Carry the Weight | QPOL Issue #71

Here’s the NUMBER ONE RULE to follow when trying to map out Macro and geopolitics.

With this subject matter in general, it’s naturally LEFT-brained…

Meaning it requires foreknowledge of esoteric material which demands analytical assessment.

Once you become familiar with this material, you then need to “analyze” (ironically) the information via a RIGHT-brained perspective.

Your thought processes needs to be more inclined towards RIGHT-brained thinking: visual, spatial, imaginative.

It occasionally requires creativity when thinking of the parties involved and what they might be inclined to do based on their emotions and behavioral patterns.

Your goal is to arrive at a “big-picture” conclusion by sifting through the details of a “big-picture” hypothesis.

TL;DR use LEFT-brained data to get a RIGHT-brained answer.

Don’t miss the forest for the trees.

Don’t sperg out…

With this framework in mind, let’s asses some of the events from August 2024.

The markets shitting the bed the last month shows that globalist scum are having a hissy fit over Powell’s higher for longer.

Argentina moving gold for Rothschilds to leverage it as collateral?

Japan playing the Fed’s wingman to destroy the yen carry trade (no Eurodollars for you)?

It’s are all downstream from higher for longer. We’re winning. The enemy is scrambling for whatever they have left. They depend on our emotional illogical reactions to succeed. They’re inverting the management of perspective economic sleight of hand. Don’t let these fake and gay market dumps and propaganda make you think otherwise.

I’m referring to stories and headlines such as this

The Coming Economic Collapse

Issues discussed…

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a month ago · 18 likes · Tuomas Malinen

No matter how true these facts would be if such a probable reality panned out, the nuance that’s overlooked is WHO will this crisis actually hurt the most at the elite level. The people will feel pain, but that may be the necessary pain we’ve been waiting for to hurt our economic puppet masters the most.

When an economic crisis actually happens, it’s not publicly revealed beforehand.

Yes, a handful of people claim they warned plenty of time ahead of the GFC.

But, if it’s in the zeitgeist and people are predicting WWIII, you know it’s a psyop. Those pushing it are either in on it, or useful idiots.

This is all just cope to force Powell to pivot bc the enemy is losing that much. Yes. Be cautious and prepared. Don’t be a useful idiot.

It looks like Powell might pull off the soft landing. The beautiful deleveraging is upon us.

Even if Powell cuts 25-50 bps, Japan may even swoop in and raise rates to further unwind the yen carry trade. That beast is only halfway there, and it only makes sense for the BOJ to keep playing the Fed’s wingman. But so much more has been in the works for years.

It appears that the past decade, or at least since the GFC, all banks got their wrists slapped. Dodd Frank passed and all the banks had to be heavily regulated and monitored on how their employees got paid, and a slew of other financial no-no’s.

It’s all thanks to all the bad actors for coming up with shady tactics like NINJA loans and sub prime and offshore dollars from leveraged 💩 collateral. The rank and file in the financial industry took note of these tactics. Monkey see, monkey do. Only during a time of free money and low rates. The pyramid of moral hazard came down like a house of cards.

Once those bankers got caught, they jumped ship from banking and started doing their shadiness in private equity, where those regulations didn’t exist and they could get away with their pump and dump schemes…

Those bankers started wearing PE hats and monopolized the PE industry, preventing actual free-market deals from good faith actors and business from taking place. This goes for the Silicone Valley types too, and the crypto ponzi BS that emerged in 2017 and beyond.

This stuff was only possible thanks to ZIRP. They thought it would last forever. Then once Powell started raising rates, they all blew up (especially FTX and SVB).

discussed this at length last year on Vivek Ramaswamy’s podcast during the SVB blow up. I covered this last year in the article below 👇

Now, real deals can be made in the private debt markets since apparently the PE guys have lost their monopoly. Private debtors and creditors can bail each other out by buying their repriced assets (now priced at a lower value, but still performing nonetheless).

Booth equates this to the movie It’s A Wonderful Life (apparently the same shit happens. Idk. Tbh I’ve never seen it so can’t confirm).

This is what Higher For Longer is all about. The Fed Put is dead. 💀 They’re not bailing you out. The Fed window won’t be stigmatized. It’s there to train banks to be solvent. It’s simply a securitized loan that must be paid back at prevailing interest rates (stress test).

This is why Powell cutting 25 or 50 basis points won’t really mean much. The market still is in denial that we’re just gonna go back to the zero bound. Not in Powell’s America. Not in a world where the USA controls the price of its own dollars thanks to re-indexing our debt to SOFR and ditching the globalist ball and chain that was LIBOR.

THIS is what raising rates was ALL ABOUT. It was NEVER about inflation. It was ALWAYS about American asserting its sovereignty by finally achieving its monetary (and therefore, National) independence on the world stage.

As I, Luongo, and others have been saying, Powell will cut rates on HIS watch. This doesn’t mean he will. If he does, it won’t be huge. We’re NOT going back to the 0 bound like the usual suspects want him to. The market is in denial and wants Powell to save them. Nope. It’s higher for longer America First monetary policy.

What’s really been happening here is a controlled demolition by the Fed against Davos & The City of London to destroy their offshore leverage that is no longer backed by LIBOR. It’s backed by the America-First indexing rate of SOFR. This is what Powell & Dimon intended all along… USA monetary sovereignty.

THIS is why your favorite macro pundits are wrong about the Fed. They’ve missed the plot completely. It’s about American monetary and national independence….

