Sextortion: Samuel and Samson Ogoshi, Ezekiel Sentenced to US Prison for Death of Jordan DeMay

The faces of the two brothers we throw in prison.

Where did this photo come from? EFCC/Facebook

Two Nigerian brothers, Samuel and Samson Ogoshi, who framed a 17-year-old boy for an extortion scam, have been sentenced to prison in the US.

U.S. District Judge Robert J. Jonker handed down the sentence finding the boys guilty of the crime after they appeared in court in Marquette.

The two brothers were sentenced to 210 months (17 and a half years) in prison. They will serve their sentences in federal prison.

Di Ogoshi brodas bin cheating Jordan DeMay by sending them sexual images while pretending to be a girl the same age as me.

They blackmail the boy and commit suicide in less than six hours after they start tokenizing for social media.

Jordan DeMay is a 17-year-old popular high school athlete from Michigan.

DeMay dies in 2022 when the boys begin blackmailing him through social media.

Jordan’s mother, Jenn Buta, holds photos of her son in court and cries as she reads a victim impact statement. “I’m broken to my core,” she said.

She is happy with the end of the process, but she says there is no definitive outcome to the tragic case yet.

The two Nigerian brothers Samuel and Samson Ogoshi and a certain Ezekiel Robert bin are accused of four counts related to sexual extortion.

The U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Michigan, Mark Totten, has opened the case against three Nigerian men accused of sexually extorting scores of young men and teenage boys in the district and across the United States.

One of them, Samuel Ogoshi, accused him of serious crimes, including the death of a young boy, Jordan DeMay.

This will be the first successful prosecution of Nigerians for sextortion for America, amid a rapidly growing cybercrime spree often linked to Nigeria.

On March 25, 2022, the remains of 17-year-old DeMay were found with a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

After the man’s death, an investigation began by the Marquette County Sheriff Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

In April 2024, the two Ogoshi Brodas bin pleaded guilty to charges of sexual exploitation of teenage boys in the US.

Authorities have also identified 38 American victims who were targeted, 13 of whom are minors.

The Siddon brothers appear in court, wearing orange jumpsuits with handcuffs on their hands.

According to defense attorneys, drug abuse was the reason the Ginger brothers committed the crime, as well as the culture of sextortion scams in Nigeria.

The judge called the crimes “a callous disregard for life”, especially since they continue to target ODA victims even though they know Jordan has not yet died.

Both brothers apologized to the Jordan family.

Samson Ogoshi told his family he was sorry: “We made a bad decision to make money and I wish I could change them,” Samson Ogoshi said.

In my first case, US police tracked down and successfully extradited for trial the criminals who left for Lagos last summer.

According to the U.S. Attorney’s Office, charges against Robert Bin will remain pending unless he is proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

Meanwhile, on August 17, Di Ogoshi Broda pleaded not guilty during his summons after formally informing them of the charges against them.

After DeMay’s death, my mother, Jenn Buta, used my TikTok account to warn young people about these types of criminals, many of whom live in Nigeria.

How They Caused the Death of a 17-Year-Old Boy

Photo of Jordan with his mom
What do we call this photo, 17-year-old Jordan DeMay committed suicide two weeks ago

The two Nigerian brothers, 24-year-old Samuel Ogoshi and 21-year-old Samson Ogoshi, sent a friend request to 17-year-old Jordan DeMay on Instagram. They pretended to be a nice girl of the same age and started flirting with him.

Once they receive sexual images of the teen, they begin blackmailing him for hundreds of dollars, threatening to share the photos online with his friends if he doesn’t send them money.

Jordan sends all the money and warns the scammers that I will commit suicide if they share any photos.

The criminals will respond: “Good… Do it quickly, or I will make you do it.”

John DeMay bin tell di Marquette federal court for Michigan says I still have nightmares after finding my son dead in my bedroom. He says my family was forced to move to escape the memory.

Di-charges against di-defendants and punishment

The four charges against the three suspects, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office:

Count 1 against Samuel Ogoshi for sexual exploitation and attempted sexual exploitation of a minor resulting in death in connection with the death of Jordan DeMay.

Count 2: All three men are accused of conspiracy to commit sexual exploitation of minors by inducing the minors to create child pornography images which they then use to blackmail the minors.

Count 3: All three men are accused of conspiracy to distribute child pornography, for sending child pornographic images to minors, as well as to their families and friends.

Count 4: Conspiracy to commit internet stalking to participate in this extortion scheme as it involves both minors and young adults.

Some charges carry a maximum sentence of life in prison and a mandatory minimum sentence of 30 years.

Oda affairs authorities dey torchlight

Two blurry Nigerian men

Where did this photo come from? NSW Police

What do we call this photo, Australian police release blurry photo of two accused sextortionists

Researchers and law enforcement agencies point to Nigeria as a hotbed for this type of crime.

In April, authorities arrested two Nigerian men after an Australian schoolboy committed suicide.

Two Lagos men are also on trial following the suicides of a 15-year-old boy in the US and a 14-year-old in Canada.

Nigerian authorities are working with police in Scotland to investigate the case of 16-year-old Murray Dowey, who committed suicide in December 2023.

In January, US cyber firm Network Contagion Research Institute (NCRI) mapped a web of Nigerian TikTok, YouTube and Scribd accounts sharing sextortion tips and scripts.

Many of the discussions and videos are in the Nigerian Pidgin dialect.

Adedeji Oyenuga, a professor of cyber security at the University of Lagos, says I hope the news will show that sentencing Nigerians to prison will deter criminals and make them stop.

This is not the first time that young, tech-savvy Nigerians have embraced this new wave of cybercrime.

They use the term “Yahoo Boys” to describe a segment of the population that uses cybercrime to make a living.

It is the beginning of the wave of email fraud involving the Nigerian prince in the early 2000s, which was spread through the Yahoo email service.

Dr Tombari Sibe of cybersecurity firm Digital Footprints Nigeria says cyber fraud such as sextortion is no longer a common occurrence among young criminals, but he hopes news of Di Ogoshis’ conviction will spread quickly.

How to Deal with Sextortionists

Advice that Jenn Buta and many law enforcement agencies frequently give to targeted sex abusers includes:

  • Remember that you are not alone and this is not your fault.
  • Report the predator account via the platform’s safety feature
  • Block the predator so they can’t contact you
  • Save your profile or messages – they can help police identify and stop the predators
  • Ask for help from a trusted adult or the police before sending money or more photos
  • Cooperating with the predator is not enough to stop the blackmail and intimidation, but law enforcement can.

Tips to avoid becoming a victim of sextortion

Sabi Pipo gives a number of tips aimed at preventing them from becoming victims of sextortion.

The Cyber ​​Security Authority for Ghana provides some tips to let people know that this could be a scam or blackmail.

  • Avoid accepting online friend requests from unknown people (especially if they are given questionable profile information)
  • They are cautious about these kinds of friendships on social media, with the guy saying they should maintain a relationship via WhatsApp
  • No recording or storage of your nude photos and videos for your phone
  • Beware of video calls from unknown idiots on major social media platforms
  • Do not share nude photos and videos via social media platforms (whether in a private inbox or not)
  • They are wary of unsolicited messages or offers, especially those promising business opportunities or money

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