France demands migrants from ANYWHERE in the EU be allowed to apply for asylum in Britain

France has called on Britain to accept asylum applications from within the European Union, following Tuesday’s boat disaster in which 12 migrants died.

After the boat capsized in the Channel yesterday afternoon, the victims included a number of children. According to the French authorities, most of the dead came from Eritrea and other African countries.

But just hours after the tragedy, Gerald Darmanin, the French interior minister (the equivalent of the British home secretary), blamed the UK.

Darmanin said that without a new asylum deal between the EU and the UK, “we will be doomed to let the small boats continue to exist”.

Gerald Darmanin

Darmanin blamed the UK for the small boat crossings


Aid workers in Boulogne

Emergency services gathered in Boulogne-sur-Mer to meet Darmanin after the tragedy


The interior minister called the incident a “terrible shipwreck” on social media and railed against “criminal smugglers” who had crammed 70 people onto a vessel less than seven metres long.

But at a press conference on Tuesday evening, Darmanin indicated he wanted to restore the “classic migration relationship” with the United Kingdom, which he described as France’s “friend and neighbour”.

The Home Secretary called for a new treaty between Britain and the EU, with all 27 member states designated as “safe” countries.

He said: “The solution is… to have a treaty that allows the UK and the EU, not just France and the UK, to establish a causal link between asylum applications and the granting of asylum in the UK.


Small boat migrants

Darmanin indicated he wants to restore a “classic migration relationship” with the UK


“Otherwise we are condemned to watch the small boats pass by.”

Darmanin said migrants are forced to cross the border illegally because they “can often work without papers” and are “very rarely” deported from the UK.

He criticised current and past UK measures to tackle the crisis, particularly the Conservative government’s deportation plan in Rwanda, which was quickly scrapped after Labour came to power.

Darmanin said: “The Rwanda deal has failed and has not deterred people smugglers.” He added that the “tens of millions of euros we negotiate every year with our British friends, who pay only a third of what we spend” on guarding French beaches, will do little to stop the thousands of illegal border crossings.

Small boat migrants on the bus

Darmanin said migrants are forced to make illegal crossings because they are “very rarely” expelled from the UK


Small boat migrants brought to Dover

Yvette Cooper reiterated the Labour government’s focus on tackling “dangerous and criminal smuggling gangs”



Sir Keir Starmer has hinted he would be open to a new deal allowing the UK to return illegal migrants to the EU.


But any new treaty proposal from France or the EU would likely be rejected.

Although Home Secretary Yvette Cooper called Tuesday’s demise “appalling and deeply tragic”, she reiterated that the Labour government’s focus is on tackling “dangerous and criminal smuggling gangs”.

Sir Keir Starmer has indicated he is open to a new deal that would allow the UK to send illegal migrants back to the EU countries where they first arrived. However, he has vetoed a similar deal that would see Britain accept thousands of migrants from the EU.

Globally, Britain is trying to speed up the return of migrants to 11 countries, including Iraq, Ethiopia and Vietnam. According to quarterly figures from the Home Office, the latter country has seen a rise in illegal immigrants. The country wants to reduce the number of people staying in the country without sufficient work or study documents.

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