“K-Electric is committed to tackling theft, despite resistance”

K-Electric’s aggressive citywide anti-theft measures have been met with fierce resistance from the “kunda mafia,” which is blocking roads and disrupting the city to maintain their illegal connections instead of paying their outstanding bills, the utility said in a statement.

“Recent incidents in Gizri, Punjab Colony and nearby areas have pushed organised groups of power thieves to extreme lengths to undermine K-Electric’s efforts to dismantle illegal kundas from load-shed-free feeders. During one such targeted operation in Punjab Colony, KE teams faced violent retaliation from armed assailants who attempted to stop the removal of kundas and held the staff involved at gunpoint. The same defaulting customers organised protests in Gizri and Punjab Colony to forcibly restore power supply, which is contrary to KE’s efforts to provide fair supply,” the statement said.

In the past 24 hours, similar protests have been reported in areas adjoining Railway Colony, where amounts owed in defaults have exceeded PKR 15 crore. Defaulters in Baldia, who owe PKR 18 crore 50 lakh, also blocked Mauripur Road, affecting the flow of traffic.

KE condemns the actions of these criminal elements and has filed a formal complaint with the local police station. It also calls for decisive action against those who threaten KE personnel and obstruct anti-theft operations.

The company is determined to combat power theft, which not only affects the power supply but also significantly compromises the safety and integrity of the KE infrastructure, posing a risk to the residents of the areas. Electricity theft also affects the status of legitimate consumers in surrounding areas without power disconnection.

K-Electric works closely with law enforcement agencies to ensure that those involved in these illegal activities are brought to justice and that the rights of customers who play by the rules are protected.

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