to roll your eyes some more…


Bongino made the point that the FBI “has been spying on us for a long time,” no matter how much they try to deny it.  They’ve still got a back door in FISA (the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) that lets them spy on Americans just as they have in the past.  “They likely have this guy’s metadata — emails, texts, and everything — (so) if he’s acting alone, just put the information out there and show us.”  We might actually trust the FBI if they would show us the evidence.  This way, no.

He also said there’s no reason to redact material for these committee members, as the documents could always be viewed in a SCIF (sensitive compartmented information facility), or secure room.  Then, someone like Sen. Johnson could explain to us that there’s a solid rationale for withholding the evidence for now.

And here’s an enhancement of sorts to something we already knew.  Not only did the Secret Service turn down requests for additional security for Trump (which would make acting Director Rowe a liar), but, according to a whistleblower who spoke to Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley, agents at the Pittsburgh field office were specifically warned in advance NOT to make such requests ahead of the Butler rally, that those requests would be DENIED.

They were told Trump couldn’t have any additional security because he was a “former” President, not the incumbent President or Vice President.  Presumably, Kamala Harris could have as much security as agents thought she needed in a given situation, but Trump would be limited because of his current rank (as opposed to threat level).  The various former Presidents have different threat levels.  Trump’s is sky-high.  And they already knew about that threat from Iran.

Also, those with the highest threat levels need THE top security professionals, regardless of skin color, gender, etc.  In other words, forget DEI, which would likely cause more people to D.I.E.  If they’re not going to give Trump what he needs, they can’t secure his events, and “then what’s the point?” Bongino asked.  “Let him get his own security then.”  That’s just what we’ve been saying for weeks.  That’s especially so if his poll numbers start climbing as we approach the election.  If they go up, so does his threat level, guaranteed.

Bongino’s podcast delves into all this and goes on to talk about Special Counsel Jack Smith and his revised Trump indictment.  (If you missed our report on that, see Wednesday’s newsletter.)


Speaking of Smith, investigative reporter Julie Kelly has a great analysis of his blatant attempts at election interference.

Jack Smith’s Weak, Watered-Down Election Interference Gambit

After a year of legal, judicial, and political drama, Special Counsel Jack Smith just filed a superseding indictment to replace the first indictment he handed down against Donald Trump in August 2023 related to the events of January 6 and the former president’s alleged attempts to “overturn” the 2020 election…

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2 days ago · 279 likes · 34 comments · Julie Kelly

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