Tackling organised crime and the dangerous new secret police state powers National has just given officers that will be used against protesters

Let’s talk about why there is a new approach to organised crime and the dangerous new police state powers that the government has secretly given to the police. These powers will inevitably be used against environmental protest groups or Māori activists.

So first of all – why is this happening…

Entire Christchurch Comancheros gang unit arrested; police seize guns, cash, drugs

    • Every member of Christchurch Comancheros gang arrested
    • Twenty-one people now arrested
    • Police seize money, weapons, drugs and belongings in remarkable operation
    • Police allege the gang organised themselves to smuggle drugs and money between Auckland and Christchurch every few weeks

…even now The daily blogThe most critical critics will acknowledge that TDB had recognised the threat of the 501s to the New Zealand underworld and its implications long before any other New Zealand media.

To summarise, New Zealand’s underworld has faced an existential threat unlike any it has ever faced in its history. Thousands of hardened Australian criminals with connections to an Australian criminal culture that is and always has been far more sophisticated and violent have been forcibly extradited to New Zealand, a country few of them have had contact with since they left New Zealand as children.

Now you can argue successfully that these 501s have lived in Australia most of their lives and if they have become criminals, that is Australia’s fault. But they are forcing these 501s out of the country and back to New Zealand.

New Zealand politicians have been scaring Kiwis for decades with horror stories about our domestic gangs. The truth is that our gangs are far less dangerous than the sophisticated Australian criminal fraternity.

When the 501’s realized how soft the domestic gangs were, they engaged in a battle to take over the methamphetamine trade. THIS is the cause of the shootings, the murders, the drive-by shootings, and the sudden increase in guns and recruits as the 501’s have launched a takeover campaign against domestic gangs.

These new 501 syndicates are using South American cartel contacts and Chinese shadow banks to import cheaper and purer meth than New Zealand’s domestic gangs can import through their Triad connections.

The South American cartels are trained in counterintelligence methods and therefore use everything they touch with sophistication and extreme violence. And because the demand for methamphetamine in New Zealand is so high, price is crucial.

A point of meth costs $5 in America, $100 in New Zealand. That price difference makes us a market that the cartels want to get into.

Why then such a sudden approach, what happened and changed?

I attribute it to Chippy when he was Minister of Police.

We had a situation in New Zealand when Chris Hipkins was Minister of Police where the GCSB and SIS were picking up international communications between 501 syndicates and cartels. However, this information was NOT sent to the domestic police in New Zealand for action. Instead, it went up the intelligence chain to the NSA and our Australian spy colleagues.

It led to a situation where the Gang Intelligence Unit was a joke…

Concerns of Gang Intelligence Centre leadership revealed in declassified document

New Zealand’s Gang Intelligence Centre is struggling with poor leadership and is struggling to contain the damage caused by organised crime.

Multiple sources spoken to by RNZ said the Gang Intelligence Centre’s leadership was “clueless”, with one person saying it was run by a bunch of clowns.

It was said that management had no insight into the gang atmosphere, meaning the centre had no influence on the damage caused by gangs.

…I suspect that Chippy was lecturing New Zealand intelligence that if we had information about the 501s and their cartels, that information should be shared with the New Zealand police so that action could be taken, rather than just making notes to hand over to our Big Brother spy agencies.

I suspect that the threat to national interests was removed by allowing the GCSB and the SIS to share that intelligence with domestic police on two counts.”

Firstly, there is the real danger of cartels gaining a foothold in New Zealand. Secondly, there is the introduction of Chinese shadow banks, through which large sums of money can be transferred to serve the banking needs of organised crime.

Cartels and Chinese shadow banking are a threat to national security. Intelligence agencies are now providing New Zealand police with information that will allow them to make large numbers of arrests, as they have done.

The Financial Times revelation about how widespread Chinese shadow banking for criminal organisations has become also names Auckland as one of the global links in this criminal empire.

So we should be grateful for a major crackdown on the 501s, because they are a real destabilising force in New Zealand, especially as they are driven by Chinese shadow banks. But National is focused on street gangs like the Mongrel Mob and Black Power, which are not as much of a threat as the 501s. That allows secret legislation that is not investigated and gives the police extraordinary powers as a police state…

Last-minute changes to gang law ban badges in homes and expand police search powers

At the last minute, and after the public consultation process had closed, the government expanded its Gangs Act to give police sweeping powers to arrest people for badges they keep in their homes

A recent addition to proposed gang legislation will give police broader powers to search homes to stop repeat offenders living under the same roof as gang insignia or badges.

The amendment, which formally regulates freedom of expression in one’s private home, was added to the bill after the committee procedure. This means that experts, stakeholders and the public have not had the opportunity to assess the changes.

…this is such a scandalous abuse of power by the police that it simply cannot continue.

The Law Commission is scathing about this…

The open letter, sent by the association’s vice-president David Campbell, said the proposed law effectively sets a new precedent for allowing police regular access to people’s homes, distorts the rationale for searching people’s homes and is irrelevant to the primary purpose of the government’s ban on public gang patches.

The association sent the letter to Goldsmith almost three weeks ago, but has yet to receive a response. In the meantime, the clock is ticking as the government continues to pass the two bills.

…giving the police unlimited access to your home because they suspect you have a restricted gang area INSIDE your home is a bloody outrageous abuse of power and changes the whole point of search powers forever!

Remember, the definition of a gang is 3 people working together to break the law. That could be any environmental protest group, right?

The speed at which the police are using these powers against people they were never intended for will astonish us all.

There is a smart way to tackle organized crime, and there is a really stupid way to tackle organized crime.

We’re doing it the really stupid way, because this is NuZilind.

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