Your new neighbors – Tren de Aragua

Tren de Aragua is a transnational criminal organization that originated in Venezuela. The members took over an entire prison in Venezuela and made it their headquarters for years. Now, thanks to the Biden-Harris administration, they are here in force, making noise all over the world and terrorizing law-abiding Americans from coast to coast.

In September 2023, the Venezuelan military surrounded the Tocorón prison in the state of Aragua. They were there to take back control of the prison from Tren de Aragua. It is a measure of the monumental nature of the task that it took 11,000 soldiers with tanks to carry it out.

The leaders of Tren de Aragua fled through a network of tunnels and set out in search of new worlds to conquer. They spread to neighboring South American countries. However, thanks to Joe and Kamala and their open border policy, they stumbled upon a much bigger golden opportunity. They were given the chance to invade the United States and terrorize its citizens.

There are now daily news reports of crimes committed by Venezuelan “migrants” in American cities. These generally present what is happening as random acts of individuals engaged in petty crime. A few bad apples have emerged and are being dealt with — nothing to lose sleep over.

This is fundamentally wrong. Tren de Aragua members have arrived en masse. They are disciplined. They are mean. They operate under the guidance of senior leaders with a clear purpose. No one knows where the group’s senior leaders are now, but they are still active.

At least 1,000 members of Tren de Aragua have infiltrated the country. They operate from coast to coast. They are not afraid of the police. In fact, they operate under orders that give them the “green light” to attack and open fire on police officers.

The gang’s presence in the U.S. has been linked to numerous crimes, including the shooting of two NYPD officers who were trying to arrest one of its members. A federal memo obtained by the New York Post provides credible information from Colorado indicating that Tren de Aragua authorized attacks on Denver police officers.

Tren de Aragua members operate in most major U.S. cities, including New York, Chicago, Miami and Denver. They are involved in money laundering, gun smuggling, theft and human trafficking.

The government recently designated Tren de Aragua as a transnational criminal organization and offered a $12 million reward for the capture of its leaders. This is far too little, far too late. Tren de Aragua has a huge head start in terms of organization in this country and can still attract new members to this country upon request.

The gang has been the subject of more than 100 criminal investigations by federal authorities. No one has any idea how many crimes members of the group have committed, and law enforcement cannot possibly keep up with the group’s growth on U.S. soil. We know for sure that the group is rapidly recruiting new “soldiers” from the legions of Venezuelans that Joe and Kamala have allowed in.

Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-Texas) has described Tren de Aragua as “MS-13 on steroids.” Venezuela also refuses to allow Tren de Aragua members to return to the country once they leave, making the U.S. a perfect target.

The Tren de Aragua has a ‘stranglehold’ on the Whispering Pines Apartments in Aurora since late 2023, the law firm Perkins Coie claimed in a letter to Aurora officials. The company found that the gang has engaged in assaults, murder threats, extortion and even child prostitution, as reported by CBS News ColoradoEmpty units in the complex have been used to host “parties,” with the gang supplying “drugs and child prostitution,” according to the apartment manager, who added that “minors are a good source of income.”

“It is the biggest challenge we have ever faced.”

NYPD Assistant Chief of Detectives Jason Savino talks about Tren de Aragua

The violence isn’t abating. It’s escalating. Police say gang members have gone from shoplifting and stealing cell phones and jewelry to outright street shootings.

Just as it once made a prison its headquarters Tren de Aragua turns migrant reception centers in major cities into bases. Guns are smuggled in food boxes because they are not searched or scanned in any way. In court, Queens Assistant District Attorney Lauren Reilly said Mata told investigators that Tren de Aragua members smuggled firearms into city shelters in food boxes that do not have to go through metal detectors.

“These are the three main characteristics of the Tren de Aragua’s “modus operandi”. Their adaptability allows them to easily take advantage of new criminal opportunities and gives them an edge over their competitors. They currently control a broad criminal portfolio of more than 20 crimes, including drug trafficking, illegal mining, extortion, human trafficking, trafficking in women for sexual exploitation and kidnapping, among others. They exercise violence and control by, among other things, recording the bloody murders they commit as a way of sending messages to their opponents.”

In.Visible website for crime analysis

“Tren de Aragua is an invading criminal army operating from a prison in Venezuela that has spread its brutality and chaos to American cities and small towns. If left unchecked, they will unleash an unprecedented reign of terror, mirroring the devastation it has already caused in communities throughout Central and South America, particularly Colombia, Chile, Ecuador and Peru. The scope of Tren de Aragua’s operations includes murder, drug and human trafficking, sex crimes, extortion and kidnapping, among other atrocities.”

Letter from Republican Senators to the Biden Administration.

Meet your new neighbors, the functional equivalent of the barbarians who tore down the Roman Empire and plunged Europe into the Dark Ages. You can thank Joe and Kamala. They made it all possible.

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