Biden from the grave fights back

Go get them Joe. Glad to have you on my team!!!

Like another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

By the end of this week Joe Biden was supposed to be removed from the presidency in a desperate attempt by Harris with Obama Inc. to seize power and win the election with two future wars in Iran and Ukraine. That is the reality but Joe Biden has risen from the grave in California where he is buried on “vacation” with key operatives to strike back and paralyze Kamala Harris from stopping this coup.

The leaking of Harris’ terrible polls was the start of this, but it really came to fruition in this crazy fake letter that Harris posted. She claimed Tucker Carlson had written this letter to her saying he loved her and wanted gun control.

This letter was generated from within the Harris campaign, by Joe Biden’s people, with no fear of Harris or Obama Inc. That is the only way it was posted and the only way it was written so childishly so Tucker Carlson could humiliate the failing Harris, who has failed at CNN interviews, until he was destroyed by Gold Star military families.

The Biden Delaware mafia is active on all fronts in manufacturing stories straight from Tampon Tim’s family, desperately trying to save Joe Biden’s presidency.

As Lame Cherry has explored, the best place for Joe Biden for the stability of the world and America is to fill out his fraudulently installed presidency, regardless of who corrupted it, with what looks like a coming episode of Donald Trump and JD Vance. The last thing we need is this incompetent bunch of invasion-loving, America-burning international socialists to gain control of the White House for two months to steal this election and if that doesn’t happen, to thwart Donald Trump via a police state.
We don’t need two wars and another pandemic from the Obama era.

Joe Biden may be buried, but the old man is fighting back and his loyalists are in full action to save him from the coup that is being launched to finish Joe Biden off.

Another exclusive Lame Cherry in matter anti matter.

Enough said


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