In addition to desecrating graves at Arlington National Cemetery, senile traitor Trump promises his America will be bloody

These Are The 4 Worst Presidents In History
One worse than the other…

Senile traitor DonOld Trump doesn’t know the difference between a hole in the ground and his ass

Donald Trump is visibly confused. Donald Trump is physically in ruins and barely presentable in public. Donald Trump cannot finish a sentence. Donald Trump cannot process a question put to him and answer it in a coherent manner. Donald Trump cannot speak without resorting to the same tired lies, insults, slander and fascist language that he has recited hundreds of times before. Donald Trump is mentally unfit for duty.


Donald Trump certainly knows how to emotionally influence his fanatical supporters; Fear and anger and his 70,000,000 followers are starting to realize that he can say whatever he wants, so they do the same.

In his speech, the total stranger Trump claimed: “They will one hundred million of these people here with another 4 years. One hundred million. If you think you have a nice house, a migrant will enjoy your house. Because a migrant will take it over. It will be Venezuela on steroids.” FEAR!

Trump continued his lie about transgender children in school: “Can you imagine being a parent and your son leaves the house and you say, Jimmy, I love you so much. Go have a great day at school and your son comes back with a brutal surgery.” FURY!

And then he concluded with what he and the Republicans plan to do: “The gangs are taking over parts of the state. And you know, getting them out is going to be a bloody story.”

Trump will give his bloody MAGA cult the violence they crave.

And this was just a recent speech. Over the past few months, Trump’s ramblings, number of insane lies, number of unhinged fascist statements, rabid calls for violence, and number of easily refuted lies would fill column inches of newspapers… if the corporate media would pay attention.

But… they don’t.

The Corporate Media wants him to be President again. So they will continue their policy of “sane-washing” his remarks and reorganizing his actual statements so that they don’t seem like unintelligible nonsense.


The corporate media wanted Joe Biden to go and the Democrats in Disarray so they could get their beloved leader DonOld Trump back into the White House.

What they got in July was a masterful political maneuver by President Biden, who energized the Democratic base and the rank-and-file Democratic voter and positioned Kamala Harris to become the next president.

This was not the intention when the corporate media spent months writing about President Biden’s age. Since that fateful day in July, the corporate media has failed to report that DonOld Traitor Trump is a senile, incoherent criminal who concocts outright lies, makes relentless racist and sexist attacks on President-elect Harris, and proves that, in addition to his criminal activities, he is not only morally unfit and ethically unsound to be president, but should be committed to a mental health facility.

Understand that nothing anyone writes on Twitter (X), Social Media, Substack or in these old unread blog posts is going to change the way the Corporate Media is “sane-washing” Trump, but that doesn’t make it a pointless endeavor. We have to fight for the country we don’t want, because what Trump and the Republicans want is a fascist hellscape of oppression and mass murder.

But the more insane nonsense Trump spouts, the more his supporters cling to him, the more fanatical they become about him being taken from them, the more fearful they become that they no longer have a cult leader, the more they convince themselves that violence is the answer.

I could post the actual quotes, but the rambling, rambling, and lame rants that the corporate media won’t post, but the people who really need to read and hear what Trump says, don’t go here.

“Well, I would do that and we’re sitting together, you know, I was, somebody, we had Marco Rubio and my daughter, Ivanka were very impactful… But I think when you’re talking about the kind of numbers that I’m talking about, because child care is child care, you know, that’s something that you have to have in this country, you have to have it… I want to stick with child care… So we’re going to take care of it. Thank you very much” – Trump in September 2024, if people are listening…

I knew this was going to get ugly, but while I expected the corporate media to make this a 50/50 race, I didn’t expect them to openly, bluntly and openly come out in favor of Trump and fully go along with him.

Harris and Walz can win, and if the recent new voter registration numbers can overcome Republican voter suppression and voter fraud efforts, then the dirty tricks of the Republicans in Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, North Carolina, Arizona, Wisconsin and elsewhere will not matter. Because Harris will win not only by an overwhelming popular vote, but by a solid near-victory of the Electoral College votes.

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