Food standards in Australia and New Zealand are changing to allow real food to be replaced with fake ‘food’ – here’s what you can do

by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

The global mafia is trying to replace our real food with a fake gene-edited version without even telling us they are doing it. They want to change the regulations so that natural food and genetically modified (“GM”) lab food are legally considered the same!

This is not a “conspiracy theory” but a very real proposal currently being pushed by corporate-controlled authorities.

It’s happening in Australia and New Zealand – long-standing colonies of the dark, enslaving empire that are often used as test beds for new forms of oppression. But you can bet that if they can get away with it, it will be rolled out everywhere.


Fake Food Alert: The Global Mafia’s New Attack on Our Health

By Paul Cudenec

Researcher Kate Mason is sounding the alarm, calling on people in Australia and New Zealand to submit their objections before the fast-approaching deadline of Tuesday 10 September (6pm Canberra time). You can read her report HERE and watch her video HERE.

She explains that FSANZ, the Australian and New Zealand Food Standards Authority, is proposing changes to the Food Standards Code that would deregulate genetically modified foods and deny consumers any labelling. Kate warns that this would allow the global processed food industry to self-regulate all genetically modified foods!

Bob Phelps, director of campaign group GeneEthics, adds:

An official document sets out the motives behind this attack on our health in rather blunt terms, listing “benefits” for the food industry such as “increased production efficiency” and – crucially – “higher profits”.

FSANZ has found from its research that there is a ‘lack of knowledge’ among the public about the regulation of genetically modified foods, but does not appear to be planning to rectify this.

Kate asks:

People can submit questions on the FSANZ portal HERE or email their own submission to FSANZ at [email protected].

Please pass this information on to your contacts in the relevant countries.

We are talking about a criminal attack on the health and happiness of humanity.

I would add that the official language used in presenting these sinister proposals is very familiar to anyone who has delved into the world of global criminocracy.

Take for example this sentence from Kate: “Adopting a forward-thinking and flexible approach to technology development will facilitate industry innovation.”

Regarding the word “agile,” Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum (“WEF”)—that notorious public front for the global mafia—has written about the need for “agile governance,” arguing that “the pace of technological development and some characteristics of technologies make previous policy-making cycles and processes inadequate.”

He says: “The idea of ​​reforming governance models to deal with new technologies is not new, but the urgency to do so is much greater in light of the power of today’s emerging technologies… the concept of agile governance attempts to match the agility, fluidity, flexibility and adaptability of the technologies themselves and the private sector actors that embrace them.”

And the word ‘innovation’ is constantly being used by the global Leviathan.

As I explain in my 2023 book ‘The Great Racketit is used repeatedly by The Commonwealth (Empire), which even had a Commonwealth Innovation platform, with 27 ‘partner’ organisations.

That seems to be gone or hidden now, but you can still view the archived page HERE.

The World Health Organization proudly tops the list, followed by the African Development Bank Group, the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data, the United Nations and five of its various sub-organizations.

We also find organizations such as Bloomberg Philanthropies (founded by American billionaire Michael Bloomberg), the International Trade Centre (“a multilateral agency with a joint mandate with the World Trade Organization and the United Nations through the UN Conference on Trade and Development”), Global Innovation Fund, a specialist in impact investing, and NDC Partnership, a major player in the world of “climate finance.”


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