“Rural Organizing Initiative” organizes elections in small towns in Arizona

“Don’t give up…NEVER GIVE UP…Fight and we will win!” This battle cry of the Marxist Democrats is much more than theatrics, much more than mere sensationalism, much more than political rhetoric. This battle cry of the Marxist Democrats is a core belief indoctrinated into the Marxist Democrats’ field representatives who go door to door petitioning, who show up religiously at rallies no matter where, what the cost, or the weather. Fight to win at all costs, starting at the local level to change a society and working your way UP to the executive branch of the U.S. government. Now tell me the Marxist Democrats haven’t demonstrated this in more ways than one. Hell… Comrade Kamala uses the battle cry in one of her campaign ads.

Money and political marketing for the Marxists who have managed to infiltrate school boards, city councils, and state legislatures is proving successful. Perhaps flown under the political radar, but proving successful nonetheless. Here in Arizona, over $186 million dollars was earmarked for candidates seeking seats in both chambers of the state legislature. What is coming is a flood of TV, radio, various print publications, internet campaign messages, and mailings highlighting the care and concern Marxist Democrats have for the average guy struggling to pay his bills, put food on the table, and put gas in his car. Emotional messages that contradict how MAGA candidates and ALL things Trump are for the select few, the lucky, the well-to-do, the not-so-common folks.

At the same time, rural and small communities are being attacked, not just here in Arizona but across the country. Even if campaign successes do not allow control of a state legislature or executive branch, placing Marxists in a wide range of local positions, elected or otherwise, will have a tremendous effect on the fight to change America forever. “Don’t give up… Fight and we will win” abolishes the founding principles of America and moves the United States into the New World Order of Marxism, anti-God, anti-capitalism.

I have heard from multiple sources that a very sophisticated, well funded, under the radar movement to accomplish what I just wrote has been in full swing for months. I have attached an article from The Gateway Pundit, well written, that helps unleash this diabolical plan. I pray that MAGA Believers “fight to win” for every political office they can. Without theatrics or sensationalism, we may be on the eve of our country’s last election to preserve this extraordinary nation.

Arabella and the Rural Organizing Initiative organize elections in small towns in Arizona

Maricopa and Pima Counties are the most populous counties that conduct statewide elections in Arizona. “Highly Populated” includes large groups of illegal immigrants from the Kamala Harris Open Border Campaign.

Arizona used to be Barry Goldwater Country – the original MAGA candidate. But now it’s the McCain Mafia that controls Arizona’s two major cities and turns some members of the Arizona GOP into drones and automatons for the Blue Regime. Remember – John McCain came to Arizona as a Democrat and realized he couldn’t win without an (R) after his name.

The McCain Mafia is fully empowering the Blue Regime to attempt to gain a stranglehold on elections throughout Arizona. Stephen Richer, the Republican clerk of Maricopa County, was one of these GOP McCain Mafia drones. Richer is Arizona’s Chris “Most Secure Election Ever” Krebs, despite having temporary workers walking around with security keys to privileged access areas of the election infrastructure. He lost, but has his last chance to influence this presidential election.

The real story of Arizona now is about the small towns of Arizona, ignored by the hustle and bustle of Maricopa and Pima County. The movie “Bad Day at Black Rock” shows the kind of villainy that can develop in small desert towns, and that’s what’s happening in Arizona hamlets. Far-left activists, supported and directed by the strange-sounding “Rural Organizing Initiative” (ROI), are using Arabella’s dark money to go after anyone who isn’t a communist progressive or a soft McCain Mafia pseudo-Red.

Read more.

©2024. Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

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