Children are digital natives. They have ideas to protect children from online harm.

The vast reach of internet connectivity, online media, social media platforms, gaming platforms and new forms and applications of artificial intelligence (AI) have created enormous opportunities for trade and communication.

The convenience and ubiquity of online connectivity has made the Internet a new way of life for almost everyone in the 21st century. This is especially true for children, whose social lives have moved almost entirely online.

As my research into digital childhoods shows, this domain of online communication has also created disturbing opportunities to harm children.

These dangers are a concern for politicians, as the government has announced a plan to set a minimum age for children to access social media and gaming platforms.

As digital natives, children are part of the solution. In a discussion dominated by adults, my research looks at what children think about the harm they experience and how they can prevent it.

New forms of damage

The explosion and proliferation of online harm poses a serious threat to the safety and well-being of children. Harm caused by generative AI is just one example.

In a study I conducted with participants in Australia and the UK, and in in-depth interviews about the experiences of 42 children in the UK, children reported experiencing the following:

  • cyberbullying

  • unwanted contact

  • unwanted content

  • to polish

  • exploitation.

Some young people say the harm caused by deepfakes, eating disorder videos, sextortion, child sexual exploitation material, misogynistic content, scams and other forms of online harm is having long-lasting effects on their mental health.

We need to continue to hold AI and tech developers, companies and social media owners accountable. These are commercial services and companies – ultimately people profit while children suffer.

For example, a study from Harvard Medical School found that social media companies make billions of dollars from the use of online platforms by American children.

A recent global report by Human Rights Watch has revealed serious violations of children’s privacy. The images, names, locations and ages of Australian children were collected and used without consent to train artificial intelligence (AI) models.

The report’s author urged the federal government to “urgently enact laws to protect children’s data from abuse by AI.”

Regulatory catch-up

In June 2024, Australia’s Attorney-General introduced a bill into parliament to create new criminal offences to prohibit the sharing of non-consensual deepfake sexually explicit material. In relation to children, this would still be treated as child abuse material under criminal law.

A Senate committee published its report on the bill last month. It recommended that the bill be passed, subject to recommendations. One recommendation was “that the Assembly of Ministers of Education continue their work to strengthen respectful relationships in schools.”

The federal government’s approach has been criticized by Human Rights Watch, which argues that it “misses the deeper problem that children’s personal data remains unprotected from abuse, including the nonconsensual manipulation of real children’s likenesses in any form of deepfake.”

We are still waiting for reforms to the Privacy Act and the development of the first Code for Children’s Privacy on the Internet.

What can we do to help?

As these wheels of reform slowly turn, we urgently need to continue working together to find solutions. Evidence-based media reporting, campaigns and educational programs play a key role.

Children and young people say they want to be part of developing the solution to tackle online harm. They are already doing important work by supporting and educating their peers. I call this “digital fraternity”.

My research calls for greater recognition of the role young people play in protecting and promoting their rights online and encouraging other children to know about these rights.

Children want adults, governments and technology companies to take urgent action to prevent and tackle online harm.

A group of children sit and look at smartphones
Children find it important to learn about online safety from other children.

However, many parents, guardians, caregivers and grandparents report feeling a step behind when it comes to technology. This means they can feel lost and unsure of what to do to protect, but also empower, the children in their lives.

Adults should talk to children about online safety more often, not just when something has gone wrong. These conversations should not be about blaming, but about creating open communication and creating safe boundaries together.

Children find that education and training for their peers and the adults in their lives are essential.

In the classroom, children suggest that peer-led training on online safety would be more effective. They want other young people to educate, train and support them in learning about and navigating online platforms.

But education shouldn’t just happen in schools. It should extend far beyond the classroom.

Policy makers, educators, regulators and the mainstream media must commit to providing all Australians with the most up to date information, knowledge and education on these issues. Businesses must comply with the law, regulations, standards and commit to greater transparency.

In an era where digital landscapes are shaping children’s experiences, protecting children from online dangers requires a collective commitment to strategies that promote vigilance, education and proactive regulation. We must ensure that children are empowered to thrive in a safe and supportive online environment.

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