Voice of the people


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LG Polls

In a country where political power games often take precedence over public welfare, the repeated delays of local elections are yet another reminder of the chaotic state of governance. The latest postponement of local government elections in Islamabad by the ECP has raised more questions than answers and despite its critical nature of local governance, they refrained from providing a clear explanation, citing only recent changes in the law.

The lack of transparency only reinforces the perception that these delays are part of a broader strategy to keep opposition forces at bay and maintain a monopoly on decision-making. This may benefit the ruling party in the short term by minimizing the opposition, but the long-term consequences are devastating. Local governments serve as the first point of contact between the state and its citizens, solving day-to-day problems that larger bodies are often too disconnected to address effectively.

Failure to hold local elections on time undermines the entire system of checks and balances that is essential to a functioning democracy. Instead of delegating power and allowing institutions to operate independently, political leaders have taken it upon themselves to micromanage everything from cleaning streets to fixing drains. Unfortunately, the political climate in Pakistan has become toxic, with both sides more interested in fighting petty battles than working towards the collective well-being of the country. Without local representation, they have no voice to address their immediate concerns, from water shortages to infrastructure breakdowns.

Any delay in local government elections only exacerbates this suffering. At a time of economic uncertainty and political instability, this neglect only accelerates the country’s downward spiral. All political actors must commit to the essential act of governance: representing the people and working for their betterment. It is time for politicians to stop political skirmishes and start building a future for the country.



Sexual violence

SEXUAL violence in Pakistan has reached epidemic proportions, reflecting a deep societal failure. The prevalence of rape, particularly against women and children, is staggering, with reports suggesting that at least 11 people are raped every day. However, the true scale is likely much worse, as many incidents go unreported due to fear, stigma and lack of trust in the justice system.

Pakistan’s patriarchal society perpetuates sexual violence by treating women as second-class citizens and expecting silence in the face of abuse. This cultural mindset emboldens perpetrators, while the inefficiency and inactivity of the justice system – evidenced by a conviction rate of less than 2% in rape cases – allows many perpetrators to evade justice. Police often fail to take action, investigations are misconducted and the judiciary is slow, leaving victims without recourse.

The lack of sexual education further exacerbates the problem, leaving children and young adults vulnerable to exploitation. Without knowledge of their rights or how to protect themselves, they become easy targets for predators. The lack of such education perpetuates this cycle of violence, as each generation grows up ill-equipped to challenge harmful norms or protect themselves.

The impact of sexual violence is profound and lasting. Victims suffer severe psychological and emotional trauma, including depression, anxiety, PTSD, and suicidal thoughts. Yet Pakistan’s health care and support systems are woefully inadequate, leaving many survivors without the vital care they need to recover.

Recent legislative changes, such as tougher punishments and special courts, represent progress, but fall short without proper enforcement. Effective laws require implementation, and Pakistan’s track record remains poor.



Effects of TikTok

I am writing to express my concerns about the impact of TikTok on our society, especially the younger generation. While TikTok has become a popular platform for entertainment and self-expression, it has several negative consequences that cannot be ignored.

TikTok’s addictive algorithm and endless scrolling feature have led to a significant decrease in attention span and an increase in screen time among users. Furthermore, the platform’s emphasis on likes, followers, and viral content has fostered a culture of competition and comparison, negatively impacting users’ mental health and self-esteem.

In addition, TikTok has raised concerns about data privacy, cybersecurity and the spread of misinformation. The platform’s ownership and ties to China have also raised concerns about censorship and propaganda.



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