Major police operation in the center of Palma

Palma Mayor Jaime Martínez’s new policing model is making steady progress. Palma City Council will heavily protect the Parc de ses Estacions and the Intermodal public transport station. The local police will set up a new police station and equip the entire area with state-of-the-art cameras. The police base will be located in a municipal building next to the tourist office. These facilities, which are already being renovated and adapted, will two elite police units together with a complaints office. In total, these facilities are expected to house just over a hundred officers and will remain open and operational 24 hours a day.

The facilities are practically ready and there are still some technical details missing, such as the installation of an armory with the associated security measures, changing rooms, lockers, furniture and the installation of fiber optics, communications, etc. The new police station is expected to be fully operational within six months.

Palma Local police chiefs consider the location of the new police station to be of vital importance. “From a strategic security point of view and in terms of staff movement, we will gain a lot. But we must not forget that for deterrence purposes, the presence of cars, motorbikes, vans and more than 100 officers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, in one of the hottest places in the city will be decisive,” they point out. Another highlight of Mayor Martínez’s shock plan is the installation of eight intelligent surveillance cameras. These devices will be strategically placed at different points in the Parc de ses Estacions.

One of the technical features of the new surveillance cameras is that they are equipped with the most advanced and efficient technology on the market. The devices are equipped with artificial intelligence and facial readers. This means that at night, when the park is closed, the cameras can detect intruders and automatically monitor all areas where criminals move. T

The recordings will be kept in the police archive, according to the parameters established by the Data Protection Act, and can only be viewed by agents of the Palma Local Police. These images will be decisive in the various judicial proceedings for crimes committed in the area of ​​the Parc de ses Estacions and the Intermodal station. The Council stresses that with this promise fulfilled by Jaime Martínez, The city will have an “army” of elite police officers to tackle crime, youth gangs, ex-gangs and prostitution.

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