City of Saint-Marion and New Empire City


I present 2 WIPs that I have: Saint-Marion and New Empire City.

Saint-Marion is a fictional town in the deep south of Louisiana, divided into 7 neighborhoods – Burnier Colline, Villa Romana, Port Regina, Downtown, Riverside, Point Verona, and Barrio Latino. This town is inspired by New Orleans and many other cities in Louisiana and is set in the 1950s. I created it for a book I am writing about some mafia criminals.

New Empire City is my version of New York for my book universe. I’ve mainly done the Kingsman borough, but there are 4 others, clockwise: The Crown (Bronx), Dames (Queens), Brougham (Brooklyn), Colony Islands (Staten), and Kingsman (Manhattan, in the middle). There are many neighborhoods in each borough (if you’re interested, I can show you all of them). This version of the map is set in the 1920s, but I plan to make versions for future decades, when I feel the need. I’ve made the road layout for Kingsman, the rough rail network (red lines are train, purple are surface metro). I don’t want to put Jersey on my map, it won’t exist in this area. I’ll have it (maybe make a map) in a different location, far from the NEC.

I hope you like it!

submitted by /u/Cool_Narwhal2109
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