Child Sexual Exploitation | Harrisburg Daily Voice

Child Sexual Exploitation | Harrisburg Daily Voice


UPMC pediatric radiology professor charged with child pornography: USDOJ

UPMC pediatric radiology professor charged with child pornography: USDOJ

Ashok Panigrahy, 53, of Pittsburgh, charged with child pornography

A physician and professor of pediatric radiology at the University of Pittsburgh has been charged with child pornography, according to a press release from the U.S. Department of Justice on Wednesday, Sept. 4. Dr. Ashok Panigrahy, 53, of Pittsburgh, was found to be transporting “material depicting the sexual exploitation of a minor in interstate commerce, and was in possession of material depicting the sexual exploitation of a minor,” in November 2022, according to the U.S. Department of Justice press release. The material contained images of the rape of children under the age of 12 and/or prepubescent, according to federal court…


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