“You can’t tell me our government isn’t involved in the gang situation in Venezuela”

TikToker, @magbergen say,

“You cannot convince me that our government is not involved in the situation in Venezuela with its gangs taking over apartment complexes in Colorado.

“You’re going to tell me that an international gang is taking over people’s homes and apartments with illegal ARs, and the government is doing nothing about it?

Running time: 29 sec.


“Is law enforcement doing absolutely nothing?

“The National Guard does nothing?

“It is clear that our government is allowing this to happen.”

On Sergeant News Network (on Telegram), dozens of videos are posted daily from local residents from Aurora, Coloradofrom all walks of life, all describing this series of events and the total degradation of that community. They see this as a test; this is the model for what they want to do to the entire United States.

Several people in Aurora, Colorado, have been raising very specific, similar alarms about the Venezuelan prison gangs, known as the Aragua trailwho were deliberately released from Venezuelan prison and smuggled into the US by DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas specifically to cause murder, mayhem and theft and are now setting up their own brand new kidnapping operations, the latter being their niche specialty in the world’s criminal networks.

So far, Venezuelan gangs have reportedly taken over at least two apartment complexes and robbed several gun stores in Aurora, Colorado.

There are reports that a building is being taken over in the same way in the suburbs of Chicago. The complex is currently surrounded by gangster motorcycles and gang members are starting to break into homes.

Local police in Chicago – and also in Aurora – claim to be completely powerless.

2 minutes

Another TikToker, @let.kyree.b tells us:

“If I told you this was going to happen in 2024, would you believe me? Let me tell you how crazy this is. In Aurora, Colorado, there’s a Venezuelan gang that took over two apartment buildings. Seriously.

“The landowner contacted the local authorities. They said there was nothing they could do. That’s Squatter lawsBrother.

“I’m not lying to you. Look this up. Number two, he went to the FBI.

“They said there was nothing they could do. And he even went to the Marshals, guys. And this Venezuelan gang has taken over the apartment building!

“They make the tenants pay rent, as if they were landlords!

“Meanwhile, the real landlord can’t get these people out of their house!

“All these people leaving the apartment buildings – once they leave, these Venezuelan gang members add EVEN MORE gang members – to the point where they take over the building – with guns!

“There’s no security there anymore!

“Like – look this up now! And this is exactly what I was talking about two weeks ago.

“Oh, not even two weeks ago. On a couple of my videos.

“This is what they want: attacks from within. You better stay safe! You better stay safe!


“This is what they want: for the country to be attacked from within: ‘Black people versus brown people’: ‘Let them fight it out!’

“Do you see what I mean?

“You all must stay safe!

“It’s really going to get crazy here because it’s going to get to a point where it’s going to affect you. You may not live in Aurora, Colorado, but the fact that it’s happening.

“Man, this – this – this – is crazy!

“You all need to stay safe.

“Man, man, man. I’ve seen videos of this kind of stuff; the same Venezuelan people in the stores – looking for people to kidnap and traffic children!

“It’s going to be a mess.

“And you tell me, ‘Trump is not needed.’ And you tell me, ‘Trump is not needed’?

“Come on, now!

“Go look this shit up! This shit ain’t no joke, Bro!

“They literally have the area secured with guns. – They’re not even like – this is crazy! It’s getting crazy.

“Stay prepared.

“TTG. Time to go!”


Meanwhile, @SGTNewsNetwork (Telegram) also reports on a recent video from US Army Training at nearby Fort Carson, Colorado. He writes,

“This shows that if the Kamala Harris administration wanted to stop the illegal Venezuelan migrant gangs from taking over apartment complexes in Aurora, Colorado, with AK-47 assault rifles and forcing American citizens to pay rent to live in their own homes, they would do it.”

Except they were all sent to the Middle East, right?

Stay cool out there! Survive till 2025!

Running time: 53 sec.

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