4 Very Paranoid Zodiac Signs – Collective World

In clinical terms, paranoia is a psychological disorder that is caused by feelings of helplessness, isolation, and victimization. Paranoid people are anxious, fearful, suspicious, and tend to think that the world is out to get them. They may even take bad weather personally.

While it is legitimate to worry about legitimate threats, paranoid people worry about everything. They even worry about worrying too much. Because they treat others as potential enemies, they become alienated from others and it becomes a vicious cycle.

Here are the four zodiac signs most prone to paranoid thinking. For comic effect, I’ve exaggerated precisely how paranoid these signs are, while I am fully aware that I risk making them worse more paranoid in the process. (I’m talking about You specific, and don’t act like you don’t know who you are. You know precisely (who you are.)

1. Scorpio

Rulers of the eighth house and intense by nature, Scorpios can see the dark side in everything, even if they have to make it up. Secretive and cunning, they are masters of deception, so they often expect everyone to lie. It turns out that in many cases they are simply projecting. Of all the signs, they are the most likely to have grown up in an unsafe environment, and if you are not used to safety, you are always looking over your shoulder, waiting for something to go wrong. The sad and tragic thing is that in most cases such nagging paranoia becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. In extreme cases, some Scorpios simply do not feel comfortable unless bad things happen.

2. Virgo

So easily disappointed that they’re prone to crying every time the sun sets for fear it might never come back, Virgos can take an unintended insult so personally that they turn a firecracker into an atomic bomb. If someone doesn’t respond to their text immediately, their minds will start to race through an ever-increasing series of terrifying scenarios: It says they read it. They probably didn’t like it. Or maybe they set it up to say they read it, even though they didn’t. What if they don’t like me? Why can’t they just be honest and say they don’t like me? It’s not bad enough that they don’t like me, but they have to make it worse by lying about it?

3. Ram

As a fire sign ruled by Mars, the planet of warriors, Aries is a natural-born leader who struggles, strains, and strives to occupy and maintain the top spot in any hierarchy or pecking order. But as they say, it’s lonely at the top. Everyone wants to be number one, too. For Aries, this means that everyone is always chasing their way to the top spot: scheming, scheming, gossiping, undermining, and scheming, all while pretending to be their best friend, confidant, and most trusted personal advisor. Like a mafia boss who can’t trust anyone, Aries sees everyone as a potential traitor.

4. Capricorn

As the hardest working sign in the zodiac, Capricorn finds themselves in a difficult position: they know that no one else is trying as hard as they are, and they are not paranoid about this. But they also suspect, sometimes rightly but often without any reason, that others will slack off and let Capricorn do all the work. This allows Capricorn to blame everyone but themselves when things go wrong. Sometimes is everyone’s fault. But sometimes it isn’t. And so Capricorn allows themselves a paranoid loophole that allows them to avoid personal responsibility for their own failures.

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