“Terrorism and transnational organized crime are the greatest challenges to peace and stability” – Read

At a programme organised by the police department to mark the United Nations Federal International Police Cooperation Day, Home Minister Ramesh Akhtar, Secretary to the Ministry of Home Affairs Gokarnamani Duwadi, Secretary to the Ministry of External Affairs Seva Lamsal and Inspector General of Police Basanta Bahadur Kumbar said that we all need to stand together against terrorism and international organised crime.

The United Nations has declared September 7 each year as the International Day of Police Cooperation. The aim is to work together with law enforcement agencies around the world to effectively prevent and combat all forms of crime, including civil protection, and to maintain peace and stability.

This day is celebrated every year by the law enforcement agencies of the United Nations member states. The United Nations had decided to celebrate the day from 2023. Speaking at a program held by the Nepal Police on Saturday to mark the second International Police Cooperation Day, the Home Minister said that since these crimes are the biggest challenge, everyone’s cooperation against them is important. He said that

Terrorism and international crime pose major challenges to peace and stability. Interior Minister Duwadi said that the government is committed to strengthening the capacity of security agencies to combat crime, which is a challenge. According to Minister Duwadi, the government is committed to working with international forums to control these crimes and implement the law. He appreciated the contribution of Nepal Police to fight against

crime and implement the law. He also said that Interpol and the United Nations Federal Peacekeeping Mission are effective tools as international forums against crime.

He also made it clear that the government is serious about preventing and combating crime and enhancing the capacity of security agencies. Foreign Affairs Ministry Secretary Seva Lamsal said that the commitment and dedication of Nepal Police to combat crimes including terrorism is commendable. He said that it is imperative to enhance the capacity of law enforcement agencies to combat terrorism and organized crime.

Secretary Lamsal said: ‘Today we face many challenges. Interpol, specialized agencies of the United Nations, peacekeeping missions and other mechanisms are effective means to check these crimes, she said.

Inspector General of Police Kumbar said that international, regional and sub-regional cooperation is necessary against all types of crimes. He countered that cooperation between various agencies of the United Nations, including Interpol, an international organization of law enforcement agencies, and peacekeeping missions will also be important.

He said crimes are now being committed both physically and virtually and especially cybercrime, terrorism, organised crime and financial crime are the biggest challenges. He said resource management will be important to combat different types of crimes.

On the occasion of International Police Cooperation Day, the Minister of Home Affairs awarded 2 officers of Nepal Police who won first, second and third prize in public speaking and excellent documentary making. Ruchi Kharel from Global College of Management, second runner-up Pratyush Maharjan from Xavier Academy and third runner-up Nirmal Vick from Vishwaniketan University were awarded in the recitation competition.

Police inspectors Narayan Thapa and Umesh Gurung Shrestha, who succeeded in creating the video ‘Let’s Save the Planet’, were awarded first place in the Global Video Contest held in 2023 to mark Interpol’s 100th anniversary. The same event also saw the release of the ‘Nepal Police Song’ composed by the Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG) Dan Bahadur Karki and ‘CID Magazine’, the police department’s annual publication.

Name : I think that, I think:

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