Rebecca Dow, candidate for New Mexico State Rep. District 38

Name: Rebecca Dow

Age: 51

Party: Republican

Occupation: Business owner and employer, consultant/grant provider

Relevant experience: I served in the New Mexico Legislature for 6 years and ran for Governor in the previous gubernatorial election. Prior to serving in government, my husband and I ran a multi-faceted technology/consulting firm and founded several community-based nonprofits that strengthen families and help children thrive. These nonprofits have given me a deep understanding of New Mexico’s legal and regulatory environment, state and federal funding, and best practices. My legislative experience, combined with my extensive background in other fields, makes me a qualified candidate for District 38.

Personal: My husband Aaron and I will be celebrating our 32nd wedding anniversary in November. We have two biological children and two additional children that we consider family for life. We have three biological grandchildren and two additional grandchildren that we consider our own. Raising my children in New Mexico has motivated me to make this state a better place for everyone.


Rebecca Dow is running for New Mexico’s 38th District. Here are her answers to KVIA’s questions about her candidacy.

School safety is a topic that concerns many New Mexicans. What policies will you develop to protect New Mexico students?

Our schools must be among the safest places in our communities. We must have safety officers on every campus and ensure that school boards prioritize safety measures in their budgets.

Furthermore, I believe that protecting students means leaving decisions about their education to their parents, not the government. Parents should always be part of the conversations about a child’s education and well-being. I will support legislation that protects the authority of local school boards because they are closer to families and understand the heritage and culture of their communities.

Do you have plans to improve access to mental health care in New Mexico?

It is easier to raise a healthy child than to heal a broken adult. By reforming CYFD and supporting parents when they need help, the need for long-term behavioral health interventions can be avoided. I advocate for mandatory early and immediate interventions for proven parental abuse of minors. The mental health crisis in New Mexico has been exacerbated by a growing drug crisis. We need more partnerships with existing organizations to create support options for those affected by mental health and drug issues and their families. Additionally, we must address the illicit drugs that are flooding in from across the border. This problem requires a comprehensive solution.

What measures should the government take to tackle inflation?

Inflation has skyrocketed nationwide and our state leaders have failed to address it at the state level. Despite running budget surpluses for several years, politicians have reformed and over-regulated. Instead of using surpluses to cut taxes, reform GRT, and loosen business regulations, they have increased the recurring budget and passed laws that increase business costs. We have the ability to lighten the burden on businesses and consumers and pay back taxpayers; we just have to cut bad government policies.

Immigration continues to be a topic of debate for New Mexicans. How should the state respond to the crisis?

New Mexico is a diverse state with many immigrants. Our agriculture depends on immigrants, who in turn profit from working in our state. Legal immigration is not the problem; our streets are flooded with narcotics because of a serious open border crisis that leads to drug and human trafficking, which keeps the cartels going. We cannot allow people to continue to be exploited at our border. Our state government must allocate resources to the border to better protect its citizens. Otherwise, we will continue to suffer and crime will increase.

How can you help New Mexican residents make ends meet as the cost of living rises?

The rising cost of living is directly linked to inflation and regulations that drive up the cost of goods. Ensuring that New Mexicans have jobs is critical. I am proud to have founded one of the largest private employers in Sierra County and have fought to protect jobs in our state. We must preserve stable, good-paying jobs, encourage business growth, and look at non-health and safety regulations in industries that provide jobs and revenue to the state, such as oil, gas, and mining.

What changes would you like to see made to New Mexico’s current abortion laws?

Radical politicians in Santa Fe have made New Mexico a destination for late-term elective abortions, including those for minors without parental notification and without informed consent for the pregnant woman. Data shows that most women who feel abortion is their only option would choose to keep and raise their child if they knew there were resources available. I advocate for informed consent, which includes information about the health risks associated with abortion, adoption options, and available social support. I also want to establish standards of care to protect women, doctors, and minors. I stand with the majority of New Mexicans who believe that late-term elective abortion is unacceptable.

What is the most pressing need in District 38?

District 38 needs less crime, lower taxes, and a better environment for businesses and families, residents say. Most of Dona Ana District 38 is unincorporated and needs help with basic services such as road maintenance, infrastructure, animal control, and first responders. In Sierra County, the community of Elephant Butte prioritizes maintaining a minimum pool level for its lake and facilitating interactions with state and federal partners. In Socorro County, residents of the city of Socorro are concerned about attracting and retaining new families and businesses, and dealing with vacant homes and buildings.

Why are you the best candidate for this position?

I have represented this district before, have spent a lot of time serving the people, and have deep roots in the community. I want New Mexico to thrive, and I have experience working with leaders in all branches of government and on both sides of the political spectrum. New Mexico deserves a fighter who is willing to challenge bad policies instead of creating more of them. Whether I am in the Roundhouse or not, that is what I have always done. Giving up is not in my nature. I am not driven by a political agenda; I want to bring prosperity and sanity to Santa Fe. For our jobs, our children, and our freedom, you can count on me to be in the fight.

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