West and Central Africa: Alarming increase in school closures – Burkina Faso

In West and Central Africa, more than 14,000 schools will be forced to close due to violence and insecurity by June 2024, affecting the learning of hundreds of thousands of children in the region, the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) stressed on the International Day for the Protection of Education from Attack. Children’s right to education must be protected as the future of an entire generation hangs in the balance.

In the Sahel countries of Burkina Faso and Mali, as well as in Cameroon and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), school closures have affected millions of children in 2023 and will continue to do so this year. Many of the affected children are at risk of recruitment by armed groups or are exposed to serious protection risks including child labour, physical violence and sexual exploitation.

“Education is under threat in West and Central Africa. The deliberate targeting of schools and the systematic denial of education due to conflict is nothing short of a catastrophe. Every day a child is kept out of school is a day stolen from their future and the future of their communities,” said Hassane Hamadou, NRC’s Regional Director for West and Central Africa. “We urge all parties to the conflict to stop the attacks and occupation of schools and ensure that education is protected and prioritized.”

In Cameroon, the combined effects of three simultaneous humanitarian crises left 1.4 million school-aged children in urgent need of education support in 2023.

In DRC, violence and inter-community tensions have led to the closure of 1,457 schools since the beginning of 2024, affecting more than 500,000 students and 12,700 teachers. Armed groups continue to occupy school buildings, using them for military purposes and further disrupting education.

The ongoing attacks on education and the resulting school closures have far-reaching consequences. Without immediate intervention, the region risks losing an entire generation of educated youth and adults, which will have serious long-term socio-economic consequences. Girls are at increased risk of forced marriage and exploitation, further exacerbating gender and social inequalities.

Furthermore, the recruitment of children by armed groups disrupts their education, reduces their chances of ever attending school, and increases their vulnerability to violence and exploitation, perpetuating the cycle of poverty and instability in the region.

Although the situation remains dire, there are glimmers of hope. In Mali and the Central African Republic (CAR), attacks on education fell between 2022 and 2023, due to a decrease in violence in certain parts of these countries. In Burkina Faso, around 1,300 schools reopened this year in several government-controlled areas, allowing thousands of children to return to school.

“The reopening of schools in Burkina Faso and the reduction in attacks on education in Mali and the Central African Republic show that progress is possible,” Hamadou said. “We must build on this momentum to ensure that all children have access to safe, inclusive, quality education.”

On this International Day for the Protection of Education from Attack, the NRC calls on the international community, governments and all parties to the conflict to take immediate and sustained action to protect education. This includes ending attacks on and occupation of schools, ensuring the safety of students and teachers, and providing adequate funding for education programs in conflict-affected regions.

“Education is a lifeline for children in crisis. We cannot allow violence to rob them of their future,” Hamadou added. “We urge all stakeholders to prioritize protecting education and work together to ensure every child has the opportunity to learn and thrive.”

Facts and figures

  • According to the Education in Emergencies Working Group’s Q2 2024 Regional Situation Report for West and Central Africa, more than 14,364 schools have been closed due to armed violence in 24 countries in West and Central Africa. This is an increase from 2023, when 13,200 schools were closed (ECW) and (EiEWG).
  • Last year, in 2023, 1 in 4 schools – or 6,149 – were closed in Burkina Faso (UNICEF).
  • School closures affected 2.5 million children in the region in 2023 (EiEWG)
  • In the DRC, 1,457 schools have been closed since January 2024, affecting more than 500,000 students and 12,700 teachers (R-EiE WG).
  • According to the GCPEA report, the number of closed schools in Mali and the Central African Republic has decreased in the 2022-2023 research period (GCPEA).
  • In Burkina Faso, approximately 1,300 schools have reopened between October 2023 and June 2024 (Ministry of Education of Burkina Faso).

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