ICE headlines are a wake-up call: Nation sleepwalks into storm of migrant crisis

The radical progressive trio of Biden-Harris-Mayorkas is destroying American sovereignty and endangering the lives of law-abiding citizens, while armed Venezuelan prison gangs with AR-style rifles and pistols are running amok in the northern Denver suburb of Aurora and other sanctuary cities run by far-left Democrats. We learned this week that migrant gangs have begun attacking critical energy infrastructure in West Texas.

Since January 2021, the Biden-Harris-Mayorkas trio has destroyed every border security the Trump administration built and enabled the largest migrant invasion ever in the country. Cities and counties are being flooded with millions of unchecked migrants, some of whom have been identified as criminals and terrorists.

The scale and depth of the ongoing damage are only beginning to be realized as once-peaceful neighborhoods across the U.S., from New York City to Chicago to Denver to some West Coast cities, are plagued by immigrant crime. Some communities are being overrun by illegal aliens as local resources are stretched thin.

Nothing but chaos.

A particularly alarming problem is that the Permian Basin, America’s top oil-producing region, is now under threat from migrant gangs, a sign that the country’s critical energy infrastructure is at risk.

Another thing we’ve been telling readers this week is that law-abiding Americans need to be made aware of the cities, counties and states that have laws, regulations and policies that hinder immigration enforcement and protect illegal criminals from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. That’s because these areas are becoming increasingly dangerous — or perhaps “no go” zones, with armed immigrant criminals running amok. Aurora is a prime example.

The latest headlines on ICE’s website are a stark warning that this country is sleepily careening toward disaster:

All this chaos is a direct result of Biden, Harris and Mayorkas importing the third world into the first world.


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