How to stop Iran from exporting ballistic missiles

How to stop Iran from exporting ballistic missiles

September 8, Shay Khatiri of Yorktown Institutes remark Despite Iranian diplomatic denials, Iran has indeed supplied ballistic missiles to Russia, presumably for use against Ukraine. Russian President Vladimir Putin likely hopes that Iranian missiles can give Russia the qualitative military advantage that its fighter jets, drones, and its own missiles have failed to provide. By sowing terror in Kiev, Putin also hopes that Russia can behead Ukrainian leaders with a precision that Russian forces have so far lacked. With Ukraine and Russia at a stalemate, at least in the Donbass, the death of Putin or Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky could create a breakthrough that could lead both countries to end their war.

Iranian leaders believe they have the right to export missiles abroad and do so. great pride The outside world is coming to them to provide them with technology. After years of sanctions, the Iranian government is also welcoming foreign capital that it can use to import food and subsidize the militias mandated by the resistance axis.

Approving the sale of ballistic missiles to Iran risks triggering a cascade of conflict and instability around the world. By shipping ballistic missiles to Russia, Iran’s leaders are demonstrating their willingness and ability to destabilize regions far beyond the Middle East. For example, aboard the Iranian ships currently docked in Venezuela, it is conceivable that Iran could sell ballistic missiles that the Maduro regime could use against neighboring Guyana or to threaten U.S. troops and interests in the Caribbean. In short, Iran’s proliferation for profit could turn the country into another Pakistan or North Korea.

How, then, would President Joe Biden or his successor stop Iran from selling ballistic missiles? It might make sense to declare that the United States or its allies would retaliate against Iranian military bases if Iranian ballistic missiles were used, regardless of who ordered the launch. Tehran could indeed sell its weapons, but Washington would declare that it would hold Tehran responsible for their use, rather than its customers. For example, if the Russian military were to fire missiles at the Ukrainian port of Odessa, the United States or the United Kingdom could respond by destroying the port facilities in Bandar Abbas. Conversely, if the Russian military were to fire its missiles at Zelensky’s Mariinsky Palace, the official residence of President Vladimir Putin, Western allies would then attack the official residences of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

The White House may think it is clever to pass resolutions at the United Nations or condemn Iran’s missile sales, but rhetoric alone has never contained Iran. Successive U.S. administrations have targeted the leaders of the cartels, rather than just the drug traffickers who distribute their products. Likewise, it is necessary to target those who build and supply the missiles, rather than just those who might fire them for local interests.

Creating deterrence is not easy, but it is necessary. Iran’s leaders must understand that they will be held personally responsible for any weapons they sell to vassals, criminals and warmongers.




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