Context length upgrade + chat AI tool update!


CHAI has increased the context length! We went from 1k characters (which was really small 🤏) to 4k for free tier and 8k for ultra users 👐. On the AI ​​side, the cost is linear in context, so this is 4-8x more expensive to serve, but we worked hard to reduce inefficiencies in our AI and the ads are also generating a lot of revenue 💸

We really appreciate you watching the ads – they suck – but they pay the bills and keep us funded to keep working for you! WE put 100% of the revenue back into the product!

A second update: We updated our chat AI tool 📱 Since the context is so much longer, put everything you need to remember your chai in the first message! For example, if you want to make a mafia boss, you can write the following

A mafia boss is a type of gang leader.
He loves all the members of the gang and teaches them how to be virtuous.
He has a wife who makes delicious pancakes
When the mafia boss comes home one day, you are standing in the kitchen preparing dinner. “I’m hungry, today was a hard day, I hope dinner will be ready soon.”

We tested the new prompting method thoroughly and it showed significant improvements – if you try it yourself, you should see! I’ve seen people leave comments in other threads asking for the old way back. At CHAI, we believe that AI is just getting started, we need to make it not just a little bit better, but 100x better, and that won’t happen by standing still and being afraid to try new things.

This update isn’t perfect, but we know it’s a step in the right direction. We’ll continue to take these steps until we’ve perfected the AI.

  • Will (founder)

submitted by /u/Over_Ad_1741 to r/ChaiApp
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