Let’s honor a teacher – Statetimes

Sunaina Malik

It would be very appropriate to call a teacher as a gardener. A gardener beautifies a garden by providing a safe, sheltered and vigorous ambiance to the plants. In the same way, a teacher is also responsible for educating a child for his all-round development of body, mind and soul. According to the laws of nature, an iron rod, instead of having millions of electrons, is unable to conduct electricity unless and until it is connected by an external potential, because all these electrons are moving in random directions with zero resultant. In the same way, a society is unable to grow if it is devoid of teachers, because it is only a teacher, who collects randomly moving thoughts of an innocent child and gives them one direction, one path. This path undoubtedly leads to success and contentment in life. To your revelation, this profession is one of the oldest professions in the world. Almost in every era, man is in dire need of a teacher, but there is a drastic change in the mentality of our society in general regarding our teacher of today.
The present money-hungry society has forgotten that teaching was a profession. The private school mafia has converted this sacred job into a business to make money. Several tutoring centres spread across India have reduced teachers to a commodity to be kept in the market for public auction. This atmosphere has created a layer of insulation on the prudence of our students, preventing them from developing a sense of reverence and admiration for their teachers. In the present scenario, a student thinks that he or she can buy any teacher with money. Besides, there is a rapid increase in the number of cases of brutality of our teachers by students across the country.
On July 8, 2015, students attacked a teacher outside the Senate Hall of the University of Calcutta. The chancellor of the university expressed concern over the deteriorating teacher-student relations. In Kolkata, not a day goes by without a teacher being attacked. Even Noted Educationist Sunanda Sanyal told (IANS) in an interview that what would be worse than seeing the teacher as nothing more than a punching bag, who can punch and beat whoever wants to.
On the other hand, the government and the society held only a teacher guilty of spoiling the standard of education in government schools. To your revelation, he is not the only agency responsible for this. The following facts can prove this. (1) Government schools are filled with a rejected group of the society. Students with a bright mind are admitted by parents to private schools. (2) A teacher of a government school is not supported by the parents of his students to make teaching successful. The indifference of parents is the second biggest reason responsible for the poor standard of education. (3) A student of a government school has no fixed base because there is no provision for admission of a child to nursery classes in government schools.
In view of the above facts, I would like to appeal to the entire society to bless all teachers by saying the blessing on the eve of Teachers’ Day.
(1)Four-sided criticism has reduced a teacher’s confidence. Build up their attitude by believing in it.
(2) Admire teaching as a reputable profession and the teacher as a prominent and triumphant person in society.
(3)A teacher should be given high prestige and a first-class salary, as in foreign countries where teachers are held in high esteem and are considered the most brilliant and flourishing class of society. According to them, only a teacher can lay the foundation for a prosperous generation. This encouragement by the government and society enables them to prepare a generation that will later bring about a revolution in the form of discoveries and inventions.
(4) There is no doubt that the recent order of screening of degrees of Rehbere Taleem teachers by the J&K government is a noteworthy step. But I apologize to say that the fake degree mafia for teachers should be put behind bars.
(5)A teacher should not be discredited in the presence of his students during the inspection of lessons by high officials, as this would affect the esteem of the teacher in the eyes of the students and the student would no longer adhere to the teacher.
Finally, I would like to wish all teachers a happy teachers day. May God help them to regain the lost status of nobility, respect and high admiration in society?

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