Illegal gangs take over CO, time for old-fashioned racial profiling


Ethnic, illegal gangs take over:


In Aurora, Colorado, concerns about the presence of Venezuelan gangs have prompted city officials and law enforcement to take action to reassure the community. Interim Police Chief Heather Morris and other officers have been in contact with residents of an apartment complex that has become a focal point for these concerns. Residents like Cindy Romero have expressed frustration, citing instances in which police failed to respond to visible criminal activity. Aurora Mayor Mike Coffman has announced plans to seek an emergency court order to vacate the troubled apartment buildings, noting that the properties, owned by out-of-state landlords, have a history of crime that predates the current gang problems. While authorities acknowledge the existence of gang members, they believe the situation is exaggerated and are focused on ensuring the safety of the community.

In response to a ridiculous op-ed in the Denver Post claiming that the Venezuelan gang currently terrorizing Aurora, CO, “No problem,“because it would be “ethnic profiling” to identify them as a problem, a lawyer friend wrote the following in response:

“It is not the vast majority of Venezuelan immigrants, documented or undocumented, that are of concern. It is the small minority of Venezuelan immigrants who ARE GANG MEMBERS, and who ARE of GREAT concern!

Am I afraid of every Venezuelan immigrant?

Of course not!

This is not a racial or ethnic problem. This is an all too real “gang problem.” This gang, which seems to be causing chaos in Aurora, is cause for great concern.

Defending Venezuelan immigrants, as a group, is just a distraction from the real issue. You should be addressing the real issue, not diverting attention from it by shifting to a fake “ethnic issue,” or a fake “anti-Venezuelan issue.”

No intelligent person concludes that “all Venezuelan immigrants, documented or undocumented, are dangerous gang members.” Intelligent people DO SAY: “A Venezuelan gang IS a cause for great concern.”

It would be foolish of us to ignore the fact that this gang of domestic terrorists is Venezuelan, by ethnicity or origin, because it would be ‘politically incorrect’ to say so.

That is government propaganda and pure nonsense. It is equally nonsense to accuse the concerns of those who are rightly concerned about the dangers posed by this very real Venezuelan gang as ‘unfounded’ because the gang is of Venezuelan origin.

Reporting facts is not measured by political correctness, except in this op-ed. Facts are facts, even when they are politically inconvenient! “Revisionist news” is not news.

It’s nonsense, and it doesn’t fit anywhere, even as an opinion piece.”

Here in the Denver area, ethnic Venezuelan gangs (almost all of whom are in the country illegally, by the way) are currently violently taking over entire neighborhoods and apartment buildings, with little to no police intervention.

Ten years ago this was unthinkable!

Now it’s really dangerous.

It will come as no surprise that the mayor of Denver, the mayor of Aurora, Colorado, and the governor of our state (all liberals) have gone into “full spin mode” as they give cowardly, wimpy “word salad” answers (reminiscent of KDH) to tough questions about this desperate reality.

Some facts that are not in dispute:

1) Many police departments (all over the US) are currently dealing with reports of violence.

In many cases this is an administrative decision, based on general staff shortages and a political agenda.

Yet nervous citizens translate this trend as ‘abandonment!’

2) The Aurora, CO Police Department has designated apartment complexes plagued by ethnic gangs as dangerous enough that at least three officers must respond to calls from those complexes at a time..

So while the mayor of Aurora is essentially saying, “There’s nothing to do here,” his PD’s tactics clearly indicate the opposite!

3) Liberal politicians invariably create “exceptions” to gun laws, exceptions that benefit only them!

Furthermore, they invariably deploy large groups of police officers (who would otherwise protect citizens) who focus solely on protecting citizens.

It is clear that for them only their own safety is important.

I’m curious to see how leftists push their signature “cradle to grave, and we’ll take care of all your needs” government agenda on citizens.

But when the critical, desperate need actually arises, citizens are immediately abandoned and then cynically told by those same well-protected left-wing activists, “You’re on your own!”

So if police officers insist that they need patrol rifles and service pistols with “large capacity” magazines to adequately deal with increasingly violent and well-armed criminal gangs, then fewer and fewer protected citizens need free access to this protective kit. And for the same reasons, wouldn’t you agree?

What we see here are heavily armed, illegal ethnic gangs, who are only here because of the open borders of the JRB administration. They operate without remorse or fear, while liberal politicians do nothing at all!

It’s all a reminder of how dire the situation has become here in the US!

And our left-wing political elite, which is itself well protected, seems to enjoy it!


About John Farnam & Defense Training International, Inc

As an instructor in defensive weapons and tactics, John Farnam will encourage you to make a decision based on your beliefs about what you would do if you were faced with an imminent deadly threat. Of course, you must also decide what preparations you need to make in advance, if any. Defense Training International wants to ensure that its students fully understand the physical, legal, psychological, and social consequences of their actions or inactions.

It is our duty to make you aware of certain unpleasant physical realities inherent to Planet Earth. Mr. Farnam is happy to be your counselor and advisor. Visit:

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John Farnam

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