Through silence, Hedvige Antonia Albina Maino admits that our accusations are true

The deadline of August 31, 2024 that we had set has passed, and yet there has been no response from Hedvige Antonia Albina Maino, her son Raul Vinci or the official spokesperson of their party to the 16 points that we raised in a message on the ‘X’ platform on August 24. In that message, the following 16 questions were put to Albina Maino:

  1. As we know Stefano Eugene Maino is not your biological father. Have you ever asked your mother Paula Maino who your biological father is?
  2. As we know, you were born in Luciana, a small village in Northern Italy on the Swiss border, famous as a refuge for Hitler’s Nazi soldiers during World War II. Luciana is a historic Cimbrian-speaking village about 35 km from Vicenza in Veneto, Italy, where the speakers of this language are called “Zimbern” in German. Why did you lie about your place of birth?
  3. Can you deny that your mother, Paula Maino, was known as a masseuse to Nazi soldiers and that she offered them all kinds of services, including massages and companionship, and that she even slept with many of them in exchange for money?
  4. Can you deny, dear Hedvige Antonia Albina Maino, that you are an illegitimate child of an unknown Nazi soldier?
  5. Can you tell us something about your two siblings, Nadia and Anoushka, and why you have always been so quiet about them?
  6. Can you deny that your signature on the Indian citizenship document is of Hedvige Antonia Albina Maino?
  7. Why did you deliberately lie about your place of birth, saying you were born in Bassanodel Grappa or the town of Bassano, when in reality you were born in a village called Luciana?
  8. Can you deny that your marriage to Rajiv Gandhi took place under the Inter-Faith Marriages Act?
  9. Can you deny that you are a practicing Catholic Christian until August 24, 2024?
  10. Can you deny that you never embraced Hinduism?
  11. Can you deny that you lied about your educational background and that you never pursued higher education?
  12. Can you deny that during your first days in Italy you attended a Catholic seminary school called Maria Ausiliatrice in Giaveno, 15 km from her adopted birthplace of Orbassano?
  13. Can you deny that you worked for Salman Taseer, a posh Pakistani who lives in Lahore from his London office?
  14. Can you deny that you met Brigadier Riaz Hussain, the head of Pakistan’s intelligence agency ISI, and that you were in regular contact with him later?
  15. Can you deny that you were in contact with ISI chief Lt. Gen. Zaheerul Islam until November 7, 2014?
  16. Can you deny secretly marrying your fiancé, Franco Luison, before leaving for the UK?

As expected, Hedvige Antonia Albina Maino did not respond to our queries, as the truth can never be denied. The above mentioned post on ‘X’ and the continued silence of Hedvige Antonia Albina Maino, her son Raul Vinci and their party spokesperson will serve as circumstantial evidence that can be used for legal actions by the relevant authorities in India.

Image of 10 Janpath Palace and Citizenship Document of Hedvige Antonia Albina Maino

For decades, Hedvige Antonia Albina Maino and her colleagues in the Indian National Congress (INC) have maintained an unwritten rule never to call Maino by her original name. It has become not only taboo but also an unwritten crime to call her Hedvige Antonia Albina Maino. A few years ago, prominent Indian journalist Arnab Goswami, editor-in-chief of Republic TV, was harassed with trumped-up charges for the sole “crime” of calling Antonia Maino by her original name.

Goswami was also attacked by goons of Antonia Albina Maino. According to the First Information Report (FIR), two members of the Youth Congress attacked him late on the night of April 23, 2020, while he was riding home from work with his wife. The two men on the bike were overpowered by Arnab Goswami’s security team – he has ‘Y Category’ police protection – who followed him in a separate vehicle and were later arrested for the alleged attack. Goswami stated that the youths told his guards that they were from the Youth Congress and carried out the attack on “orders from above”.

It is clear to everyone who were these “higher echelons” who ordered party cadres to attack a prominent journalist. It was undoubtedly the Pakistani ISI activist Antonia Albina Maino and her henchmen. This particular case clearly proves that Antonia Albina Maino is continuing her activities in India like a mafia queen.

Antonia Albina Maino during the private ceremony of her interfaith wedding

The 10 Janpath Scandal

Here is a shocking revelation that demands a response from the Indian authorities:

After her husband’s murder, Catholic Christian and Pakistani ISI agent Hedvige Antonia Albina Maino lives in the spacious Lutyens Zone government bungalow at 10 Janpath. For more than three decades, no Indian media outlet has ever asked whether the May 22, 1991, allotment letter was in favor of Maino or the false name she illegally uses.

The letter of assignment was issued in her favor after the murder of her husband on May 22, 1991. My question here is: was the letter of assignment issued under her real name or her false name? If it was issued under a false name, then this letter of assignment is null and void. Should Maino now be evicted from the property?

According to the documents available to us, Antonia Albina Maino has obtained Indian citizenship with her original name. This means that this is her legal name. However, she has been using a false name for decades and there is no document to prove that she has legally changed her name by swearing an oath. According to the legal provisions, only Hedvige Antonia Albina Maino or Antonia Albina Maino has the right to stay in the government bungalow at 10 Janpath.

Anyone using a false name has no legal right to reside on that property. Similarly, Antonia Albina Maino’s son Raul Vinci, who also uses a false name, has no right to use that property. In this case, to prove that there is a rule of law in India and that the law applies equally to every citizen, the concerned authorities should immediately ask Antonia Albina Maino to either officially declare that she has been using a false name for decades or renounce her Indian citizenship, which is granted only to Antonia Albina Maino.

In either case, she should be expelled from the 10 Janpath property and also be disqualified from leading any political party or continuing in politics in India. At the same time, the Indian authorities should demand full compensation along with punitive action from Antonia Albina Maino for hiding her real name and using the 10 Janpath property under a false name. Any MP or prominent politician who resorts to such lies should be permanently banned from politics.

Antonia Albina Maino and her Indian nationality document

Moreover, if the allotment letter for the bungalow at 10 Janpath mentions the false name Antonia Albina Maino, then everyone involved in the process should be prosecuted for lying, forgery and misleading the 140 million people of India.

The Indian authorities must now answer the following questions:

  1. Where is the document regarding the rental of bungalow 10 Janpath in favor of Antonia Albina Maino?
  2. Where are the election papers signed and submitted by Antonia Albina Maino?
  1. Where is the copy of Antonia Albina Maino’s Indian passport?
  1. What is the religious status of Antonia Albina Maino?
  1. What other nationalities has she had?
  1. What action is being taken against her for her links with the Pakistani spy agency ISI?
  1. What measures are being taken against Antonia Albina Maino for hiding her real name and past?
  1. Who is the biological father of Antonia Albina Maino?

The silence of Hedvige Antonia Albina Maino, her son Raul Vinci and their party spokesperson raises serious questions about their integrity and transparency. In a democracy, no individual, regardless of status, should be above scrutiny or accountability. The unanswered questions and possible legal violations surrounding Maino’s identity and political activities require immediate attention from the Indian authorities. If the rule of law is to prevail, these issues must be addressed with the utmost seriousness so that justice is done and public trust in democratic institutions is maintained. It is time for Maino to face these allegations head on or withdraw from the political arena so that truth and accountability can take their rightful place.

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