Government vows to crack down on phone theft after 150% spike in incidents – The Irish News

The government has vowed to crack down on phone thefts after the number of incidents rose by more than 150% last year.

An estimated 78,000 people were robbed of their phone or bag on UK streets up to March 2024, according to data from the Crime Survey for England and Wales.

This represented a 153% increase compared to the 31,000 incidents of ‘thefts’ in the same period up to March 2023.

According to an analysis of data by the UK Home Office, more than 200 incidents occurred every day in England and Wales over the past 12 months.

Only 0.8% of ‘theft from the person’ cases resulted in a charge, and 81.9% of police investigations were completed before a suspect was found.

Police information suggests this is likely due to increased demand for second-hand smartphones, both in the UK and internationally.

In a bid to tackle this rising criminal activity, the Interior Ministry said it would invite technology companies and manufacturers to a high-level conference to look at “the new innovations that could capture the illicit market”.

It is likely that this will build on the anti-theft features that some companies have already introduced on smartphones.

The government is also expected to ask police chiefs to help tackle the problem, with Operation Opal – the national police intelligence unit – set to launch an intelligence investigation to gather urgent information on the criminals stealing mobile phones and where these devices are ending up.

According to the Ministry of the Interior, this will provide a better picture of the stolen mobile phone market and provide insight into what more needs to be done to tackle the problem.

Police Minister Dame Diana Johnson said: “With new phones coming onto the market and young people going back to school or university, many of us will have a new phone in our hands at this time of year.

“These figures are worrying and the government is determined to do whatever it takes to protect people who have the right to walk the streets without the risk of being robbed.

“As part of our Safer Streets mission, this new government is determined to crack down on theft, knifepoint robberies and other crimes that make people feel unsafe in our communities. We are working to send thousands of extra uniformed officers into our communities to restore community policing.

“Phone companies need to ensure that stolen phones can be disabled quickly, easily and permanently, rather than being re-registered for sale on the second-hand market. We will be meeting with them shortly to discuss what further steps are needed to make this happen.

“If we work together, government, technology companies and law enforcement can disrupt the business model of the phone thieves and moped gangs that depend on this trade.”

Commander Richard Smith, responsible for personal theft, from the National Police Chiefs’ Council, added: “Personal theft can have a devastating impact on victims and leave them with trauma that can be lasting.

“Criminals often target the most vulnerable in society, such as children, with threats of violence, making robberies particularly traumatic.

“We continue to focus on repeat offenders who are responsible for frequent criminal behavior, while at the same time ensuring that young people do not engage in this type of crime.

“During Operation Calibre, our national police week of action against personal robberies, police forces focused their activities on over 1,250 known hotspot areas, increasing our visibility and operational activity and arresting those intent on committing crimes. However, we know that we cannot solve this problem by arresting.

“Manufacturers and the technology sector have a key role to play in reducing the opportunities for criminals to profit from the resale of stolen devices.”

“There are several tips you can do to reduce your chances of becoming a victim, listed below. I encourage everyone to follow these and share them with family and friends.

“If, in the unfortunate circumstances, you have been the victim of a robbery, report it to the police or contact Crimestoppers (”

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