Lukewarm Trump vs. Lying Harris: Exposing Marxist Reality Distortion by a ‘Whisker’

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Last night’s presidential debate featured an unusually reserved and unfunny Trump who was unable to

Harris could only feign anger and rolled her eyes.

Harris kept harping on about how she supports small businesses, but since she’s a lifelong careerist government parasite who’s never had a shred of success in the private sector, she threw an absurd proposal for a $50,000 new tax cut for small businesses in the trash. The problem with her offer bribery is that the majority of new small businesses don’t need a tax break because they don’t make a profit for the first two years or more after opening — most new small businesses actually lose money in their first few years, so this is irrelevant. And let’s not forget that Harris is sharing the stage with a man who has been wildly successful in business, despite bankruptcies, which she later shrewdly pointed out.

Trump shifted the focus to inflation under the Biden/Harris administration, which has been at an all-time high. He suggested that the BLS and government statistics are deliberately disconnected from the realities on the ground that most Americans are suffering. Trump slammed Harris over the declining economy and the resulting decline of America as a whole.

Harris confused the scamdemic with a wave of unemployment during Trump’s first term, and here we had Trump once again touting his hideous PSYOP-19 response; thankfully he didn’t mention his Operation Warp Speed ​​by name, nor did he reference his “beautiful” slow kill bioweapon “vaccines,” which was a smart move for obvious reasons, and goes against the whole Make America Healthy Again soundbite, which was a missed opportunity for him last night. (What a strange and suspicious turn from OWS to MAHA it has been…)

Trump correctly clarified the scamdemic’s recovery jobs, and in his funniest moment he used the term “Run, Spot, Run” to describe Harris’ complete lack of economic plans and vision, which is to be expected since she has never run a business in her life, nor worked for one, while Trump pointed out that he graduated from one of the most prestigious business schools in the world:

Trump reiterated how the current administration has destroyed the economy and reminded his opponent that his CCP tariffs are still in place precisely because they are so effective. Harris was unable to meaningfully refute these basic facts.

Trump had another much-needed humorous moment when he said he should send Harris a MAGA hat because she echoed his views on economic policy. He then went on to lash out at her father, a Marxist professor, and how she is also a deranged communist. If she gets elected, it will be the end of America.

Under the current administration, 21 million illegal immigrants have entered the country. Trump correctly added that this number is much higher than the official figures. He called his opponent the Border Czar, which was a huge blow, despite her feigned anger.

Roe v. Wade is a tricky subject because most Americans are far too ignorant to understand the nuances of why this divisive ruling should be a matter of states’ rights, but Trump ultimately destroyed Harris on abortion by bringing up her infanticidal views on abortions in the ninth month, and even after the baby is born. The moderators attempted to use cover for the Democratic nominee by obfuscating her pro-abortion stance and getting her to lie. Trump then asked them to ask Harris exactly what her position was on late-term abortions, and they refused; Harris then pivoted to accuse her opponent of lying again in another instance of blatant projection, offering up made-up and overly dramatic hypothetical scenarios as politicians are prone to do:

Trump went for the kill by bringing up former Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, who publicly stated that a baby born alive after a botched abortion would only receive care if the family requested it: “The baby would be born. The baby would be kept comfortable… Then there would be a discussion between the doctor and the mother.”

Harris, without a shred of self-awareness, questioned what right a government had to interfere with a woman’s choice to have an abortion, which is especially rich considering her government pushed deadly Modified mRNA “vaccines” on Americans; furthermore, the government really has no constitutional right to interfere with We the People, from vaccines to taxes to much of anything short of The Bill of Rights, but alas we are in a post-truth Banana Republic strangled by the color of law. Harris is that deranged Marxist puppet who wants the illegitimate Federal government to control every facet of life in America, encouraging them to murder their unborn and newborn offspring while flooding the nation with illegals.

Let’s not even mention the radical, anti-abortion views of her pathetic running mate Tampon Tim Walz, which Trump briefly alluded to.

Trump brought up Venezuelan gangs overrunning housing projects, and illegal immigrants being imported from Haiti and eating pets. Harris was visibly uncomfortable with this and accused her opponent of more lies. The corrupt moderators claimed there was “no evidence” except that there is far too much real footage of these barbarians eating cats and dogs, now 20,000 strong in a small Ohio town with a population of only 58,000:

Trump rightly added that if Harris “won,” America would look like “Venezuela on steroids.”

Since the corrupt moderators deliberately failed to fact check Harris’ lies, let’s examine her position on these violent pet eaters:

  • Harris made a serious misstep (with her mindless and brainwashed supporters) by bragging that neocon warmonger and war criminal Dick Cheney and his RINO daughter Liz supported her campaign.

  • Harris accused her opponent of being an accused criminal, began listing Trump’s criminal cases, and brought up the false sexual assault case. Trump promised to win all of these lawfare cases on appeal, and reminded everyone of the Russia fraud and Russia collusion. He correctly framed these cases in terms of a gun-toting and radically biased Justice Department out to get him. This was a clear victory for the Teflon Don.

  • The quisling moderators brought up J6 and the fact that Trump continues to correctly claim that the 2020 election was stolen. They tried to trap Trump into claiming that he no longer believed he lost, reminding him that he had recently claimed he lost by a “whisker.” And then Trump brilliantly accused them of not being able to appreciate sarcasm, which was another win for the Don.

  • The war in Ukraine was masterfully handled by Trump, who refused to answer Muir’s loaded question about whether he wants Ukraine to “win”; the answer was clear, concise, and correct: he wants the senseless slaughter to stop immediately. He re-promised to end the war within 24 hours, and checkmated his opponent by pointing out that the war started exactly 3 days after she met with Zelensky in an attempt to make some sort of deal. Except that Harris’ CIA handlers were directly responsible for the 2014 coup that paved the way for these covert whitewashing operations that were already underway before this war.

  • Tump reminded everyone that Harris’s “boss” corrupt Joe “Biden” and his loser son took bribes from Ukraine, the CCP, and the wife of the mayor of Moscow. This should have brought into sharper focus just how criminal the “Biden” administration really is to anyone not in the know and not suffering from severe TDS.

  • In her closing statement, Harris offered more of her vague virtue signaling beliefs and empty promises as she implored voters to turn the page on a past with Trump and look forward to a future with her at the helm. Her closing remarks fell flat and were another case of feelings versus facts and actual policy positions. That she could say such nonsense with a straight face is further proof that politics is Hollywood for ugly people, and Harris delivered her lines like a B-grade actress instead of her usual blubbering, bubbly lead; this was a huge relief to her handlers who had hired the best acting coaches they could find in advance of this debate.

  • When it was time for Trump to make his closing statement, he once again asked his opponent to leave the debate and go straight to Washington, DC and close the borders and fulfill all the other promises she had just made. And then he delivered the coup de grace by simply asking, “why didn’t she do it?” She’s been in power for over three and a half years and she has done nothing she’s promised to do. He correctly reiterated that under her administration the nation is in rapid decline, that we are on the brink of WW3 because of her administration’s ineptitude in negotiating (it’s all intentional and the ineptitude is used as a cover), and that there are millions of criminals here illegally. “Why didn’t she do it?” is actually a rhetorical question, because she and her fellow dementia puppet “boss” have done exactly what they were installed to do.

This election will determine whether America becomes a fully Marxist nation, or whether, at the last moment, maybe, just maybe, the Republic will be saved…

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