Financially plundering Spaniards to pay for propaganda

The state robs us of this, while ALS patients remain without help

One of the problems of socialism in seeking an ever-increasing share of national wealth is how to justify it.

Sánchez, his mafia-like exercise of power and the silence of a large part of journalism
A list that shows what the Spanish left considers real journalism

The usual excuse is that the state needs this money to pay for health care, education and these are three goals that many will not dispute in any way. The reality is that, Ultimately, our taxes are used for very different things and for no public benefit.Every day you can read news in the Spanish media about this waste, for which There is even a word that cannot be translated into other languages: “chiringuitos”.

The latest and clearest example of a “chiringuito” created by the left in Spain is David Broncano’s program on Spanish televisionwith a cost of 28 million euros for two seasons and with 300 programmes already fixed without having to wait for the results. Something like this would give rise to legal action in any private company for a possible crime of disloyalty.but our politicians have already made sure that the laws are more flexible for those who administer our taxes.

Such an abnormal way of hiring a program is explained by the fact that Pedro Sánchez wanted to shut down a program on the Antena 3 channel, “El Hormiguero”, because they sometimes criticized himand he has no problem wasting tax money on unfairly competing with a public broadcaster with the sole purpose of overshadowing someone who is standing in his way. The socialist leader took the matter so seriously that Sánchez had dinner with Broncano before securing his signature, as reported by El Independiente in April. Another of many private meetings where Sánchez grants favors for no reason.

The paradox is that while Sánchez is plundering us Spaniards financially to pay for socialist propaganda (because that is ultimately the reason for Broncano’s new program on TVE), the socialists and their communist allies from Sumar again block the ELA law in Congress (there are already 60 blockades in total, as Jordi Sabaté denounced a few days ago). In other words, The state steals from us by saying it goes to health care, but in the end the money goes to propaganda and not to helping sick people. who urgently need the help of the State to be able to live a decent life. In the end, all this always leads us to the same place, which proves that Socialism has always been this: a cynical way of robbing the people.

Photo: Navarra Arena.

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