Maher lashes out at liberal RFK critics: "There’s an ugliness they never had before"; "Trump is driving us crazy, he’s just doing it"

HBO host Bill Maher lashed out at liberal critics of Robert F. Kennedy and his wife, actress Cheryl Hines, on Friday’s episode of “Real Time.” Maher slammed actor Bradley Whitford for attacking Hines, noting that even the Mafia doesn’t go after women. “There are a lot of people these days who I would call liberals in theory,” Maher said. “In theory, they hate bullying. Terribly. In practice, their attitude is that if I stick your head in the toilet, it’s not bullying. In theory, liberals are sympathetic. In practice, this man can’t even understand one of the most basic dilemmas that all human beings share, which is that sometimes you have to put up with some shit when you’re married.” “So I get it. Trump is driving us crazy. He just does. I just found a gray hair myself. And I may need glasses soon. But we have to resist the lure of being an asshole. You don’t like Trump? Then don’t be like him,” Maher told Whitford. Maher’s full monologue:

BILL MAHER, HBO: And finally, New Rule, if you want to win my vote, don’t give me yuck. You know what yuck is, right? It’s a term used, especially in the dating world, to describe that moment when one of the people, usually the man, does something so yucky that the woman can’t forgive or forget it. Like sending a bad photo or being mean to the waitress. Paying for dinner with a coupon. Getting his mother to call you when you break up with him. Asking for sex in a baby voice. Once you give her yuck, it’s over. Now in politics, Donald Trump has pioneered the concept of yuck to boundaries no one ever thought possible. And that’s saying something, considering we once had to learn that John Edwards fucked his five-month-pregnant mistress, because who doesn’t love watching a politician kiss a baby? But Trump, he’s in a class of his own. From the way he talks about his daughter to the way he talks about his dick.

TRUMP: I guarantee you there is no problem. I guarantee it.

From doing a disabled vote to humping the flag to last week getting into a shoving match for the eternal flame. And don’t get me wrong, don’t get me started on jacking off two dudes at once. What I’m saying is don’t underestimate the ick. It’s what’s going to decide this election, and it’s the best thing the Democrats have going for them, which of course was the signal for the far left to say, hold my beer. A few weeks ago, Bobby Kennedy, scion of the most storied dynasty in Democratic Party history, dropped out of the race for president and endorsed Trump instead of a Democrat. And everyone was saying the same thing. Bobby Kennedy did something weird? A Kennedy colluding with a Republican? That’s like ordering white wine and beer. Look, I like Bobby and always will, and there are things he’s right about that no one else would touch, but yeah, I think he’s weird too. I couldn’t support him for president. His wife is Cheryl Hines, who Larry David described as “the best person I’ve ever met, the only person in Hollywood who doesn’t have an enemy.” Well, now she does. Because she doesn’t have an enemy. She didn’t throw her husband under the bus when her husband made a decision she clearly didn’t agree with, but that didn’t satisfy the annoying posers on the aforementioned far left. Thousands of people tweeted at Cheryl things like, “How do you live with yourself? Do better! I can’t even enjoy the episodes where your enthusiasm for yourself is curtailed anymore. It’s no wonder Larry divorced you.” Um… yeah, that’s a TV character, but okay. The tweet that got the most attention was from actor Bradley Whitford, who wrote, “Hey Cheryl Hines, how can you stay silent while your insane husband supports a convicted rapist who brags about depriving women of their basic rights. Brave. Great example for the kids. Profile in Courage.” Yeah. Now, you know what I don’t find brave? Mansplaining to a woman, but not to her face, of course. How she has to sacrifice her marriage so you can read something on Twitter that you approve of. You want to know why I’m more bothered by the left now than I used to be? This is shit. There’s an ugliness to it that they never used to have. The liberals I respected as a kid aren’t like this. Going after women? Not even the mafia does that. There are a lot of people these days that I would call liberals in theory. In theory, they hate bullying. Horrible. In practice, their attitude is that it’s not bullying if I stick your head in the toilet. In theory, liberals are sympathetic. In practice, this man can’t even understand one of the most basic dilemmas that all humans share, which is that when you’re married, sometimes you gotta take some shit. You know, take one for the team, do stuff you don’t wanna do. Do stuff you don’t wanna do, like, I don’t know, have kids. See, marriage is like a bong. To make it work, you have to take a few hits. I’ve never been married, and I know this! But it’s a delicate dance. It’s a delicate dance, and you’re not going to like everything your partner says and does. But I promise you, no relationship counselor has ever said, have you tried yelling at each other? And that’s what’s so painful about this. It’s exactly what Barack Obama just told the Democrats not to do at their convention.

OBAMA: Our politics have become so polarized that all of us, across the political spectrum, are quick to assume the worst in others unless they agree with us on every issue. We begin to think that the only way to win is to berate, shame, and shout down the other side.

MAHER: Uh, Bradley, did you go to the bathroom or something when that came up? Because it’s almost like he was talking to you directly, by name. No name calling, no shaming, no shouting down. Clinton had the same message. “I urge you to meet people where they are. I urge you not to belittle them. Treat them with respect.” And that’s the point. The real politicians of the Democratic Party are generally a pretty healthy bunch of people. The worst of them are miles better than the worst of the Republicans. The Democratic politicians are not the ones who defend the police and all that crazy stuff. But the kind of people who are, the kind of people who are always on social media screaming, yeah, that’s what gives a lot of people the creeps when they hear liberal. And look, I get it. Trump is awful. He’s not Hitler. But he may be the worst person since Hitler. I’m kidding, Don. We’d love to have you on the show. But it’s true. But it’s true. He drives people crazy. I get it. And you know what? I knew Bradley a little bit. He wasn’t that kind of guy. And while he might like to write off Cheryl Hines, I’m not writing him off. Because that’s not how you should handle this. President Obama, if you will, one more time, please.

OBAMA: Our fellow citizens deserve the same grace that we hope they will extend to us.

So I get it. Trump is driving us crazy. He just does. I recently found a gray hair myself. And I may need glasses soon. But we have to resist the lure of being an asshole. Don’t like Trump? Then don’t be like him.

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