America’s Growing Nightmare: You Can’t Believe It Until You See It


The post America’s Growing Nightmare: You Won’t Believe It Until You See It first appeared on USSA News | Tea Party Front Page. Visit

By Frosty Wooldridge

September 2, 2024

Part 1: You can’t believe it until you see it. When you see it, you can’t believe it. I’ve traveled to third world countries. I was sickened by what I saw. I’m now sickened by what I’ve seen in American cities.

After a summer of 18,000 miles, 30 states, 20 major cities, from the West Coast to the East Coast, from Florida to Michigan, I have learned a few things about the “State of America.” When you see it with your own eyes, hear it with your own ears, touch it with your own hands, and smell it with your own nostrils, all the flowery words of politicians fall flat during a “reality check” by a regular citizen journalist. You can’t make this stuff up about what’s happening to America in 2024.

Nevertheless, California offers a disheartening, if not disgusting, example of what is about to happen to many states and cities in America. Led by the handsome Gavin Newsome, the state is reeling under insane gridlock with its 40,000,000 residents. Air pollution provides every resident of LA and San Francisco with 24/7 toxins with every breath. Nearly 250,000 homeless Americans live on the streets, in parks, neighborhoods, underpasses and abandoned buildings. They defecate, urinate and throw trash everywhere and everywhere. MS-13 gangs smuggle drugs into elementary, middle and high schools.

Another 4,000,000 children of illegal aliens are flooding California’s schools, welfare systems, and sanitation systems. Asian/black gangs are stealing everything they can find. You really don’t want to go to Fisherman’s Wharf or Pier 39 in downtown San Francisco for fear of losing your life to a stray bullet. Your car will definitely be vandalized and robbed.

California has defunded and/or degraded its police force to the point where criminals are given a higher standard of respect and opportunity. No one goes to jail for stealing less than $900.00 worth of merchandise. Whole Foods, Macy’s, Walgreens, and hotels have closed their doors in major cities. They were robbed to death by vagrants, drug addicts, homeless people, and Venezuelan/Asian/Black/Chinese gangs brought to America by Biden-Harris. When Biden invited 12-15 million illegal aliens to cross our borders, he also invited all the criminals, gangs, and drug syndicates to bring their goods to our children. No less than 250,000 fentanyl-heroin-meth overdoses have occurred through Biden’s open borders in the last three years. It is a total criminal sanctuary with no punishment.

Everything in California is overrun with too many people, too few laws enforced, a degraded education system, and incompetence from the governor’s office all the way down to the DEI mayors and city councils. They have put themselves in a no-win situation by ignoring laws, defunding police, and simply allowing themselves to become third world cities.

California’s elite, such as House Speakers Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters, provide incredible incompetence that goes beyond the Peter Principle. Both have no idea what they have done to California and America. They provide a level of stupidity that is the benchmark for futility in 21st century America. They provide leadership that ensures that California has become impossible to work in, impossible to have functioning schools, impossible to work with fellow Americans because so few illegal aliens speak English or care about America. Illegal aliens make up more than half of California’s prisons, at a cost of billions of dollars. Those are the ones they caught. Millions more continue to shoplift, rape, carjack, and vandalize every city in the state.

There is nothing sane or rational about what is happening in California. Nancy Pelosi wants to give illegal immigrants $150,000.00 to buy homes. She wants to give them citizenship, cart blanche. At 84 years old, she has no understanding of the long term consequences of her actions. As for Rep. Maxine Waters, if brains were gasoline, Maxine would NOT have enough gas to fill an ant’s engine and drive half a BB.

With all this fuss, found that California’s legal and illegal immigration nets 6,550 people every day of the year. In other words, California’s leaders are continuing their quest to turn that state into another India, Mexico, Congo, Baghdad or Columbia. How’s that, you ask? Well, that’s where those illegals come from. If we keep importing them, we’ll become a third world country, too.

Like India with 1.44 billion people, they have grown SO HUGE in population that their citizens are living in human misery on a level previously unknown in America. But if you add that acceleration of California’s population growth, now at 40 million, due to immigration, that state is projected to reach 60,000,000 (million) by 2050, give or take a few years. How do you water, feed, house, educate, transport, employ, and sustain a civil society with so many different cultures and people? How do you restore law and order? How do you stop massive drug cartels from murdering our citizens? How do you solve problems? The answer is you don’t. You are dragging the citizens of America down into a third world society.

Also, let’s look at the quality of life in California. On an episode of “60 Minutes” with Leslie Stahl, she reported that water has become so scarce that they are now providing “toilet-to-tap” water. In other words, you are allowed to drink water that has been chemically made from toilet water to drink as drinking water. What she didn’t say in that report: with another 20,000,000 (million) people, there won’t be enough “toilet water” to make “tap water.” When I wrote to her about this and asked her to interview me for my book, America’s Overpopulation Dilemma: Blinding Future Generations, she didn’t return the book or offer an interview. In other words, let’s ignore the crisis until it becomes an unsolvable and irreversible nightmare. That’s where America is racing full speed ahead.

On top of that nightmare, Biden-Harris is driving down the standard of living in California and America. They just imported 12-15 million illegal third world citizens who have no connection or love for America. They are costing you and me, American taxpayers, $150,000,000,000.00 (billion) a year in welfare, food, housing, schools and prisons. (Source:

The continuing kicker, Biden-Harris continue to import Middle Eastern Muslims chanting “Death to America” in Detroit, New York City, Miami, LA, and San Francisco. In my own city of Denver we have Venezuelan gangs taking over, shooting and terrorizing American citizens living in apartment complexes. Worse yet, our two U.S. Senators, Governor Polis, and the Mayor of Denver support open borders. Also Denver as Sanctuary City and our state as Sanctuary State. We have had 10,000 homeless in Denver, now we have another 50,000 homeless illegal aliens. We the taxpayers are footing the bill in the billions of dollars.

Do the politicians in Washington DC or our state care? Answer: They stand by while we the citizens pay the price for killing our children, like Laken Riley, robbing our stores, and giving drugs to our children. What is happening to America will become unfixable at some point. We will all become victims of this invasion.

Like I said, “You can’t believe it until you see it; and when you see it, you can’t believe it.” But it’s there and it’s getting worse every day.

Coming soon in part 2: The Heartland, Chicago, Illinois, Mississippi, Detroit, Michigan, attack on a degraded and declining America. We may not be able to pull ourselves out of this mess…just like India or any other third world country.

© 2024 Frosty Wooldridge – All rights reserved

Email Frosty: [email protected]

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Author: Frosty Wooldridge

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The post America’s Growing Nightmare: You Won’t Believe It Until You See It first appeared on USSA News | The Tea Party’s Front Page. Visit

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