Algerian Tebboune: from bureaucrat to ‘father figure’

Tebboune, 78, was elected in December 2019 with 58 percent of the vote, despite a record abstention rate of more than 60 percent, amid massive Hirak pro-democracy protests. The demonstrations, which began in February of that year and led to the ouster of former President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, under whom Tebboune held several ministerial roles, sought a sweeping political overhaul. Maintaining a calm demeanor and, to some, an amiable appearance, Tebboune attempted to calm the protests by pardoning several dozen jailed activists. He claimed to be upholding the “blessed” spirit of the Hirak, which he said liberated the North African country from an oppressive past. Yet he oversaw the jailing of hundreds of other activists, banned the movement’s weekly meetings and cracked down on dissent with the backing of the military. Five years later, Tebboune’s tenure still reflects “a democratic deficit,” said Hasni Abidi, an analyst at the Geneva-based CERMAM Study Center. Algerian authorities “have maintained their suppression of civic space by continuing their brutal approach to human rights,” Amnesty International said. The London-based rights group condemned “a zero-tolerance approach to dissent” in “a climate of fear and censorship.” Tebboune has avoided addressing such accusations, instead touting his social and economic credentials and promising more if re-elected. Africa’s third-largest economy The incumbent president often refers to Bouteflika’s final years in power as the “mafia decade,” when control of Algeria’s energy wealth was concentrated in the hands of a “gang.” During his tenure, several key figures from that era, including Bouteflika’s brother Said, were convicted of corruption and imprisoned. Tebboune claims to have put Algeria, Africa’s third-largest economy, back on track, with the war between Ukraine and Russia sending natural gas prices soaring to the continent’s biggest exporter. He has capitalized on this by promising free housing, more jobs, a higher minimum wage and bigger social pensions. During his campaign, Tebboune sought to be close to the people, even wearing traditional Tuareg clothing during his protests in the southern Sahara. In March, he expressed pride in being called “ammi Tebboune” (“Uncle Tebboune”), even calling it “a paternal relationship.” As an independent, Tebboune has sought to distance himself from political parties, which have lost credibility among many Algerians. His supporters say he has breathed new life into the presidency, which had become largely invisible under Bouteflika after his stroke in 2013. “The presidency has gone from a ghost institution to a real center of power,” said analyst Abidi. Critics, however, allege that Tebboune came to power with military backing. Like Bouteflika, he is defense minister and commander-in-chief of the armed forces and has never questioned the military’s political role, calling it “the backbone of the state.” He is often seen with chief of staff Said Chengriha at public events. Political journey Tebboune graduated from the National School of Administration and rose to prefect in several provinces in the 1980s, eventually becoming part of the state apparatus that the Hirak protests later sought to reform. In 1991, he served as minister of local communities under President Chadli Bendjedid, who was ousted in early 1992 when the Algerian Civil War began. The war, nicknamed the Black Decade, saw the military intervene to stop parliamentary elections after the Islamic Salvation Front won the first round and promised to establish religious rule. Tebboune largely disappeared from the political scene during the war, which ended in 2002, but returned when Bouteflika was elected in 1999 and briefly served as communications minister. He held various other portfolios until 2002, followed by a decade-long hiatus. Tebboune returned as housing minister in 2012 and became prime minister in 2017, though he was dismissed after just three months, reportedly over clashes with oligarchs close to Bouteflika. Many of those oligarchs were later jailed for corruption during Tebboune’s presidency. Tebboune, once a heavy smoker with a thin moustache, is now married with three sons and two daughters. He quit smoking in 2020 after contracting Covid-19 and spending two months in hospital in Germany. He returned to Germany in 2021 for foot surgery. Tebboune is currently the heavy favorite in the presidential race, where he is facing the moderate Islamist Abdelaali Hassani and the socialist Youssef Aouchiche.

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