Lame Cherry: The Trump Babushkin

Kremlin: Listen to Trump, he's right about WWIII

Like another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I came across a very Russian post about the relationship between America and Russia, which as Winston Churchill said in all Russian affairs is a riddle, a mystery and an enigma. Just as the Russians on 9/11 spoke about things that the West had no idea about in its population, the assassination attempt on Trump brought out a rather translation-intensive commentary and it is vital to understand this commentary because it explains a lot.

This starts with Trump’s man in Moscow, a nationalist who was in charge of Congress. The bet under Boris Yeltsin who was running Russia was that Bush41 would win. Instead, the election was rigged for Bill Clinton.

This is where it starts with how Donald Trump will make peace with Russia when he is inaugurated and what Russia is counting on.

Kremlin: Listen to Trump, he’s right about WWIII

Former American President and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump warned of the possible outbreak of World War III.

According to the American presidential candidate, the offensive by Ukrainian troops is a new sign that World War III is closer than ever.

“Look what’s happening in Ukraine. They’re moving into Russia. You’re going to have World War III,” he said a few hours after attending a memorial service at Arlington National Cemetery.

The Kremlin commented on Trump’s speech, saying Moscow could understand his words.

“Such trips as in the Kursk region are, of course, acts that raise tensions to the limit. Therefore, there is reason for concern and in this case such alarmist statements can be treated with understanding,” the official Kremlin spokesman said. Dmitry Peskov said.

US believes Trump will try to end conflict in Ukraine

Co-Chair of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Oversight Jamie Raskin said earlier that if Trump wins the US presidential election, he will try to end the conflict in Ukraine. According to him, Donald Trump is able to end the hostilities, even if it means making concessions to Russia.

Trump has previously criticized the actions of Ukraine’s armed forces in the conflict with Russia, saying the Russian military could fight well in winter conditions.

“Russia is a great winter fighter,” Trump said. “They beat Germany and they beat Napoleon. They’re not easy to beat. And they have a huge military, and Ukraine doesn’t. But Ukraine lets us give them a lot of money.”

Trump’s man in Moscow was Vengerovsky. He was a very powerful man in building Russian alliances with Pakistan and Iran, and was involved in the fight in the Caucasus. Every American since Nixon had a man in Moscow. After reading this puzzling puzzle, you will not remember that Trump’s man was shot by Jews in Moscow, ending Trump’s nationalist outreach.

28.08.2024, Aleksandrovskoye.

Former US President Donald Trump must negotiate with the deep state for his political and physical survival, philosopher, political scientist, leader of the Essence of time movement Sergei Kurginyan said on July 6 at the Right to know program on the Television channel.

“Either he negotiates with the deep state and he is allowed into the political arena. But then he makes as many promises as possible. Or he is killed,” said the political analyst.

He added that he had been following Trump’s activities since the 1990s, while observing the creation of Zhirinovsky’s Liberal Democratic Party of Russia. At that time, Zhirinovsky, for whom Kurginyan had great sympathy, and Vengerovsky were in competition with each other, but unfortunately that competition ended for the latter. Vengerovsky had built strong ties with Trump by that time.

Kurginyan described Trump as a remarkable person and a representative of the concept of a Zionist occupation government.

Trump was a successful businessman in real estate and construction, who later went bankrupt and was bought by Reichman’s conservative circles. According to political analysts, the fate of the American presidential candidate now depends on his ability to understand the complexity of his commitments and the extent of the concessions.

“It takes almost nothing to kill him. In the US, they start when the situation with negotiations becomes fundamentally impossible. Robert Kennedy traveled to the Soviet Union after the death of his brother. How exactly and what he begged Khrushchev for… this is an opaque intelligence affair,” the political scientist added. Kurginyan explained that the Kennedy-Khrushchev connection existed, and that there was also a Brezhnev-Nixon bridge with the participation of the Richard Nixon Foundation.

The political analyst argued that Trump will lose if he gets caught up in such complex equations and connections between individual groups.