This ain’t your daddy’s, nor your granddaddy’s Fed, son.

This is Jerome (CLOSE THE FUCKING DOOR) Powell’s Fed.

The fact that CNN’s Jake Tapper gave JD Vance all the air time in the world to respond to the slander made against him and Trump during the DNC speaks volumes. Some manilla folders are being passed. MSM is cleaning up shop, and may be getting a little help too… I think from Team Fed. AKA Powell

Before moving on, I’d like to credit my friend

for making this very astute and insightful point that sets the tone for the remainder of this issue of QPOL…

Powell is calling out the fake and gayness of the rigged economic data carrying the regime afloat.

Not only that, but it looks like RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard have joined the Trump campaign and may possibly be part of his cabinet.

The opposing regime has lost control of the money machine with a rogue Fed chair and Wall Street. All they have left is control of the media narrative.

Anyone else like him more now? 😂

Thanks to Musk (as flawed and blunder-ridden he’s been on free-speech), their power is dwindling. They’re losing to information war and meme war.

All joking aside, why are the counter-elites backing Trump?

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. They’re fed up with inefficiency in business, DEI, bad regulation towards new tech like crypto and AI (mostly pertaining to PayPal Mafia/Silicon Valley types).

The WEF types like Klaus Schwab and other globalists want a retail CBDC which would end commercial banking. That means JP Morgan is out of the job and Larry Fink takes the reins.

That last point is basically why Jamie Dimon, Jerome Powell, and all of Wall Street are backing Trump. They’re not globalist communists. They’re capitalists willing to have fair trade with other nations but willing to have mercantilism to repair domestic manufacturing and defend the dollar.

Mercantilism is where we’re heading economically. Mercantilism seeks protectionism of industries (i.e. monopolies on world stage) and primarily seeks to import raw materials (low cost) in exchange for exporting finished goods at high cost to the outside trade partner.

Mercantilism is a form of political power-building, not just a means of trade. Additionally, gold and silver are only used as a trade good when trading commodities won’t work. Mercantilist countries hoard their wealth, and seek to export more than import – creating a trade imbalance that benefits them.

With that said, here’s what Trump’s America-First Economic Policy SHOULD look like. The following are inspirational by the ideas of Friedrich List.

1) – prioritize our own economic development before engaging in free trade with other nations

– protect industries and develop them to a level where they can compete on equal terms with foreign industries

2) Have economic policy involving government intervention to support and protect domestic industries:

– tariffs on imports to protect domestic producers

– subsidies to encourage the growth of certain industries

– investment in infrastructure to support economic development.

3) Emphasize the importance of a nation’s productive powers:

– produce goods and services that can be exchanged with other nations

– focus on developing its productive powers through education, innovation, and the adoption of new technologies

Free trade is not always beneficial for all nations, especially those that are less developed or have weaker industries. Free trade leads to exploitation of weaker nations by stronger ones, and that it can hinder the development of domestic industries. China has made us dependent and weak.

Additionally, Jeffrey Sachs has a compelling economic and geopolitical strategy for the US that Trump should also follow. In short, Sachs advocates for a significant shift in U.S. policy from seeking global dominance to fostering global cooperation.

  • Economically, he suggests reducing military spending to invest more in technology, sustainability, and infrastructure, aiming for economic growth through innovation rather than military might.

  • Geopolitically, Sachs proposes moving towards a multipolar world view, acknowledging the rise of powers like China and the BRICS countries, and advocating for diplomacy over confrontation. He emphasizes the need for the U.S. to work within international norms and institutions, promoting peace and development over unilateral actions, and recognizes the importance of addressing global issues like climate change through collective efforts rather than through the lens of American exceptionalism.

I highly recommend watching his interview with Tucker for all the details.

These ideas from List and Sachs have been influential to nations for years. Seems similar to the rumored Project 2025 which Trump has disavowed. We can only hope that was all just Kayfabe. There are ways out of this chaos. Powell kickstarted it 3 years ago. Now time for Phase 2…

A New Grope

On August 12, I was able to have a brief conversation with Nick Fuentes. He hosted a twitter space announcing his Groyper War II, which may or may not have impacted Trump to change how his campaign is being run.

Over 69,000 people attended that space, and it was sheer luck I was able to sneak into to speaker queue before it filled up. I was able to talk to Nick about Powell and the PayPal Mafia and although he disagreed, he said I was “on the money” about the nuances of elites and that they’re not a monolith. He may have also alluded that I’m high IQ (debatable at best), that it was the most intelligent conversation of the space, and that he’d read my Substack. Whether or not he actually did, God only knows.

Nonetheless, it was gracious of him to give the time to hear me out. A few of y’all may be new here because of this very conversation. To that, I am humbled and grant all of you very a warm welcome. If you haven’t yet, listen to the last 25 minutes of this space where I Powell Pill Nick Fuentes (not really) below 👇

Amidst the chaos and confusion waged by information world, a convergence of factions and ideas are coming together. Only time will tell in the following months how alliances will truly impact the fate of the country and the world. The fact alone they’re being forced to cooperate for their own survival and the carry the weight for the betterment of the country is a silver lining at worst, and a white pill at best.

~ Mr. Pseu

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Wondering why the Federal Reserve is actually the good guy trying to bankrupt our globalist enemies and issue in an America-First monetary policy? Look no further to my substack, QPOL, where we say the Quiet Parts Out Loud.

Catch up with the following links below 👇

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