Fredi Beleri has been released from prison


Fredi Beleri has been released from Fier prison, where he was serving his sentence for vote buying.

Today, the Fier court decided to release BelerI from prison six weeks before the end of his sentence.

Meanwhile, Beleri’s son, Petro Beleri, stands outside Fier prison, welcoming his father with a hug.

The former opposition candidate for the municipality of Himara, Petro Gjikuria, was also waiting for him.

Meanwhile, it is said that a celebratory gathering will be organised in Himara for Beleri’s release, but no further details are known about this.

Upon leaving the prison cell, Beleri gave a statement to the media, describing the August 4 elections in Himara as illegal.

Beleri said he is the winner of Himara Municipality and that his mandate was wrongly revoked by the government of Prime Minister Rama.

“There are no elections in Albania because the government decided that there will be no elections in this country. In the elections held on May 14, I emerged as the winner, the elections held on August 4 were illegal. Illegal was my resignation, illegal was the presidential election decree and illegal were the decisions of the prime minister to involve the entire state and the mafia to win an election in a village,” Beleri said.

Beleri also focused on obtaining the mandate of Member of the European Parliament and the work he will do as a representative of New Democracy in the European Parliament.

He said that “if given the opportunity, he will raise his voice in the European Parliament for justice in Albania”.

Beleri added that he will continue the legal battle in the Strasbourg court and that he will run again in Himara if he is proven innocent.

“I will continue the legal battle in Strasbourg. This case will be closed in Strasbourg and I will seek justice there. If the Strasbourg decision is over and I am found innocent, of course I will participate,” Beleri said.

We remind you that Beleri was arrested on May 12 last year on charges of buying votes for the May 14 elections, in which he was a candidate for mayor.

Despite his imprisonment, Beleri managed to obtain the majority of the votes and beat the Socialist Party candidate, Jorgo Goro. However, his isolation prevented him from governing the municipality.

The post Fredi Beleri released from prison appeared first on Euronews Albania.

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