Controversial video promotes mafia culture using Maradona’s image

The video has gone viral. Nunzia Giuliano, daughter of Forcella boss Carmine Giuliano, advertises with a white T-shirt with a photo of her father next to Diego Armando Maradona. The video was reported to Francesco Emilio Borrelli, deputy of Alleanza Verdi Sinistra: ‘Unacceptable glorification of the Camorra that fraudulently exploits the image of the Pibe de Oro.’ Borrelli continues: ‘Against the rise of the culture of disvalues, violence and criminal arrogance, I have introduced a bill to criminally punish with up to three years in prison those who openly glorify the actions of mafiosi, starting with those neo-melodic singers who glorify crime and organized crime in their lyrics, or who denigrate people who fight crime, starting with informants. But also those who organize the ‘bowings’ in front of the bosses’ houses during religious processions and those who paint murals that wink at organized crime.’ He concludes: ‘Anyone who, through public appearances or the dissemination of texts or audio or video productions or through social networks or any telematic means, praises people or events linked to organised crime and mafia crime or disparages people who distinguish themselves through activities of any kind against organised crime, shall be punished with a prison sentence of up to three years, unless the act constitutes a more serious offence. On this proposal of mine, I expect a clear and unwavering position from all political parties to say NO to the mafia.’ This is the comment of Borrelli, who has introduced a bill in Parliament.

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