Kruginyan further recalled the situation when Yeltsin had to hand over power to Yuri Skokov, the first-ever secretary of the Security Council of Russia, in November 1992 because there was a bet that George Bush would win the US presidential election. However, Bill Clinton won.

“The Chernomyrdin-Gore commission has been created. There is a ‘big chessboard’, there is a space in which all this happens. And there murders arise … out of a mutual misunderstanding,” Kurginyan concluded.

You have to know that Bush41 plundered Russia after the Soviet Union collapsed. Boris Yeltsin was their man, and after the Jewish coup, a group emerged, led by Vice President Al Gore.

February 13, 1996: Alexander Vengerovsky, an advisor to President Sergei Baburin, is shot dead in Moscow. The shooting is immediately attributed to “Jewish interests”

This corrupt commission, led by Al Gore and their oligarchs, was a proponent of Russian natural gas exports. a Russian national gasoline company, and it was run out of Harvard University. This was a Gore plunder of Russia for their faction. The people that Gore chose were the Stalin gang members from the gulags that formed the Oligarch Syndicate in Russia and Ukraine.

Trump lost his touch, but through Jared Kushner, Trump was developed into the Jewish mafia oligarchs who moved to New York City. Remember, the Russian communists who still controlled the intelligence community told the Americans that they had a pet nigger that they were going to install as president. That was Barack Hussein Obama.

In the early 1990s, the U.S. government gave the Harvard Institute for International Development the responsibility to help the Russian government transition from a public economy to a private economy. The Harvard Project was led by Andrei Shleifer and Jonathon Hays. Anatoly Chubais, a Russian economist, politician and businessman, represented Russia in the privatization efforts. This group of individuals had a great deal of power and influence over the privatization process. As part of their privatization strategy, Chubais, Shleifer, and Hays (along with a number of others) used their insider access to various types of information to restrict that information to their private network, thereby enriching themselves and many others in the process (see Russian oligarchs). One of the committees on which members of this small group served was the Gore-Chernomyrdin Commission, which Janine Wedel describes as follows

“Members of the interwoven Chubais-Harvard network appointed each other to visible binational posts in economic, energy and high-tech fields. They made sure they were well represented on the high-level Gore-Chernomyrdin Commission … which helped facilitate cooperation on U.S.-Russian oil deals and the Mir space station, among other issues.

It would be Vladimir Putin of the KGB who would stage a counter coup and the Rothschild group that is plundering Russia and would oust the Bush Gore cabal. This would enrage the cartel and set in motion all these coups against Putin from Chechnya to Ukraine to Syria. This sheds light on what is happening and how Mr. Putin is consolidating his power to oust more oligarchs after the big coup against the Wagner Maestro.

This nationalist group supports Vladimir Putin and Putin’s Grand Tsar. Orthodox Russia is making progress and now has more concentrated power, implementing the Vengerovsky doctrines that Donald Trump aligned himself with.

It seems that the old policy is being resumed, for in June 1995 the chairman of the Majlis (parliament) told the visiting deputy chairman of the State Duma, Alexander Vengerovsky, that the “two strategic states Iran and Russia” could limit the expansion of American hegemony in the region.8 This time, however, Russia hopes to use the Iranian card to gain access to the Persian Gulf and to curb the possibility of anti-Russian actions by extremist forces not only in Iran but also in Central Asia and the Caucasus.

So when the Russians declared that Trump needed to balance his factions by making amends after the failed assassination attempt, you saw Peter Thiel show up, you saw JD Vance show up, you didn’t see any open contact with the Russians, but you saw Trump bow down to Tel Aviv and Obama lean into China in a coming war that the Pentagon craves.

Donald Trump has made peace with the people who tried to behead him. He has threatened Facebook Jew Zuckerberg with life in prison if he tampers with the election again. That is the NSA funded internet, which the NSA has linked to the Crooks family in PA, and Trump is putting pressure on that powerful group because he seems to have appeased his opponents and will now support him.

