Looking for… – Guyana Times

…drug trafficking
The proverbial dust has still not settled on the 4.4 TONS of cocaine raid on Matthews Ridge. The shipment was dropped on an illegally constructed airstrip and stored in bunkers or flooded caves in the surrounding jungles. We were told it has a “street value” of around $200 million – and while it depends on which “streets” we are talking about, that is a lot of money!!
So, what ‘stuff’ still needs to be cleaned up?
Not where the cocaine came from. Everyone – not just their friendly neighborhood dealer – knows that most cocaine is produced in Colombia – with Peru and Bolivia filling in the gaps. Part of the dust is “How did it get here – other than the obvious plane landing on the strip?” They must have gone through Venezuela! When Rum Jhaat was the head of the Ministry of PUBLIC SECURITY, didn’t they buy FIVE very expensive long range drones from an American company?? We were told by then President Granger – a retired GDF General – that these drones were to be used for border patrol and other surveillance!! Well here we are – our border has definitely been breached – so where were the drones??
What makes this even more disturbing is that we have been dealing with the threat of invasion from Mad Maduro and his army, which keeps him in office!! Each drone had a flight capacity of five hours with high quality cameras that could “pick up targets from great distances, and we could pick up targets using infrared technology, so we can also use it at night”.
Another speck floating in the air is: “What were the police and GDF doing while the runway was being built and planes were landing and unloading??”
There is talk of a senior police officer being involved, but we need to do more than just talk, because this is about the safety of our entire country, not just a drug bust – no matter how big that may be!!
This January the government allocated approximately $42 billion to the GDF, of which $16 billion was for additional drones and helicopters to protect our borders. If the performance (or lack thereof) of the last 5 drones purchased and deployed is any indication, we need some serious standard operating procedures to ensure we get our money’s worth!! As it stands, we haven’t even had a fizzle, let alone a bang!
Another dust that needs to be cleared up is: “Who were the masterminds behind the operation?” Of serious concern to your eyewitness are the syndicatos or criminal gangs deployed by Mad Maduro as part of his ongoing efforts to destabilize our Essequibo!!

…crazy Maduro
Now, as your eyewitness has said until he weighs an ounce, if anyone knows about rigging elections, it is us Guyanese. It does not matter whether we are PNC or PPP – the only difference is that the former justifies the fraud and the latter condemns it!! So when the Venezuelan opposition swore that Mad Maduro rigged the July 28 elections and broke all his international obligations – they produced the equivalent of their SOPs, and like the PNC, Mad Maduro refuses to follow suit; we know there is a skunk in the woodpile!
Well, apart from Brazil, the US and the EU calling for evidence to support Maduro’s declaration of victory, Argentina has just called on the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague to request an arrest warrant for Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro. Argentina has cited the latter’s crackdown on opposition figures and human rights violations.
In retaliation, Mad Maduro has ordered the Argentine embassy – run by Brazil – to be surrounded and has arrested several opposition members!
The noose is tightening!!

…Ganja dealers
A teacher from Berbice has been caught with 56 pounds of ganja. Now, from the press reports, it is clear that as much as Colombia supplies cocaine, Berbice produces ganja – and some residents distribute it.
But did the teacher hand it out to the schoolchildren?


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