Colin Farrel Penguin |

I don’t know how many of you have seen The Batman, but Penguin was a little different in that movie. The newer Penguin is less goofy and more of a scary gangster type. He’s always been that way, but this one just feels different. It’s like he’s more of a regular gangster and he’s also physically imposing. I imagine this version of Penguin is going to be much more respected in the Gotham underworld because of this, instead of just being feared.

Colin Farrel’s Penguin is also getting his own show. It’s a mafia show, not what I normally like, but I’ll watch it because it’s still Penguin. Colin Farrel is a chad. He’s a tallfag chad who takes jobs from small, ugly actors. Like the Joaquin Pheonix Joker, only worse because Penguin was always meant to be subhuman.

Colin Farrell Penguin

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