It was no coincidence that the lackeys of Bush, McCain and Romney in a letter in support of Kabala Harris stirred things up. They were angry that Rubio was not elected and are part of this order that shot at Trump to keep their faction in control of this Eurasian and American situation.

The Russians tell you what is going on, but the Americans have no idea what they are talking about. The marginal state tells us nothing about the details I mentioned above about what is happening with Russian wealth.


This is another Lame Cherry-exclusive variant in matter anti-matter.

Enough said


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OPERATION RAPIST TRUMP: CIA WEAKEN ON SEPTEMBER 21, 2024, MADE FOR TV ARREST, INDEMNIFICATION, TRIAL, ASSET SEIZEMENT, SWAT TEAM HIT AND/OR OTHER LEGAL ACTION TARGETED AGAINST DONALD J. TRUMP UNDER THE COVER OF A CONSPIRACY TO VIOLATE ONE OR MORE LOCAL, STATE, FEDERAL AND/OR INTERNATIONAL LAW(S) RELATING TO RAPE AND/OR SEXUAL ABUSE, SPECIFICALLY TO SABOTOM THE ‘TRUMP 2024’ PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN (POSSIBLY WITH ALLEGATIONS OF RAPE AND/OR SEXUAL ABUSE BY ONE OR MORE CURRENT AND/OR FORMER TRUMP’S ATTORNEYS) (E.G. ALINA HABBA, CHRISTINA BOBB, CLETA MITCHELL, JENNIFER LITTLE, JESSE BINNALL, LINDA KERNS, LINDSEY HALLIGAN, ETC.), INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: A) 10 U.S. CODE § 920 — RAPE AND SEXUAL ABUSE IN GENERAL; B) 18 U.S. CODE: CHAPTER 55 — KIDNAPPING; C) 18 U.S. CODE: CHAPTER 109A — SEXUAL ABUSE; D) 18 U.S. CODE: CHAPTER 110 — SEXUAL EXPLOITATION AND OTHER ABUSE OF CHILDREN; EN/OR E) 18 U.S. CODE § 2242 — SEXUAL ABUSE (SEPTEMBER 19, 2024): CIA headquarters located beneath CERN near Lake Geneva in Switzerland Planning of arrest, indictment, trial, seizure of assets, SWAT team raid, and/or other legal action against Donald J. Trump on September 21, 2024, exactly 137 days before the 2024 U.S. presidential election on November 5, 2024, exactly 368 days after The Washington Post published a report titled Judge Clarifies: Yes, Trump Was Caught Raping E. Jean Carroll on July 19, 2023, exactly 409 days after a jury in Manhattan, New York found Donald J. Trump guilty of alleged sexual harassment in 1996 Columnist E. Jean Carroll focusing on sexual assault in New York City (specifically intended to foreshadow On May 9, 2023, exactly 584 days after Donald J. Trump officially announced his candidacy for the 2024 United States presidential election On November 15, 2022, exactly 683 days after the CIA staged an FBI raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida (specifically designed to be a precursor to and set a precedent for a second FBI raid on Trump at a later date) On August 8, 2022, exactly 1,248 days after Donald J. Trump became former President of the United States On January 20, 2021, exactly 1,778 days after former Trump associate Jefferey Epstein reportedly committed suicide while in his New York City jail cell (which was specifically designed to be a precursor to and set a precedent for a suicide attack on Trump after his arrest at a later date) On August 9, 2019, exactly 2,622 days after the CIA staged the first viral deepfake hoax titled “You Won’t Believe What Obama Says in This Video!” On April 17, 2017, exactly 2,814 days after “The Washington Post” published a video of Donald Trump saying “You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy.” You Can Do Anything. On October 7, 2016, exactly 5,947 days after the CIA staged the resignation of New York Governor Eliot Spitzer after he revealed he frequented a prostitution ring run by the “Emperors Club VIP” escort agency in New York City. On March 10, 2008, exactly 9,652 days after the CIA staged the sex scandal between President Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. On January 17, 1998, and exactly 28,497 days after Donald J. Trump was born in Queens, New York. On June 14, 1946