RDF military prosecutors, investigators and judges complete training on forensic sample collection – RNA NEWS

Twenty-two military prosecutors, investigators and judges from the Rwanda Defence Force (RDF) have completed the national criminal investigation training on forensic sample collection.

The training that took place in Kigali was carried out in collaboration with the Rwanda Forensic Institute.

During the training, participants were taught skills focused on evidence and the chain of evidence in cases of sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA).

During the closing ceremony, Colonel Pacifique Kabanda, Military Attorney General, stressed the need for training in dealing with criminal cases and urged participants to apply the skills acquired when dealing with offenders, both on the ground and during peacekeeping missions.

He concluded his speech by expressing his gratitude on behalf of RDF/MOD to the representatives of the Rwanda Forensic Institute.

On behalf of the Director General of the Rwanda Forensic Institute (RFI), Dr. Justin Kabera, Manager of the Chemistry Department, stressed the importance of collecting forensic samples in the investigation of criminal cases. He commended the leadership of the Rwanda Defence Force for their collaboration in improving the quality of justice. (End)

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